Sweden's former minister for finance had one too many. Gets his dick out, grabs peoples dicks, wants a dick measuring contest, calls women whores. No homo though.

83  2017-08-05 by MakeAmericaSageAgain

Anders Borg. If our latest neoliberal administration was a boyband Anders would be the 'cool one'. Look at him rocking this ponytail. An earring to boot, what a cool guy. In his youth he was an ancap, he's been called a 'dangerous revolutionary', he used to blaze it. Was his logical thinking perhaps impaired by marijuana consumption during his formative years?

My friend actually met this guy at a mall while he was still in office. Anders asked my friend whether he was standing in line. My friend answered that no, he was not in line... I like a little personal spin on my posts and there you go :)

Enough with the introductions, let's get back to his dick. Here is the best quotes from this article

Anders Borg shocked the guests at a party in Stockholm's archipelago this weekend. Sources claim that he showed his genitals, squeezed the genitals of other men and called women attending "sluts" and "whores".

At 11 p.m he was noticeably drunk. He wanted to compare penis sizes...

Around 60 people were in attendance and among them several children

"He was very drunk and very angry. It was uncomfortable to watch"

I know y'all want some reddit drama too so here is the r/europe thread about it. Now what does Swedecuck and retard /u/systemkalops want to say about this debacle? "W-what about the poor Muslims?"

What is wrong with you? Also, what's wrong with Anders Borg

Tl;dr It's in the title, you lazy fuck.


Error in fetchQuote() line 4 character 0: 400 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR - could not connect to server


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. this ponytail - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. Was his logical thinking perhaps im... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. this article - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. here - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  6. r/europe - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  7. /u/systemkalops - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  8. "W-what about the poor Muslims?" - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

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Also, what's wrong with Anders Borg

Oh so many things bruh.

  • Weapon owner in Sweden

  • ponytail

  • Questionable earring

  • known party guy

He's like the gay version of Tomas Östros.

And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g51NFNlJQI

Member in a youth party and actually partaking in political activity. Why not usual youth party member and just go there for the parties and drinking.

parties and drinking

Is that true? Aren't they all ugly nerds?

Dude Muf had several scandals and incidents about liquor and parties.

Yeah, you're right. Muf is the Chad of Swedish youth parties.

Also, remember that SSU chair(wo)man?

Enligt ordningsvakten Babak Jemai uppstod bråket när Anna Sjödin nekades att beställa i baren på grund av att hon var för full. - Hon blev arg när hon inte fick beställa mer, säger han. - Jag säger till dem att de var avvisade för ordningsstörande, men de vägrar gå ut. När jag går iväg med hennes kompis hoppar Anna Sjödin på mig bakifrån. Enligt Jemai var Sjödin mycket våldsam. - Hon slog mig två gånger i bakhuvudet. När jag vänder mig slår hon rakt i ansiktet, säger han. Vilt tumult utbryter när Sjödins vänner blandar sig i slagsmålet. - Hon vevade omkring sig och skrek "jävla svartskalle"

U better tldr me that swahili

SSU = Social democratic youth party. A little to the left of Bernie Sanders. Very PC.

Anna Sjödin = SSU's chairman

Anna Sjödin was out drinking. She got too drunk. The bartender refused to serve her. She got very angry. A bouncer called Jemai (foreigner) was called to throw her out. Anna and her friends refuse to leave. She hit the bouncer in the head twice from behind. He turns around, she hits him very hard in the face. She was "very violent". Her friends join the fight. She continued to hit him and called him "fucking towelhead". (A direct translation is "fucking blackhead", pretty much the most racist thing you can say in Sweden. Comparable to nigger, almost.)

Wow is a youth party something people give a shit about there or is that really not a big deal.

Youth parties are supposed to be a radical version of their mother parties, but the big names in politics almost always comes through the ranks of the youth party. I'd say they are a big deal. The favorite for Sweden's first female prime minister right now was a member of the opposing youth party (muf) while Anna Sjödin was being racist.

Are things "falling apart" there like they are in the US? Like I Sweden politically suck right now like everyone else or what?

Depends what you mean by "falling apart". /u/systemkalops would of course disagree, but yes. Things have fallen apart imo.

The racist scumbags in the Swedish Democrat party are the most sensible ones right now, and that's saying a lot. The left have their hands tied behind their backs because they must accept all the refugees, otherwise they're racist. The right want even more refugees, because that ensures decreased wages across the board, less welfare etc.

The Swedish Democrats are cray in other ways, but at least they realize we can't take on all the refugees in the world. They want to ban artists painting vaginas though... It's kind of Giant douche vs Turd Sandwich atm fam.

Damn man even Sweden, Reddit number one vacation destination is like that now. Maybe we are at our Fermi paradox barrier here.

Reddit's number one vacation destination

It's still pretty good in the 'good' parts. The problem is that we're turning into the US: Income inequality, ghettos are forming, negative diversity, segregation etc.

I want my socialist paradise back :(

/u/systemkalops would of course disagree


You're happy with the current state of politics in Sweden? Why?

As long as most understand how destructive SD is (they are certainly not "the most sensible", they are the extreme opposite) then we can still have serious normal parties.

You saw my comment, you know I understand how destructive they are. Still, the other parties stick their heads in the sand when it comes to the problem of integration and assimilation. SD has a solution, albeit a questionable one. What solutions have the other parties come up with?

the other parties stick their heads

No they dont, they just dont lie about it like SD does. One must fact check claims, that is not "stick head in sand". Most of what SD claims si simply false.

SD has a solution

They are the only ones taht does NOT have a solution. They keep changing their mind in every debate. They dont even have an integration politics.

What solutions have the other parties come up with?

Integration. Some better ideas then others.

30 million immigrants over the next few year like Lööf says, does that sound sensible to you? Polygamy?

Sounds like you didnt listen to what she really said.

damn I'm actually learning shit on /r/drama the fuck is this?

We always had pretty weird politicians in Sweden. Rightwing running around with ironpipes, leftist wanted males to sit and pee, feminist literally burning money, former foreign minister turned to shitposting twitter user, green party crying for their own actions, and center party for having Lööf.

Anders Borg

In b4 the obvious Star Trek reference

Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra

Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel

Myocide when the walls fell

Behold, for he is fully in MGTOW now - Men Grabbing Their Own Willies that is.

"Anders Borg chocked the guests at a party in Stockholm's archipelago this weekend. "

I think the worst thing a policitian can do is prevent the forward movement of someone using a wedge or block placed against a wheel. that shit, in my opinion, is crossing the line from hullabaloo into abuse.

You expect that you might get cockblocked at a party but not chockblocked.

You try to translate a tabloid after a couple of brewskis. REEEEEE

REEEEEE cultural appropriation through bilingualism REEEEEEEEE

He did say he wanted Sweden to be more like Africa, he's just leading the way.

That fucker's lips curl down when he's smiling.

Alice is detecting lots of homo.

Talking about yourself in the third person huh?

Sometimes when Alice is drunk she speaks in third person, yes.

"You're drunk and alone on a Saturday night in front of drama? That's just sad"

He wrote drunkenly and alone on front of drama on a Saturday night.

Mate, we should start a club.

Sweden yes?

Anders Borg på reddit?

Vi ses på Sergels Torg!