Should Trump supporter's be killed or imprisoned for their crimes?

26  2017-08-08 by Standard12


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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The answer is genocide

I legitimately want to become black or asian so I can participate in the genocide of white trash.

Nothing is stopping you now except your own inner cop, man.


Molon Labe, bitch.

molon LARPe

You are the one that thinks you can do something about Americans who vote differently from you, honey.


So, come get some.


Hillary will never be President. :-D


Molon LUBE

Yes, they should be locked up with those who use apostrophes incorrectly.

is this the democratic version of obamama gunna take err guns

The white people of /r/blackpeopletwitter are fairly ass-blasted today.

Implying they're not all white people

We were on a pretty good path to have marijuana charges dropped and prisoners to start being released

What the fuck? No we weren't. Obama could have ordered the attorney general to reschedule weed at any time, but never did. We were never on that path, you dumbass.


Well that's an ironic username.

how dare you, king nog was a shiny golden god and ill not tolerate you besmirching his legacy with your lies

they indeed should be killed, but only if they're mayos

so, basically, yes.

Black American Conservative master race!

Fukin libies need to lay off the dank coosh and be studyin.


Most of them are white aren't they?

Trump supporters are SUPERPREDATORS and the only solution is private prisons.

fuck yeah, they should try. itll be open season on the liberal pussies when they do