The thick wife shithead is getting pounded on Twitter.

24  2017-08-05 by MargarineIsEvil

The story started in the middle of the week when this lizard person, male feminist went viral for publicly congratulating himself for marrying a woman who isn't thin:

Obviously, people started going through his Instagram for more laughs and found he's basically THE argument for the mayocide:

Unsurprisingly, his detractors found dodgy racist shit he and his wife tweeted:

Being a textbook basic bro, he has now started whining about "haters":


So are we mad because he has a wife who's thick and likes that? Or are we mad because his brother-in-law is a maybe potential not really racist?

He's just a massive arsehole.

His wife's comments about Mexicans are pretty dodgy.

Mexicans are pretty dodgy, tho.

Cunt I write worse shit than that on here every 5 mins. But honestly I just go to drama to see new interesting ways someone could be fucked up and this post delivered imo.

Funny thing is, if George Lopez said the same joke - version of which is his whole show tbqh - it would be hilarious.

And that brings us to the point of having a thread 180 degrees opposite of /r/drama should be about.

Pretty soon it will be re-linked but this time for a reason.

That's a joke I've mainly heard from mexicans.

Fucking wypipo ruined the word thick, y'all should be ashamed 😡😡

The word is fat.

I think we're mad this retard who married someone ever so slightly overweight is acting like he's a hero.

Also, he seems hilariously unselfaware and posts extremely dumb things.

Basically, a lolcow was found.

Hmm, I am not sure he is a lolcow. Most lolcows on some level know they are fucked, which is why they go apeshit from time to time.

This guy just seems a boring cunt, and unlikely to jizz in a priests hat or some other crazy shit we can laugh at.

i'm steaming mad at something, that's for damn sure!

Were mad because shes smallfat and this is still rampant fatphobia.

I'd like to give her an Alabama rooftop. She thicc.


tbh it must be nice to be a chubby chaser and have so much to choose from with so little competition

He's an American too. Like a kid in a candy shop.

All fun and games till you go for a reach and grab a chunk of fat instead

I bet hes into that.

That's kind of the point

Well she is thicc, not obese, so ain't nothing wrong with that, but if that idiot did all this for attention he might have made the biggest fuck up in his life to date - made his wife mad - my predictions: She will either make his life a living hell with passive aggresive bullshit, or cheat with a......( I'm not gonna leave the ending for your imagination).

Ugh. Thanks for making me feel guilty for liking All Saints.

his wife sitting at home eating a bucket of fried chicken ice cream, finally hits her, I'm so fat my husband virtue signaled a goddamn news paper by throwing me a bone

'the rest of the world may find my wife hideous but I don't' now those are some wedding vows if i've ever heard them

This seems worse than just being called fat and ugly straight to one's face.

You really consider those two tweets racist? God damn people are such fucking pussies these days.

But did you read the one where he considers himself the white Kanye West? Disgusting.

Seriously, he's trying to be friends with Jake Paul?

Mayocide now.

People are...interesting.

If my husband wrote shit like that, I would have mayocided him on the spot.

You're a good wife

Thank you. I'm merciful.

It's actually incredible that's she's cool with this. It's not like she's on my 600lb life. She's not like huge just moderately chubby. But she is cool with "hahaha my wife is an ugly cunt but I see the good in her! Retweet if she's a disgusting slob even though I think she's great!"

I don't get that either. It's an extremely cuck move.

my thought exactly. maybe she complains about it constantly. or they're both on heavy drug cocktails

I usually don't use this term but maybe she's in an abusive relationship or being gaslighted. Idk honestly but that doesn't seem like shit people would normally put up with. Hell, morbidly obese women tend to have more self esteem. Or it's her fetish.

Honestly yeah this "heartwarming" speech screams dysfunction

But hey maybe they're perfect complements

lol the left has set their standards for being a horrible racist human being supppppper low.

holy fuck that sara chick needs to get a life