Men Supporting Hillary Clinton Have Lower Testosterone

51  2017-08-08 by PM_ME_FREE_FOOD


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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I can't help but feel that there's a narrative being pushed on /r/drama the last few days.

Hey friend,

see my submission history


give me back my upvote

thanks, /u/pm_me_free_food



If it makes you feel better I'm actually a white genocide loving white nationalist whose only political view is more drone strikes

oh ok

Drone strikes aimed at white rural Trump retards

oh ok

And sandniggers

You are a Hillary supporter yourself, then?

No I am high testosterone levels

How many

OVER 9000 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ’―πŸ’―

hi high testosterone levels, i'm dad. xD

How do you feel about the jews though?

Criticism of Israel is anti-semitic

literally one of the worst subreddits

"I have no real principles but i still want to be smug" - Neoliberal

A narrative of truth!

How come SRD are able to get away with pushing a narrative but we have to be all self-aware and critical?

Because we're smart unlike them.

Because its the only redeeming quality of the degenerate autists that make up this sub.


Makes us weak.

"tiny obscure study shows ______ supporters are _______" seems to be a thing in general right now.

/r/drama users a bunch of faggots, study finds

Fewer Kangz than originally believed, study suggests.

Stating the obvious.

scientists baffled

In a Utopian future, all men will be chemically castrated to promote correct thinking.

>alex jones was unironically right


Fact: the vast majority of terrorists had testosterone in their blood before committing their deeds.

That's because when you have it you can actually do something that requires balls.

implying men will even be born

Nooooo shiiiiiit.

One random "right-leaning" doctor giving speculation about something he has no data for AND no drama

kys for littering this pile of shit on this nice sub

Sorry dude, I'll correct my mistake by giving you some handy advice! :)

Thanks, but I composted my testicles after voting for Jill Stein.

We need to start teaching kids this from an early age to avoid manletism.

>Muh source

"researchers have recently published data tying muscle mass to political preferences. One study shows that rich men with large biceps are more opposed to wealth redistribution than rich men with small biceps. Another study finds that weightlifting ability correlates with support for, er, a more muscular foreign policy. Plus, get this: Men with wider faces (an indicator of testosterone levels) have been found to be more willing to outwardly express prejudicial beliefs than their thin-faced counterparts." [1]

So, modern day phrenology/craniometry? Thanks for sharing.

We need to reintroduce trepaning.

In other Ews Traps are/aren't gay.

Can you please stop shitting up this sub?

I actually prefer low t busst tyvm

tfw OP has posted 3 similar posts in the past few days

OP should protect himself from the testosterone decrease epidemic by Keeping Yourself Safe.

Alright, this one is pretty funny. I'm not sure if the article is trying to be or not, but it still is ether way.

wtf i love hillary now

Y'all arguing about whether pussy-ass hippies or dumbfuck rednecks are more of an faggot and I'm just here 'mirin the rather sexy man in the picture

If that's the average liberal then I'm with her

It's just a simple fact. Conservatives are taller, stronger, more wealthy, more successful in life in general, higher test, more attractive, more sexually satisfied, more happy and less likely to be mentally ill

Country music is shit tho, so, you know... swings and roundabouts

Also plssss it's ez to be sexually satisfied when you have the emotional depth of a gibbon ( Ν‘Β°β₯ Ν‘Β°)

>I get turned on by emotions

Whatever COPE you need, my >"friend"

> I get turned on by emotions

Yes, can confirm, am faggot

Holy shit. What made you so bussyblasted to agenda post this much?

How is this agendaposting?

How is this not agenda posting?

Zero scientific evidence to reinforce this besides the say of one doctor who hasn't done any peer reviews.

Already knew that.

Where's the drama, you agendaposting faggot?

ITT: SRDines complaining about agenda posting.