"Pedophiles are just phenomenological astronauts exploring the outer reaches of some of the last remaining human moral frontiers."

56  2017-08-07 by mohkohnsepicgun


This, but unironically.


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I don't think he was being ironic, bot.


Turn that into a snappy quote, /u/snallygaster


pls snally do this

So progressive

You have me confused with somebody else, Mr. super-creepy, stalky person.

You're the pedo, right?

Pretty rapey.

I now have 12 different cancers from reading your comment, /u/macronius. How do you propose to fix this?

Don't be so envious of that guy.

I was being facetious, but there is, I think, a hidden truth/value, in such an outre form of thinking--the analysis I mean, not the pathology.

jesus Christ, my fedora sense is tingling harder than this guy's wang at the local playground

Wheres that one guy that talks about molesting his dog?

Sarah Nyberg?

Shit idk, but there were threads here about a guy that legitimately "sexual stimulates" his dog "for its own health" and the dude genuinely cant see whats fucked up about that

Didn't South Park do a gag like that with Peta?

Red rocket sparky!

But that was about how it was weird and only somethign a retarded kid would do cause he doesn't know better.

This dude was 100% serious

I was also thinking about the "peta compound" in one of those first episodes with turd sandwich and massive douche.

Yeah probably, its been so long since i watchd the OG seasons

Last peta thing i remember is peta throwing blood on pdiddy and he just offs the guy

Autism intensifies

Not true. There's plenty of things that have been fucked less than human children. Show me a guy who fucks sea urchins and I will show you a true explorer.

the last remaining human frontier

If anything, it's more a new frontier than the last.

christ, that's an even worse butchering of academic jargon than when conspiratards try to talk about "postmodernism"

I think you mean (((postmodernism)))

/u/macronius you don't sound deep or philosophical, you just sound like a child rapist with a thesaurus

Its worse when you realise he's quoting fucking Pinhead from Hellraiser.

Its worse when you realise he's quoting fucking Pinhead from Hellraiser.

Its worse when you realise he's quoting fucking Pinhead from Hellraiser.

Its worse when you realise he's quoting fucking Pinhead from Hellraiser.

That's not smart of you to say.

would would patting pedophiles on the back for being brave explorers be a smart thing to say?

No, but people who investigate all manner of crimes, including sex crimes, are taught to think like the criminals. In another comment you conveniently didn't reference I explain my reasoning in greater detail and with less of the sort of irony that seems to prove so confusing to apparent literalists such as yourself.

in your metaphor, you likened pedos to "phenomenological astronauts exploring the outer reaches of some of the least remaining human moral frontiers."

that's a round about way of saying "pedophiles are some of the sickest people on earth because they're exploring child pornography"

calling them astronauts out exploring implies there seekings truths, or answers or trying to find something. They're just trying to jack off and rape kids. DOn't be shocked when you jump in a thread talking about pedophiles and liken them to astronauts, who are characterized by their courage and quest for knowledge to advance society in a positive way.

I went on to say "I'm just trying to be psychologically objective, since we know men are statistically genetically programmed to be 'explorers' and 'searchers,' while women are 'cultivators' and 'nurturers,' Internet-facilitated pedophilia would thus represent an extreme instance of this 'exploratory'-instinct or tendency in action."

There is no 'objective' position when it comes to raping children.

You are either for it or against it.

I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are a kid who just studied or read something you think.is super-deep and now you've come on the internet to show off.

I'm going to assume you aren't really an apologist for child molesters and you are, in fact, just on the spectrum enough to think that what you write makes you sound smart.

I'm going to assume those things because the only other way to take what you wrote is that you are a kiddy-fiddler who is trying to justify your perversion.

I'm going to assume you can't read because the educational system failed you and leave it at that (probably best for all concerned...)

There's a way to say "pedophiles have a mental condition which makes them biologically hard wired to be attracted to children and they can't help their urges" and circlejerking pedophiles off by calling them brace explorers of the human psyche or whatever the fuck you said originally. How do you not understand that ppl think it's weird that you made a metaphor that directly compares what astronauts bravely do, in order to solve mysteries and scientific answers, to a dude that just wants to jack off to CP? They're not brace explorers, they're mental I'll people.

Indeed, this is as much about hard-wired, evolutionarily-derived behaviour as it is about criminal law and moral judgment.

I leave you with these deservedly famous words: ‘Live Dangerousy! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius. Send your ships into uncharted seas. Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers, you seekers.’

phenomenological astronauts

If anything, I'd bet it's the other inmates at Rikers who are going to be taking that daily voyage deep into Uranus.

god dammit i remember when the internet was just talking shit on irc and browsing ogrish to be edgy. Now it's all gone to hell. Mayocide when?

Pedophiles are just phenomenological astronauts exploring the outer reaches of some of the last remaining human moral frontiers.

/u/macronius that is the most beautiful thing I've red today. I'll go explore if my neighbours like me pissing on their door now, that's another important frontier.

I've red today.

Sounds like I've redpilled you well enough, my job here is done!

wow, are you really coming on /r/conspiracy being a pedophile sympathizer?

not unheard of at all