Earthworm Jim creator digs a hole when he deliberately misgenders kotaku """journalist""" critical of his games.

37  2017-08-08 by shitpost953


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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How long until the twitter safety council bans him?

There are enough alt fighters on twitter for that to be unlikely tbqh.

What's the alt-right got to do with this?

They're not banned from Twitter. So it's unlikely someone way less extreme would be.

What's the alt-right but a secondhand emotion?

That second tweet is prime r/iamverysmart material.

Oh shit 😂, why would he do this.

Well the best he can do now is not apologize because and stand his ground. Actually the best thing would have been not getting into that clusterfuck to begin with but now that hes there hes gotta stand hus ground and not apologize if he does then shit gets worse.

Welp there you go, they got him by the balls now. Maybe not but probably yes.

naw he's saying he's not apologizing because he's not wrong.

He's not apologizing, that's just a general statement.

He's that peculiar mix of nutty and obstinate, so I doubt he'd back down.

In case you aren't familiar with Doug TenNapel, backing down isn't really his style.

He already apologized

Eh, not really. Just clarified his statement.

He should just say he identifies as an earthworm kin, and everyone is a him to a worm since they don't have genders.

If you think about it, when Earthworm Jim wears his body suit it's like him becoming trans species.


That's probably one of the most obvious dudes in a wig I've ever seen. Besides all the ones that looked like abortions before they even transitioned.

its not even a zero effort tranny, it's a negative-effort tranny. dude would look more like a chick if he took off that ridiculous wig and eyeshadow.

Earthworm Jim's gender is earthworm

4 Days old with no follow-up. Heather missed a prime opportunity to become a victim. Could have even went after his netflix job.

Only in America is misgendering a serious crime.

Meanwhile the millennial generation of Venezuela is fighting against a communist dictator. If only we could kill all American millennials.

Meanwhile the millennial generation of Venezuela is fighting against a communist dictator capitalist coup aimed to bring down a truly equal nation. If only we could kill all American millennials have true socialism.


news flash - Venezuela was never socialist, nobody ever praised it and it is an autocratic capitalist regime.

TIL "Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela" translates to "United Autocratic Capitalist Party of Venezuela"

While that country is clearly pretty socialist, this is just as dumb as the name argument you see people make about Nazis, claiming they were socialists.

Señor pizzashill, I think most people understand that a "Democratic People's Republic" tends to be a Soviet-style authoritarian state ruled by neither democracy nor the people.

You'd think that, but there are books written claiming the Nazis were left-wing and a popular right-wing argument is to claim they were socialists.

The name argument tends to be the primary one they make.

TIL Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democracy

There's a rule of thumb that if the countries political system is in the name, it's a shit hole run by a dictator.



nobody ever praised it


Mod this guy.

I'll delegalize upvotes and give everyone 1000000 karma, every redditor will prosper

This has to be bait. Nigga you just went full "not real socialism".

Congratulations, you're the least retarded from that bunch.

I mean you have to be retarded to think that it makes sense that a socialist would call Venezuela a capitalist regime, especially since you see everyone in the leftist subs singing praise to Maduro and calling the protesters capitalist tools.

Only in America is misgendering a serious crime.

Hahahaha. Catch your breath, Caleb.

Yeah but at least you wont go to jail for teaching your pug to nazi salute.

Gee, guy who hates the gays in (((current year))) is also a Neanderthal about trans people. Who could have guessed?

wtf I love Catholic Hitler now

Catholic Hitler

So... Hitler?

That's a dude with pink hair, not a chick.

Her article is the most pointless thing I've ever read:

Earthworm Jim first released on the Sega Genesis today in 1994. The strange side scroller married offbeat humor and experimental level design. The result was a hodgepodge of a game that was frustrating but engaging.

Developed by Shiny Entertainment, Earthworm Jim positions itself largely as a work of satire seeking to upend various side scrolling tropes of the time. It follows the titular character on a quest to save Princess What’s-Her-Name. This calls attention to the tired damsel trope by explicitly positioning the princess as an afterthought. It’s smart. Earthworm Jim is by no means progressive, but it reshuffles genre conventions to point out their absurdity. This recontextualizing fails more often than it succeeds, particularly in the raw game design.

Earthworm Jim’s level design is a hostile jumble of platforms, spongy bosses, and unintuitive progression paths. The game is extremely vertical, asking players to weave strange movements throughout levels that are often hard to visualize. If Super Mario Bros is about reliably moving to the right, Earthworm Jim is about chaotically moving everywhere. The game’s first stage, “New Junk City,” is a maze of ziplines and difficult ledge grabs. “What the Heck?”’s landscape is full of high walls that create frustrating dead ends. In spite of various movement options such as high jumps and the ability to use Jim’s head as a whip to swing over gaps, Earthworm Jim is not fun to navigate.

What Earthworm Jim lacks in core mechanics, it makes up for in willingness to experiment. There is bungee-jumping combat against snot monsters, interstellar chase sequences, labyrinthine underwater mazes, and long descents down spike caverns using Jim’s head as a propeller. The wild chase sequence “Andy Asteroids?” recalls the difficult speeder bike sequence from Battletoads’ third level, while the laborious underwater travel in “Down the Tubes” calls to mind Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ notorious water dam. The variety is admirable and fits with the game’s wacky tone.

These levels are also frustrating, exaggerating the failures of prior games at the expense of the player. “Down the Tubes” might highlight how annoying water levels are but it does this by forcing to player to endure a terrible water level. “Andy Asteroids?” punishes the player with a boss fight should they fail. In seeking to satirize bad platformer design, Earthworm Jim creates a far worse game than the source material.

Earthworm Jim is a game with a vision: be cruel. The game’s irreverence backfires in the end, with Princess What’s-Her-Name suddenly being crushed by a cow. Earthworm Jim attempts to mock the conventions of the time, but what it attempts to satirize ultimately proves more resilient. Mario’s still kicking, but, as the years pass, it even more clear that Earthworm Jim’s dazzling experiment failed for good reason.

Looks like she just gave up halfway through trying to get to a point and went "fuck it, that's good enough for my paycheck".

Lol at comparing it to mario? Wtf?

Believe it or not people over 25 didn't all disappear in a mass die-off, but if you read kotaku you would that somehow it would be impossible for them to find someone who was alive, played video games at the time, and could provide some contextual information.

What are you talking about? Everyone knows that Crash Banicoot is the darksouls of darksouls!

Even fake girls can't play vidya gaems.

I thought that gender studies degree only prepared you for a career at Sstarbucks, who would have thunk it's also good for video game journalism

All the Earthworm Jim games sucked

This is the creator of the cartoon, not the games

No he also made the character.

oh ok

Admit it, you just sucked at playing and gave up halfway through.

His first mistake was misidentifying Heather as a journalist.

lol trannies

This is what (((Heather))) looks like

I've seen worse. It's pretty bad, but not Nosferatu-bad.

Nice trollface mask.

Gas trannies.

You should have linked the Neogaf thread, they're ultra booty blasted this guy committed the high crime of misgendering someone. The best thing about it is that this guy doesn't answer to anyone so they can't even send tweets about it to his employer so they're calling his game "shit" and saying they should contact Twitter for hate speech LOL