Onision drama flares up like his awful skin condition after he lures another victim into the House of Horrors without his wife's knowledge.

67  2017-08-08 by snallygaster

For more info on Onision, search for his username in this sub. The results will not disappoint.

current lolcow thread

Quick rundown:

  • after one internet girl rejected him because she has a bf, Greg seems to have invited a rebound to fly to the household to ''''collab''''''
  • leaked texts show that Greg's wife Taylor was unaware of this
  • Taylor has been trying to avoid having another girl over after the fiasco with Billie and their reduced income due to Youtube demonetization and an active IRS investigation into tax fraud committed by the couple
  • Greg and the girl already made a video together and got on attention-whoring platform YouNow to talk to fans without Taylor
  • Taylor is currently on YouNow threatening suicide and refusing to spin her fidget spinners was on YouNow and ragequit after someone sent her likes or someshit under an offensive username while the girl is in the bathroom after breaking the toilet trying to fix a clog with her hand status unknown after breaking the toilet and showering
  • farmers called the pigs and contacting YouNow to report the suicide threat, no sign of the couple since then
  • alleged leaker of Taylor's alleged texts is claiming to have seen Greg's dick and that he brags about possessing a mighty 5.6 inches

Follow along as things unfold on lolcow.farm!


Jews did this


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. current lolcow thread - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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Onion boy needs to kill himself.

Why kill the goose that lays the golden drama egg?

Lets try to predict how he's going to die. I think it's going to be a semen overdose.

he does, but then all the amazing happenings would stop :'(

I think its better for everyone that this level of degeneracy is removed from the world, even at the cost of drama.

Nothing is worth the loss of drama

Wise words by Russian shill bot u/Nicholai_Dimitri

Kill yourself race traitor


He has a son, right? Give us 20 years and the next generation will start.

Hopefully his kids will be the type to reject their parents' behavior rather than emulate it.

I wish he'd get struck by lightning tbh

I wish he would get raped and someone live stream t.

wife snaps cuts his dick off

so you're saying we should buy him a ticket to southside chicago?

nah man kagney lynn karter keeps those brothers busy


I feel so bad for kendra sunderland. Like she was going to school all to end up as a washed up fuck doll for da brotha's

She's just your run of the mill ho tbh

it's weird i see her face and you can just see the regret. I always wonder were did this girls parents go wrong, and what if they didn't what if the media brain washed this women into being a common whore.

When the entirety of society was engineered to keep women faithful, they still managed to become whores. I wouldn't blame the parents that much

Nooooooo wtf

this is maybe the first time i, a left-wing cuck, have entirely unironically agreed with you

Why did the toilet break? She pooped a big poop? Is she also underage btw?

She clogged the toilet with poop when she went to go poop, then tried to contact Taylor and Greg so that they'd give her a plunger, but they didn't answer, so she tried to break up the poop with a shampoo bottle and then her hands. The best/worst part of the ordeal is that she took pictures of it and put it on the Onision discord. Sadly Greg is disgusting but also repulsed by anything involving shit, so this has probably ruined her changes with him unless he's SUPER desperate.

Is she also underage btw?

Not sure how old she is, but I think late teens to early 20's.

She touched the poop?

She seems to have touched the poop. I didn't look at the pics cuz who needs that in their lives?

When I was two or three my mom was giving my older sister and I a bath and she left the room to answer the phone. While she was gone I pooped in the tub and my sister freaked the fuck out. Not wanting to get in trouble I did what I had to do and hid the evidence by eating it.

Did it taste a bit nutty

Man all she had to do was ask me, I'd have been more than happy to take care of it.

cuz who needs that in their lives?

I do.

d/w, one day you will find a nice young lady who'll make you her sissy toilet slave.

she tried to break up the poop with a shampoo bottle and then her hands

Wow, she didn't look like she had it in her. Literally. I've pooped my fair share of poop, but I've never broken a toilet.

I'd just go home at that point if it was a normal date. Love, sex or whatever Onision's girls are after shouldn't be worth it at that point. Not sleeping with him is probably a blessing in disguise though. I'd rather break up my own shit with my hand than live through a night with that creepo.

I'd just go home at that point if it was a normal date. Love, sex or whatever Onision's girls are after shouldn't be worth it at that point.

The problem is that she's stuck there on Greg's dime unless he changes the plane tickets, so she can't sneak out and disappear. idk why she posted poop pics for the world to see instead of creeping outside to try and find a coat hanger or stick or something.

Not sleeping with him is probably a blessing in disguise though.

Yeah, but not for us! It means less drama. Greg might be desperate enough to still hit it, though, unless Taylor's distracting them with her suicide threats. He seems pretty desperate for new cunny.

I'd rather break up my own shit with my hand than live through a night with that creepo.

Same, and my disgust tolerance is incredibly low


Rorge quote lmao

I bought my dad a toilet that can suck down sixteen golf balls and he still managed to plug it with poop.

under age

It's Onision, is there any other kind?

quick rundown

not followed by bogpost

I'm disappointed in you Snally.

I hope the IRS fucks this guy in the worst way possible

Guys like this make me wonder what Charles Manson would have done if they had social media back then.

he probably would have been a lot more successful :/

Maybe he would have gotten access to a lot more recruits through the internet. Or maybe his weird charisma only works in real life, and all the cult groupies would be too busy chasing after youtube dorks to notice him?

Charles Manson would have been the king of the Nigerian mail scams, though.

What is this emoticon/smiley :S suppose to mean?

I tried making it irl and shattered my jaw


Awww that's so cute :3

Doesn't ol' Charlie still have a pretty substantial following, or is that BS?

Maybe. But I can't imagine how he would compete when he has to use snail-mail and there's an infinite number of psychos out there in freedom who have internet access.

There was that chick he was going to marry a few years back, I wonder where she is these days? I think it was even called of by him in the end.

But I can't imagine how he would compete when he has to use snail-mail and there's an infinite number of psychos out there in freedom who have internet access.

He's still huge just by virtue of how much of a pop figure he's been for decades. Plus the internet allows more potential cult leaders to peddle their bullshit and target members more effectively, but they seem to tend to target much more narrow ranges of people and in many cases don't even leave the online sphere, which makes them less likely to be widely known with all of the information saturation we now have. For the most part you really have to dig to find them, and even when they do blow up online communities, they're forgotten fairly quickly because the internet has a short memory span.

Yeah, it's as big as ever. He'll always be the OG ~cool~ cult leader.

Getting your ass beat by a Beach Boy isn't cool at all tho

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I... I don't get it.

This person seems to be a train wreck. How in the world does he have any fans at all?

How in the world does he have any fans at all?

He seems to attract the type of edgy teen girls and extremely damaged adult women who are into school shooters

And he can keep abusing them, since he can always move on to the next one.

What a world we live in.

This person seems to be a train wreck

He is also a banana.

As in, Asian outside, but White inside?

As in annoying YouTube video from its early days, parodied on Family Guy.

Oh, okay.

This person seems to be a train wreck. How in the world does he have any fans at all?

Charisma and youthfulness - still looks like 20 when he's over 30. No mystery at all.

He has (squashy) overly masculine facial features but is also a twink/emo, he is feminine/childish and sinister 'dark triad-y'. He is controling/domineering but his content (from what I understand) is often moralistic pandering to teen/20s girls and he is apparently rich and e-famous.

He's like a squashy faced non vampire version of a YA novel character who takes the archetypical null/boring misunderstood teen girl on adventures etc. Look at him and see the dark side of female desire or something.

nailed it.

So it's Twilight, but much worse than that because he's real.

Damn thats some bad makeup

What a fag. My 91 year old granny could probably make it through Chair Force bootcamp.

Onision should change genders. It would make even more drama, and then nobody could say anything bad about him. Giving that kind of narcissist the option to ignore every attack against his shitty behavior as "transphobia" would make his mind explode.

His wife is a transtrender, so he already gets to use her for that purpose.

But he's still a creep though. Mark my words, someday he'll realize he was a "woman" all along (he already wears makeup).

Taylor is currently on YouNow threatening suicide and refusing to spin her fidget spinners was on YouNow and ragequit after someone sent her likes or someshit under an offensive username while the girl is in the bathroom after breaking the toilet trying to fix a clog with her hand status unknown after breaking the toilet and showering

Goddamn snally just write a book already and I'll buy it

i dont get it

I really thought he giant shits clogged the toilet, but it turns out the dumb fuck flushed baby wipes. To be fair though, it's probably a house rule and all of the dumb fucks there have been flushing wipes.

Enjoy replacing that toilet system, Gurg.

Do these people make money off of this?

Maybe I need a career change cos this really doesn't sound that difficult...

I mean, this guy probably also sent maggots to a woman he was infatuated with, and to that woman's boyfriend.

This guy is just mentally insane. The shit he has done over the years to the women he has been involved with is literal emotional abuse.

skin disease according to gerg