User gets so butthurt about /r/shitpoliticssays that they go even more meta creating /r/shit_sps_says (shit shit politics says says) where the creator gets in a spat about the differences between liberalism and libertarianism. Autism. Autism everywhere.

50  2017-08-05 by polddit


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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LOL!!!!! /u/1LT_Obvious is a butt hurt dweller because /r/shitpoliocssays makes fun of lefties (mostly). What a fucking tool.


What is that, a sub for making fun of polio patients when they say dumb stuff?

Fuck them and their smug little iron lungs.

Tell me about it. They probably caught it on purpose just so that people would give them attention. They're the most selfish people on the planet.


Talk about autistic tryhard

Combining two website names to create one name is the opposite of a "tryhard"


Talk about autistic tryhard

"kek! I'm totes like /pol/ but on Reddit!"


>being this upset over a username

Nobody here is annoyed but you Chaim

>imma use those maymay arrows just like that chan place. people will think im so cool. this guy is laughing at me and does not think I'm cool. he must be upset.

Keep the spergs coming! I'm almost there!

>unironically uses "sperg"

such a faggot

You heart's not in it, I can tell. Post your bussy so I can finish.

holds up spork

le bussy maymay!!1! XD


I'll wait for the irony to settle in.

T. Follower of alt right economics

That's a lot of extra words for saying he's retarded.

Literally one hundred percent of discussions about the definition of, and whether someone is liberal could be resolved by one or more parties not being obtuse fuckbuckets.

u/1LT_Obvious so where on the spectrum are you?

Lolcow level 100


You had one job