Accused of abusing

19  2017-08-06 by [deleted]



Honestly knowing /r/drama you probably did it. If gussy's too fussy well better try bussy.


Nah but for real OP accusations like this don't come out of a vacuum. Something happened.

Yea well unfortunately i dont fucking remember. I barely remember what happened with anything last week! But its the fact that shes bringing it up now like shes trying to divert and play the victim.

You sound like something might have happened. Did it?

Save the thread for whoever ends up arresting op.

Eh I don't believe you. I have a sister 3 years younger and I know for a fact I've never fiddled her diddle. That's not going to be something you forget.

Anyway what does your sister get out of this? Again even if she's nuts why now? Money, get out of jail time, sympathy?

Oh my bad i forgot everyone remembers the same shit that happens when they were younger. Like i fuckin know what shes getting out of it bruh..

Lmao you don't forget diddling someone. You totally did something she at the very least construed as fiddling

tbh reading your comments in this thread took me from "no diddling occured" to "maybe someone else diddled her and she's deflecting onto OP" to "yeah this dude totally raped his sister."

this argument wont serve you well in court, is what I'm saying

Since you want to play hypothetical judge, hypothetically if this did happen, im pretty sure its way too far to even hypothetically press charges, hypothetically speaking. I mean hell, would i be able to press charges on the girl who took advantage of me when i was 12? I dont think so. Even then i wouldnt because i know it was an act of experimenting looking back at it. So now what?

Depends on what state you're in. Statute of limitations for this kind of thing usually doesn't start running until the victim turns 18, so in all likelihood you're still prosecutable for it for a few years yet.

Prepare your bussy, homeslice. It's gonna get some exercise.

No thanks. On what grounds? What proof? Anyone can seemlessly make false accusations so where do you draw the line?

Well, the fact that you keep basically admitting to it here probably won't help.

Never admitted it so dont know what youre talking about

But you clearly did it.

Judges aren't stupid, you know. Shouting "hypothetically" twenty times during your admission isn't a get-out-of-ass-pounding-free card you know.

Its called playing devils advocate so i know how to defend myself from people like you who automatically assume the worst because you have some shitty ego agenda complex going on. You keep talkin about ass pounding so should i assume youre a flamer? Let me know if im right.

lmfao nice word salad bruh. i take it back you'll win easily. make sure to represent yourself.

Thanks for the positive reinforcement nipple twister

Jesus christ how did this go from "I didn't do it" to "I don't remember if I did it" to "I can't be charged for it" to

Even then i wouldnt because i know it was an act of experimenting looking back at it.

So you did do something to your sister?

Why are you taking what I said happen to me out of context?

Because I'm retarded and can't read apparantly.

Seems to be the status quo around here

You are godamn right and let's keep it that way.

My mistake for asking the common pleb on serious matters 😐

You will want to head on over to /r/relationships . They will give you the good advice to break up with your sister.

Lol havent seen her in months due to the fact, and it goes without saying, that shes been in and out of rehab out of state. Whats sad is i wish she would fucking get her shit straight and stop fucking around and actually be legitimately happy..

That's not necessarily true at all. My family is full of addicts, and they're some of the most vindictive people I've ever come across. They will say the worst shit they can possibly think of it will hurt the person they want to see suffer... and if it ruins their life in the process, all the better. That definitely includes false accusations of molestation/rape/abuse/etc.

She shouldn't be disbelieved just because she's an addict, and it's more than possible something happened. But I think you're really underestimating the shittiness of some people... especially when it comes to addicts with mental health issues. Drugs can make you do terrible shit all on their own, let alone adding mental illness to the mix.

Oh trust me I know full well the shittieness of people full well. But it's the fact she's so fucked up that really makes me think OP is a diddler. This kinda follows a model you see in fiddling victims.

Ok let me quote what my parents always fucking say to cover up her shitty actions "they found her in a garbage dumpster with barely any oxygen". Get it now?

Again, this could be the downward spiral due to the psychological scars of diddling.

Nice talkin to ya

Ok I'm all seriousness OP. If you're not lying just tell em to fuck off. Innocence trumps addict BS

I was with you until I started reading OPs comments. Take a gander.

Oh bullshit!


So this is what that show "modern family" was about.

Garbo post is garbo

Just murder her

Meh too messy

If she's really cray you can claim is was self defense.

Id rather not have that on my conscience

So you raped a 9 year old

After reading all your shit comments....finish that sentence

And now you're admitting to it publicly. Bold move.

Nope i said i was accused dumb cunt

/u/lindseylohan69 confirmed muslim

Sounds like the 2018 TV shows are getting degenerate as fuck - are we reaching peak Jew soon?

Run for congress

But i dont like grabbing people by the pussy

Not everyone can be president. Baby steps.

get back together with your ex so you can play a role in your daughter's life scumbag

Uhhh did you even read the post?

you asked what you should do and I said the best course of option would to forget this shit and try raising your daughter

Lol you really dont comprehend things well huh? It literally says id be a fucking hour away from her, as in, further away. As in, im far away.

You're far away from sanity

Arent you supposed to be in the 'run for congress' comment?

Run away from the cops like a black man

Man, Lindsey has been a real train wreck lately

Fun fact, the real Lindsay is spelt with an A not an E.

A therapist specializing in incestuous sexual abuse would probably know if she's lying.

Yea and what about manipulation? Shes like a fucking perfectionist in that category

A therapist will recognize manipulative behavior. She may be good but she's not good enough to outsmart a professional.

Interesting. Guess ill wait and see for now....

I'd nip it in the bud ASAP. Idk if you're being honest or not, but this isn't something you want escalating.

Diddle her again to teach her a lesson


why is it gross? she's legal and clearly open sexually given she's talking about the previous incident.

Cant tell if srs or b41t

I don't see the problem

I tried.

Do your parents actually believe her, or are they just thinking "well maybe we just gotta do what it takes to get the crazy bitch to school"?

I couldnt tell you because they were in denial about her bad habits involving drugs and drinking when she was younger anyway so take from that what you will. They just wanted me to fuck off for 2 weeks until they put her somewhere.

So you molested your adopted 9 year old sister when you were 16 and your on here looking for sympathy?

No commie lookin for opinions on how to handle false accusations cunt

Or you could admit to what you did, see a therapist and hope that your parents will some day forgive you, but you probably shouldn't be allowed around your own or anyone else's children.

Nothing to admit so doesnt apply to me. Thanks for the input, though.

how did such a well adjusted individual like you end up living with his parents at age 26?

Baby boomers fucking the economy, late decent job find, having an unplanned child at 18, take your pic