So much for Google being less leaky than the Trump admin: Gizmodo's got the fucking white male's full fucking white wail

16  2017-08-05 by jajajaja21


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,

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Funnily enough, this is an "AMP" page, so Google could probably take it down, if they wanted to.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

The Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP) is an online publishing format, created by Google as a competitor to Facebook's Instant Articles, that is similar to HTML and optimized for mobile web browsing. Using special code, AMP-HTML is intended to help webpages load rapidly when clicked in the Google search results pages, though results have varied. After a technical preview, the service was launched in February 2016.

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That would set a pretty terrible precedent. And since it would still be up on Gizmodos main page wouldn't accomplish much, censorship-wise.

Block all Univision sites from Google. See how long before they cave

I was going to commend the author on his sourcing, but when I got to the footnotes, I realized his source is neckbeard "common sense."

[4] For heterosexual romantic relationships, men are more strongly judged by status and women by beauty. Again, this has biological origins and is culturally universal.

[7] Communism promised to be both morally and economically superior to capitalism, but every attempt became morally corrupt and an economic failure.

He had hyperlinks to elsewhere (and a couple charts), Gizmodo just decided to strip those out. Supposedly one was to this post but nobody has released an intact version.

The text of the post is reproduced in full below, with some minor formatting modifications. Two charts and several hyperlinks are also omitted.

I knew I should have gone to law school... maybe I still should.

Don't leave me! Who will heavenly toast my bread then?

Of course they don't want diversity, they're a multi-billion tech company. If they start hiring people based on whether they have a cunt or not then you end up with incompetent retards like Sony.

This guy gets it.

I think this guy could have gone a lot farther with the same message if he couched it in terms of management issues rather than left/right politics. Google isn't a nation and it certainly isn't a democracy.

I hate to reference south park so directly, but I think this guy sniffs his own farts inside google hq, and I don't think he's the only one.

Is this fag citing himself?

Supposedly, there may be some hyperlinks cut out...but yeah, the whole "this is culturally universal" thing kinda hints at the fact that this guy is prime /r/iamverysmart material.

It's so hard to be a maylo techbro these days :(


Nice title tbh it's actually clever

This totally reads like a neckbeard's freshman philosophy paper.