Legal precedent has been set that telling others to keep themselves safe may lead to prison time in the US. Even if it is a girl.

18  2017-08-05 by CrushedBlackPepper


This is why we need mayocide.


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On point again Snappy. Also " journalists" from the cosmos and jezebels of the world are trying to paint her as a victim, I wonder why🤔🤔maybe because of something she has between her legs🤔

It's always the bussy

She seems like a typical "journalist" from those sites

Femicide when?


Tbh that forehead is enough reason to lock her up for life

She was probably directly mind controlling him with that thing. She probably never turns the lights on at night because her sixhead glows brightly enough to see by. I would let her shit in my mouth.

How does forehead size factor into that decision?

That's kind of a weird question to ask.

Oh, finally. I'm no longer personally responsible if I ice myself, so long as someone else told me to do it!


Thank you friend.

you're welcome :)

im calling the police

i'll kill myself if you do

10 riddles scientists can't still answer

i dont care what anyone says that's not a girl

That's probably because you have a damaged moral core.

you can't damage something that isn't there

you realise we can no longer use the phrase kys

i suggest switching to kts (kill thyself)

kill thine self

Bozzi told “20/20” she wants people to know her nephew wasn’t a troubled young man or suicidal.

"I don't want to kill myself"

"Kys though"

"Oh, ok. Bye!"