Drama at google as reactionary mayo apologist asks for ideological diversity.

167  2017-08-05 by SnackBier


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Ideological diversity? What do you think we are trying to promote? An accurate representation within the company of American society's diverse race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and class makeup?

Yep. Gotta fire 80% of the east asians working there for the sake of diversity. Or count them as honorary whites.


Conservative googler claims that conservative viewpoints are not welcome at google, asks for diversity of ideology instead of diversity of skin tone and genitalia.

One diversity hire xir highness responds: "If HR does nothing in this case, I will consider leaving this company for real for the first time in five years"

"I feel like there's a lot of pushback from white dudes who genuinely feel like diversity is lowering the bar" claims another.

The statement above is one I can get behind!

If HR does nothing in this case, I will consider leaving this company for real for the first time in five years

isn't that what he wants lmao

Anyone making that kind of threat is dead weight

If you're important and powerful enough to have that be a serious threat, leave and start your own company, you're throwing away money by not doing that. If you're not, don't try dumb blackmail, just quit or just stay there but don't make it a social media thing

I don't know, nowadays a targeted media campaign, "Poor, oppressed employee, victim of *ism and *phobia, leaves [company] after [drama]." can be somewhat damaging to the company, PR wise, even if the employee in question had the added value of a potted plant.

added value of a potted plant

Potted plants have a net addition of oxygen.

As opposed to the dozen other times xur threatened without really meaning it.

Unfortunately not much drama to be found there.

lolwut. The second highest comment:

This is very sad. You would think if there is one lesson we could take from the history of the US, religious tolerance in the colonies, slavery, the Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, our wars with Native Americans, the likes of the Japanese Internment, women's suffrage, everything ... if there's one resounding strain here, it's that you don't un-people people.

He's talking about the hypothetical hurt feelings of rednecks who were ridiculed in absentia at a party in San Francisco for voting against gay marriage.

Didn't read the second one because it was too much text. Some of the shorter ones were rather reasonable which is a bit odd for HN. I expected something of the "that guy is litteraly responsible for the death of 5 trillion POC" sort.

I do stand corrected though. I lack your dedication to drama so as to even sift trough walls of text in comments.

Funny how nobody ever complains about German internment camps in America.

Yep. It's because they still hold to racist assumption that German's are white

You're a racist if you don't accept the Japanese as proud honarary Aryans.

Amazing, so the supposed "anti-diversity screed" says

I strongly believe in gender and racial diversity

And talks at length about how to increase those forms of diversity. Yet even the article quoting the screed calls it "anti-diversity".

Mostly because he backs it up with some really poorly worded and/or backed up data about "biological differences" (which is usually the politically friendly term for biological inferiority). Some of his suggested policies/initiatives seem very well thought out and overall beneficial, but with a sexist spin.

Why is it sexist? Biological differences do exist and are measurable from a very young age, across cultures.

While biological differences do exist between individuals, it's much more difficult to generalize those differences across large groups with certainty and make reasonable assumptions to individuals and small groups based on any statistical observation. Because of this, it is widely seen as an unethical approach to any sort of group/organization policy.

A good example of this, astrology. While many find entertainment and potential life advice through astrology, it is seen as a very irrational way to go about making life and organizational choices based on astrological signs. There may be scientific data that shows that some traits correlate with specific astrological signs to a significant degree, but we (as a society) would shun anybody that suggested corporate policy should be changed for Sagitarius coworkers.

Sex differences are far more measurable than zodiac signs

Nobody is saying that every single man or every single woman fits the gender mould. There are plenty of feminine men and masculine women. But on a broad scale, the differences are obvious and very easily measured. This isn't pseudoscience, neuroscientists have been observing it for decades. One of the clearest divisions is in empathising and systemising behaviours- men are generally far better at shape rotating tasks, for example, whereas women are better at reading emotions given only a picture of some eyes.

But they are overstated a lot

Richard Lippa’s Gender Differences In Personality And Interests is a pretty good source for this sort of thing. It notes that one of the largest gender differences recorded – larger even than the things we tend to think of as hard-and-fast obvious gender differences like physical aggressiveness or attitudes toward casual sex – is what Lippa calls “interest in things vs. people”. He writes:

>>For the people–things dimension of interests, the results in Table 1 are clear, strong, and unambiguous. Men tend to be much more thing-oriented and much less people-oriented than women (mean d = 1.18, a ‘very large’ difference, according to Hyde (2005) verbal designations

He notes that a d of 1.18 is “very large”, but I worry that the less statistically savvy won’t appreciate quite how large it is. All I can say is that I spent several years believing that the d statistic was a scale from 0 to 1, because I’d never seen a d go outside that range before. Daniel Lakens wrote a great piece about a study that found a d = 1.96, where he argued we should dismiss it almost out of hand, because non-tautological effects are almost never that large and so clearly somebody made a mistake in the study (spoiler: they did). Lippa’s finding isn’t quite at that level, but it’s getting up there.


Astrology is not a scientific pursuit. There is no scientific link. Your analogy is moronic.

Neither is sexism, yet here we are.

Biology is though, you nincompoop.

we (as a society) would shun anybody that suggested corporate policy should be changed for Sagitarius coworkers.

That's his point. That we shouldn't have corporate policy changed for women.

And that's where people keep missing the big picture in all of this. The few things he points to (coding pairs, inclusive group functions) are good overall. These aspects are good for engineering overall, not because, "feeeeeeeeemales are more socially minded and don't fit into my idea of engineering!" He's trying to say overtly that we need to carve out space for all these different people, because "science."

then he should quit his job at Google and stop being a little pussy writing manifestos

A good example is a marketing campaign for teenage girls to buy their magazines

Why is it sexist? Biological differences do exist and are measurable from a very young age, across cultures.

this is why dumbasses like you will never work at Google


If Reddit had profiles with pictures, would you choose your most played Dota2 character, your anime waifu or your favorite furry ?

id choose a picture of Jesus getting railed by a 3rd wave feminist

Because the science is far from conclusive and the doc linked doesn't give much data or evidence. There isn't any conclusive evidence I've seen that says women are less capable of being scientists or engineers, but plenty of data showing women are routinely treated poorly in the workplace.

It's true he uses words which are going to be misinterpreted by many progressive readers. This makes me even more sure the guy is autistic.


It's never worth adding those kinds of caveats, the people that think you're an awful sexist and racist will do so anyway, and now you look weak, since you're kow-towing.

Youre more likely to get people on the fence point to agree with you.

People deep enough in SV culture to work at Google don't really get to be neutral on this issue. It's not like he intended for the current audience, actually containing many moderates, to see it.

Also, it gives third parties something to point to when they argue about it.

The problem is by "conservative viewpoints" these people never actually mean conservative viewpoints.

Actual conservative viewpoints are tolerated in most places, small government, conservative economics.

When you see people like this cry about how "conservative viewpoints aren't welcome" they almost certainly mean bullshit about race, gender and stuff like that.

They really do believe their racist and delusional bullshit should be tolerated.

Not a single opponent to gay marraige I've seen is against civil unions for gay people. Why do you think opposition to gay marraige is opposition to civil rights and not a religious stipulation?

SEPARATE BUT EQUAL! Like I told the other guy, your dog-shit religion is 0% relevant, it is 0% relevant.

dog-shit religion

Woah dude, no need to get all Islamophobic

It's not my religion, but who would have guessed you are a presumptuous bigot. Marriage is a holy sacrament, government should stay the fuck out of religion.

"It's not my religion" then literally the next line "Marriage is a holy sacrament."

No, it's fucking not you mongoloid.

Comparing civil unions to racial segregation is racist af dude

SEPARATE BUT EQUAL! Like I told the other guy, your dog-shit religion is 0% relevant, it is 0% relevant.

When the religious terrorists pop up, you'll have nobody but yourself to blame.

When religious terrorists pop up, I hope they get a bullet in the head. Religious zealots of all stripes have no place in society.

It's easier to just assume that anyone who disagrees with you is pure evil

Saves you from having to put rational thought into your arguments

Christians don't own marriage dumbfuck

Not a single opponent to gay marraige I've seen is against civil unions for gay people.

If this was at all true, it wouldn't have been a struggle to attain civil unions for gay people 10-20 years ago.

If you don't want your church performing gay marriages, they don't have to and you can switch churches at any time. But you're wrong if you're going to suggest the Government take a very selective definition of marriage within the bible as a way to enact policy for everyone.

Lots of perfectly reasonable arguments for wanting to keep a 2000 years old tradition as it is, especially when most countries already have a legal union contract covering the same things a marriage does.

Gay marriage wasn't necessary for gay couples to have the same rights as married couples. But LGBT lobbies made it their symbol of pretended oppression to fight.

In practical terms, it changes nothing. All it does is make weak leftists like you go nuts when people raise the smallest objection.

There is not a single valid argument, there is not an argument that even approaches the solar system of valid for why you, based on your trash tier religion, have any right to tell someone that they can't marry another person.

Wtf has religion anything to do here you moron, we're talking about marriage as a legal contract, you inbred fuck.

Then you have literally no reason to be against gay marriage.

bbbut muh tradition


Lots of perfectly reasonable arguments for wanting to keep a 2000 years old tradition as it is,

You know that, like, Jewish people had marriage. Do you think Jesus invented marriage?

I said 2000 randomly, just to state that it's ancient as fuck and that wedlock has always been the base of family structured civilisations, almsot everywhere.

Right, it's just a legal contract. Insisting their contracts are called something different just feels petty at this point.

And our relationship with that legal contract has changed a lot. Women (in the US at least) aren't being traded for goats anymore.

I agree, that's why I am in favor of gay marriage. Its meaning has shiffted years ago, some don't see it or don't want to.

You can see it : the biggest schism about gay marriage isn't a left/right division, it's a generational division.

When you see people like this cry about how "conservative viewpoints aren't welcome" they almost certainly mean bullshit about race, gender and stuff like that.

Prove to me that it is all bullshit. It might be but I want you to prove it.

Write a doc about how inferior women are, then try to be a hero by offering help to save the vulnerable  Still shaking in anger

Lol what a pussy. The only thing this dork shakes is his boyfriends micro-dick after two zimas and lengthy supernatural show binge.

Can I see your micro-dick?

Only if you treat me out to a wine bar date in San Francisco then go to a dog park with me afterwards were we talk about how women are the "n-words" of tech.



I see you've dated in San Francisco before.

dafuq is a dog park

I don't they make those anymore.

I actually wanted a comment from neon needles but thanks anyways

I actually wanted

Nobody cares

Just send him nudes or something

Look man, I'm more complicated then that.

I require also some diabities medication sent via Amazon to me

Wtf is wrong with Supernatural?

You uncultured swine.

I like how the article claims that the doc was "was met with derision from a large majority of employees" based on a few tweets.

Sadly the guy who wrote this thing is dumb. He should have stuck to diversity of opinion without going after the other stuff. That comes later.

He should have stuck to diversity of opinion without going after the other stuff.

What would have been the point? Do you think he's all butt-hurt because Googlers don't want to eliminate the capital gains tax?

I like how the article claims that the doc was "was met with derision from a large majority of employees" based on a few tweets.

Yet managing to become "viral" within google.

This is disgusting and hate speech! Let me share it with everyone!

-large majority of employees

I mean "look at this crazy motherfucker!" is actually pretty common motivation.

He should have stuck to diversity of opinion without going after the other stuff. That comes later.

He's going to be fired either way. Might as well go for a pound.

without seeing the doc it's hard to know who I should be judgy about. does the document say, "these diversity programs undermine meritocracy' and women think the notion of a meritocracy is sexist, or does it say "women are dummies who can't code and won't date me." We need to know!

The author is dead so it always means the later, because that's what SV morons actually believe

whats "SV"

Silicon Valley?

oh yeah, duh. guess i won't cut it in the SV meritocracy. down with meritocracy!

It's okay, when diversity quotas end nepotism will step in to take it's place, you won't have to worry about merit for a long time.

It's /r/Drama you're supposed to judge both sides because both sides are always retarded unlike your position of the South Park Neutral.

Or you randomly pick a side to fight for to generate drama when the link is boring.

Shouldn't your skill be high enough to make people want to hire you despite their Misogyny?

Today's rage-read (at work): doc essentially saying that women are unsuited for tech because they like people, whilst men like things.

Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis by Age and Gender

Men are 5 times more likely to be Software Engineers then Women, it's basic science.

If you could just bend over and be helpful for a second, can you jellyfisting please define, 'South Park Neutral'. If you'll bear with my opinion before I promptly suicide, it seems like Matt and Trey manage to roundly mock all comers; unlike you - because you're unable to reach a sexual climax due to significant mental and biological barriers.

kmeans clustering is not in any way shape or form a method for 'empirically proving' something. christ what a dumb thing to say


Its just a way for manlets to judge apathy as a character weakness

Its just a way for manlets to judge apathy as a character weakness

Well yeah, most social justice fights are that. Guys who are virgins for life versus girls who are virgins for life

It's almost impressive that it hasn't leaked already, clearly Google is doing something right. Maybe Trump could learn a thing or two.

Gizmodo published it in full. If you can't hide your facts from fucking Gizmodo I wouldn't brag about your ability to stop leaks.

due to biological differences between men and women

Sounds more like the latter tbhfam

Also, has google made anything good in a while or are they just exploiting their search/info/ad monopoly at this point?

Google turned evil about 3 years ago. Can't think of anything good after that.

Diversity:. When everyone thinks the same way with different skin color.

Diversity: when retards serious post on brebbit

SeriousPost detected

No, if I was seriousposting I would have also called for diversity of breast size

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

diversity of breast size

>unironically vouching for anything below DD

Variety is the spice of life. You know, sometimes you're just in the mood for a girl with an A cup.

And a feminine penis.
And a mustache.

Sounds like what google needs is a diversity of people who do their fucking jobs instead of tripping over some trifling shit about "diversity".

They seem to be doing okay tbh.

Right now they're on top but thinking you'll be on top forever while playing bullshit internal political games is how you go from being google to being Microsoft.

Who admittedly are also doing okay, just for a value of okay that equals desperately wishing they were doing as well as Google.

Lol yeah probably it's fucking google they make a shit ton of money despite those lazy sjws working for them 😂

This but ironically

This diversity stuff is standard in top companies. I recently interned at a top international bank and they spend a lot of time internally promoting diversity.

I work in a fortune 50, they only do it to hit the checkboxes.

The ones creating drama over it are part of the market self-regulating.

Checkboxes for who? A lot of the stuff is internal not PR

They always advertise it when hiring. It has like zero impact where I work.

I guess this bank was particularly SJW-ey then.

We need 2 make u CEO of google

If anyone's wondering, it's obvious that the document was based on http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/08/01/gender-imbalances-are-mostly-not-due-to-offensive-attitudes/, but it sounds like the author put a much harsher spin on it. Like, from Scott's, "maybe you shouldn't assume that some group is mostly male because it's misogynistic", to "no there's definitely no misogyny at all so we should stop all diversity programs".

I like how Scott locks comments preemptively and the commentors just go to the next thread to post.

I made it all of a paragraph through that before I quit. Wtf is it with libertarians trying being overly legalistic/wordy?

*educated people. He's not a libertarian as evidenced by his "The Non-Libertarian FAQ (Why I Hate Your Freedom)".

His sophistication on gender issues is generally somewhere around the level of australopithecine, distantly aspiring towards Neanderthaldom as some shining mountaintop goal.

This is not the sentence of an educated person. This is the sentence of a person who really really wants you to think he's educated.

Ah. That's what upset you.

He's a doctor, I think that counts as being educated?

What's he a doctor of, just curious. Most PhDs have better shit to do with their time then dig through Reddit subcultures.

I mean he's an actual doctor, a psychiatrist specifically.

What's it like to think that everyone who subscribes to a different ideology didn't go to college?

scott alexander is a walking embodiment of tl;dr

It's okay that you had to look up what that meant, it doesn't make you dumb.

Of course it doesn't. Everyone had to look it up.

It's high school biology my dude

He's part of the self-declared "Rationalish Community". Imagine the ridiculous level of self-regard implied by that. Picture cb2 with a graduate degree.

/u/ScottAlexander if brevity is the soul of wit, you're a witless soulsucking fuck.

Problem is brevity in modern academia is absolute suicide today. In order to reassure anyone that you're not evil™ for daring to be nuanced, all your work needs to be filled with disclaimers, re-clarifications and painstaking comprehensiveness to ensure no (deliberate) mischaracterizations.

Google is currently being investigated by the Department of Labor for its gender pay gap and Silicon Valley has been repeatedly exposed as a place that discriminates against women and people of color—as well as the private and public response from its workforce are important.

Does anyone else find this sort of thing funny? All these lefties crying about the wage gap and they work for and run companies that perpetuate the wage gap?

All the tweets are a hilarious mix of feminist talking points and white-knightery:

By Aimee: "Today's rage-read (at work): doc essentially saying that women are unsuited for tech because they like people, whilst men like things."

Sarah wrote: "Internal article circulated at work today describing how gender rep gap in SW is due to biological differences btwn men/women."

To which Andrew, the white knight, responded with: "That garbage fire of a document is trash and you are wonderful coworkers who I am extremely lucky to work with."

Andrew is probably trying to get into Sarah's pants.

Jaana went on a rage binge with: "Write a doc about how inferior women are, then try to be a hero by offering help to save the vulnerable 🤢🤢🤢 Still shaking in anger."

That's write, she's literally shaking. I wonder if she also stood up and, with tears in her eyes, screamed "NO" and knocked her computer over.

I love watching lefties get their panties all wadded up. Righties do the same thing, but not to the dramatic extent that lefties do.

Does anyone else


That's write

I am an idiot. I did not major in spelling.

California talking about being a Utopia who will save all the minorities while ignoring and discriminating against them locally? Is it a day that ends in Y?

Does anyone else find this sort of thing funny? All these lefties crying about the wage gap and they work for and run companies that perpetuate the wage gap?

You'd think the fact that even environments heavily controlled by heavily feminist and social justice oriented people demonstrate a pay gap would clue some of them in to it not being (at least mostly) discrimination, but ideologue skulls are pretty thick.

Yes, we spend billions of dollars on diversity workshops, outreach programmes, women-only workshops and conferences, unconscious bias training and inviting Anita to give speeches, but if only we spent N+1 billion dollars, then maybe women could get a fair shake around here.

A community made up of sexist jerks has a moral obligation to stop being sexist and jerkish right away, both because it’s the right thing to do, and because it’s tactically advantageous to be able to recruit women to the cause. If sexist jerkishness can be measured by gender balance, the appropriate response is “keep dialing up the level of cracking-down-on-sexism until gender balance approaches parity.” But if this is your philosophy, and gender balance doesn’t respond at all to these crackdowns, then level-of-cracking-down quickly rises to infinity.

Or google pays a lot of lip service to diversity to draw attention away from the fact that it's not good at it

men like things

I thought women aren't things.

Women were a mistake. Femicide now

Women would become obsolete in a century. Sentient AIs, advances in robotics and material sciences would give us real intelligent partners. Advances in the medical field would make child rearing in artificial wombs more safe and controllable. Women will be on the line behind truckers losing their jobs to self driving trucks.

This better be a copypasta

I think it is an article from Jacobite magazine. (not to be confused with Jacobin)

Couldn't find anything when I googled it

I don't mean exact copypasta, just the general idea. They are basically neoreactionaries of technological kind. The whole women being obsolete due to artifical wombs, sex dols etc. I'll try and find the article.

I meant I couldn't find the article. I googled the entire comment tho, Google can get weird if you do that

As I said, it is not copy of exact sentences but is a paraphrase of the general idea.

Oh ok that makes sense. Misinterpreted

Poe's Law right here

It's funny because it's true.

It would be good if we could actually read the allegedly heretical document in question, to make up our own minds about it. If it does indeed contain a heresy, then that is a serious business. It calls at least for a symbolic auto-da-fé.

If you actually read a ten page manifesto from someone who hasn't killed at least 3 people you're wasting your time

so since im a fucking loser i can tell this "anti-diversity document" was inspired by this slate star codex post with maybe some "wahh libruls are mean" mixed in. without the document itself i cant judge how dumb of a take it is (it might be very, very dumb) but the core concept "men like 'things' massively more than women" is correct, but acknowledging statistical gender differences exist isnt hip anymore so thats plenty to make twitter mad on its own.

Fucking rationalists get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

hey man i just like to be well-read


There were tons of women in computing at the start of the industry.

This guy is clearly autistic. Otherwise he would know that voicing a moderate conservative opinion, let alone a more radical one like his apparently is, is not going to go down well among tech people like Google employees who are practically all progressives.

This isn't about diversity or diversity of ideology, it's about neurodiversity.

You're confusing balls with stupidity. Of course he knew how it was going to be recieved, and he said fuck it and did it anyway. Good for him.

If he had balls he'd quit, not sperg out on some useless manifesto without killing anyone


ur right. writing a 10 page manifesto passive aggressively complaining while hinting at maybe considering quitting is so alpha.


I'm curious what conservative views a tech company should be pandering to, as a way to protect fragile feelings. Google's already made their opinion on net neutrality known, so what "right" do these idiots have to express the opposite, as emoyees of said company?

Arguing for "ideological diversity" is like arguing for the right to be stupid. It's not illegal, no, but there's explicit reason it shouldn't be tolerated.

Youtube now has the ADL and some feminist bitch to help them with protecting people from "sensitive" material, basically anything conservative.

Sounds like anybody who cares can start their own video hosting website and run it however they want. Then, we'll just let the market decide.

Some feminist bitch running everything does seem pretty awful, but let's not confuse unpopularity with censorship.

What is network value (see: telephone standards)

One role of the state is to support competitive markets not "free" markets, for example, by breaking up monopolies (see Bell Telephone).

Excuse me while I break out this sawdust for your word vomit.

anybody who cares can start their own video hosting website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_effect

we'll just let the market decide. No because of all the above interlocking reasons

Network effect

A network effect (also called network externality or demand-side economies of scale) is the effect described in economics and business that one user of a good or service has on the value of that product to others. When a network effect is present, the value of a product or service is dependent on the number of others using it.

The classic example is the telephone, where a greater number of users increases the value to each. A positive externality is created when a telephone is purchased without its owner intending to create value for other users, but does so regardless.

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Then don't complain when the successful YouTube decides to do something you don't like. They don't not owe you anything.

Do you have a spare few million to get it going? Added when you invite people who want to censor frogs as hate speech into your censors, its going to be censorship.

Who is the feminist cunt? I know they have the ADL (of fucking course) but haven't heard anything else.

protecting people from "sensitive" material, basically anything conservative.

That's just false though because most left wing political youtubers have had their revenue cut by 90%. Cons always whine about being targeted, but don't give a shit about the other side experiencing the same thing.

All you post is left wing talking points, not sure I believe you.

Secular Talk, for example, is a left wing youtuber who had his revenue cut by 90% after the stricter rules. Their whole business is getting fucked, and there's no one to represent them.

And yet youtube is basically making left wing propaganda itself?


Youtube deleted the 3 million dislikes originally.

What does that have anything to do with what I said? Is the youtuber wrong about his revenue getting cut by the algorithm?

You mentioned a youtuber you claimed lost revenue. Youtube is deep into the left, google is in the news for it today. I think you are wrong.


If nothing else, more conservatives at Google might stop them from embarrassing themselves like this.

You do realise tech minded conservatives can also agree with Google on net neutrality? That conservatives don't adhere to every tenet of the Republican Party?

Sounds like those people would probably disagree with this "manifesto" in the first place. Or is misogyny a tenet of the republican party most conservatives would agree with?

Diversity helps with creativity and innovation. Very important for a company, let alone a tech company. Having people with diverse backgrounds brings new perspectives. It's blatantly obvious that this would apply even more so with people who have different opinions

Explain to me how any of the ideas that have been described in this "manifesto" will help facilitate innovation.

I haven't read it, I just replied to your comment outlining why there is a case for it

Are you trying to tell me your opinion just might be, dare I say, uninformed?

My opinion on his manifesto is uninformed, my opinion on diversity in the workplace is not uninformed

my opinion on diversity in the workplace is not uninformed

Are you seriously defending stupidity for the sake of diversity? Should we tolerate racism because it's "diverse"?

It's not stupidity

You wouldn't know, because you didn't read it.

You're stupidity

You wouldn't know, because you didn't read me.

strange that no one wants to share it so we can see if it's as bad as they say it is. Then again, no one ever exaggerates on twitter, it is a good well-vetted source for journalistic integrity after all

Damn those women and unmayos sure get angry when some truth floats around.

What google should do is listen, women generally suck at tech stuff and if you have a team thats 50-50 men and women, you probably have a shitty team.

Whats going to happen is someone is getting fired for not being bluepilled properly or doing what every non-libtard does in Silicon Valley these days which is pretend you are a libtard.

The dude probably got fired, and This will all be forgotten about by Monday.


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Wtf, bad bot

r/BotsRights 😤😤😤

fire all men

The Gizmodo top comments saying that bringing IQ is a telltale of racism, and the comment right behind saying that people get higher IQ because they improve it by going to top school...

Never changes Gizmodo.

If you live in california just forget about all non hardcore left views.

Seriously, guy should just have buried that kind of ideas. No other options. It's fukken silicon valley you moron.

Easy way to get fired going against google's obvious ultra-marxist ideology.