The Oppression Olympics are back in full swing. Today's match-up pits 'Chocolate Pocahontas' against actual native Americans in a no holds barred slugfest to decide who can and cannot claim top tier victimhood

76  2017-08-08 by Oh_hamburgers_


Now with added cancer!


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When all whites are purged, these will become our new targets.

Make America Native Again.

That is the logical conclusion of kicking out illegal immigrants

Now I can see it. Kill whitey, deport sombrero-americans, let blacks kill each other, and for the next thousand years you'll have buffalo and casinos as far as the eye can see, and wigwams so tall they can touch the sky.

I fucking hate Twitter

You would, cockthucka.

Fuck you and your fucking Twitter drama.

You don't enjoy people writing whiny essays over 50 separate tweets?

Why should we trust what a snake says tho πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

The only sensible view in there.

how did a snake get on Twitter is my question

It all started with Taylor Swift.

Don't blaspheme pls

I thought the experts in /r/drama told me only fat women get involved in this stuff. Plenty of qts in that thread.

there are also lots of teens into this stuff, which makes you a pedo you sick fuck

Please don't demonize healthy male sexuality, thx

I love niger too. Great country. πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή

Wait they have polandball emojis now?

love is not a crime

Twitter was a mistake.

I am a mistake :(

oh christ i just realized that native americans are planning on finally joining the victim hierarchy... this gonna get worse before it gets better

Native Canadians have that shit on lock down.

Whats even worse than the endless clamouring for commissions desperatley trying to pin native womens deaths on anything but native men and addiction, are the low t white cucks REEEEEEEEEing about 'why no mens comissions?!?!?' When that is several orders of magnitude even less of a mystery in need of investigation.

Even better when the findings come out and its like "ok re-do it and this time make sure its wipipo who are to blame, not natives and pakistani truck-drivers"

Yes yes we do. Totally worth it for the free house.

zwiebelhans you fucking hayseed, why don't you educate us on why issues in the First Nations communities are a result of their cultural practices, and not a byproduct of long term Canadian policy towards said communities.

Someone's upset.


That was 0 to sperg in 1 comment famalam.

Canadian aboriginal handouts is the only argument you really need against UBI.

because they get paid metric fuckloads of money by the government each year for literally no reason, and yet manage to squander all of it until they're all living in desolate poverty. then they bitch to the government that they arent giving them enough.

Got any more brainteasers?

That fire water doesn't drink itself

I did not make one single statement if it's good or bad or why. Simply that they got the top rank in the Canadian opression Olympics.

More so than Canadian farmers?


You know there is only about a billion dollar difference between the handouts the Canadian aboriginals and Canadian farmers receive right?

Ohh only a billion. I'm sure you accounted for every dollar yourself.

I'm not sure what a random sector of Canada's industries has to do with the plight of native Americans.

When's the last time you've seen a bunch of native Americans just hanging out at the Red Lobster?

White people having a fit over not being included in a fight over appropriation of ones culture, seems oppressive.

I tomahawk that axe and
I look like Janet Jackson!

Picking an oppression olympics fight with natives is like Lena Dunham publicly picking a fight with that puppy shelter. You're not going to come out of it not looking like an asshole

But you will generate maximum levels of butthurt and drama while looking retarded

I dunno, when I see some hot guy looking good in a costume, I feel I literally don't exist too.

You can say that sarcastically because unlike those emancipated twenty first century woke feminist women, your identity and feeling of self-worth is tied to more than your looks. Check your non-vapid privilege.

Mmmmmm thats girl is fiiiiiiine


I'm surprised I had to expand replies before someone posted a gif of a black lady making a face.

Did I get that right - one must have a certain amount of DNA before you put on some clothes on?

Imagine if Hugo Boss made such demand…

Mobile link REEEEEEEE.

if anyone says something along the lines of "y'all need to educate yourselves" they should be exterminated by firing squad.



meme equivalent of basic bitch.

The notion that cultural appropriation is unethical is stupid. No one bitches about italians wearing pants, though that might be due to the fact o one wants to see their charlie browns.

Personally, I'm going to scratch the eyes out of the next bitch who tells me I can't wear my kimonos.

Why should we trust what a snake says tho πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

when has that ever turned out badly?

I would bang most of the broads in that convo.