Caitlyn is a Transgender Traitor! - Kardashian Family

7  2017-08-04 by blertyuh


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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The Kardashian family believes Caitlyn Jenner has betrayed the transgender community by sticking with Donald Trump after the President vowed to ban transgender soldiers from the military.

Sources with first-hand knowledge tell us, Caitlyn's latest stunt -- parading around Malibu wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap is an affront to the community she claims to champion. The family believes Caitlyn promotes transgender rights in a very selective way -- when it helps her.

Tl;dr: White women are 🐍🐍🐍 even when they're formerly men, news at 11.

wait, so is (((s)))he actually gonna be vice president when pence gets impeached?

This is a positive Kardashian thread, any negative posts about a Kardashian who's not Kris, Rob or Caitlyn will be removed.

Stop making stupid people famous.

Good thing they aren't stupid!!

Good thing your baiting!!

I'm not, I genuinely like the Kardashians.

Mayocide now

they're all coalburners anyway

What does that mean

whites that fuck blacks

they're not even white tho

why is that even relevant this post is about transgender

Because coalburners are even lower than trannies

This is valuable information for the tiers list.

You take that back! Coal burners are at the top of the list. They do their vital part in erasing Yakub's mistakes.

Aren't you the guy that loves talking about black men fucking your wife?

What's your point?

You must have a low opinion of your wife.

And if she is indeed "lower than trannies" what does that say about her cuck husband who gets off on watching her fuck black guys?

Every day I surprise myself I haven't ended my own life yet

Sorry he meant to say basketball americans.

Jeez I googled this term and wtf is wrong with Americans this shit racist af

Eh if you lived in america particularly a diverse area you might understand it more.

Yeah, must be awful being so unfuckable that blacks get more gussy than you. As they should, mind you.

It's not the gussy I'm worried about, it's the spawn they don't take care of when they inevitably ditch the burner.

Lots of Americans are black and we like to fuck each other. I don't know why you are so upset about that.

They're absolutely fantastic. One families mission to singlehandedly bring about #mayocide.

not only is this post garbage, you make up over half the fucking comments on your own post. you are a failure of a human being OP. seriously, delete this it's embarrassing.

Don't be rude

Kill yourself

Big if true

Sorry bud this ain’t CB2

Good comment

Caitlyn has always been about Caitlyn

No shit

I'm shocked.

caring about the brain-thoughts of Kardashians

The dude fucking admitted he was going to DE-CONVERT once his TV show was over.

He never took hormones. He has a dick.

He is just a cross dresser.

Why can't we have cross dressers anymore? Why is everyone always trans?

Woah wait what? Really?

So he was just a dedicated troll?

It was pretty funny coming out as a tranny, letting the media fall over themselves to be first to declare how 'brave' she was, only for him to later declare himself a Republican and oppose gay marriage

Gotta say, props to him, if true. Caused some incredible meltdowns.