/r/Socialism may hate cat girls and a sustainable amount of food but boy they love North Korea

89  2017-08-09 by LefthandedLunatic


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Where did this socialist/communist hating cat girls thing come from?

/r/Socialism banned the artist who did their original banner because she drew Cat Girls and Cat Girls are misogynistic according to the /r/Socialism mods.

The socialism mods are rather...retarded

Dude Reddit mods did not use to be this fucking involved in everything did they?


dude i love rp

scoots closer on bench

butters your muffin for you

Literally everyone on that whole sub is retarded.

It's almost like absolutist thinking and an inability to see the long-term consequences of actions are correlated with support for socialism somehow...

Retarded socialists? Nah, that's too far-fetched.

Even retarded people know better.


You left out the part where she didn't even post it to their sub. They lurked around, found the catgirls on another site, then banned her for them.

It's a metaphor for something.

Are catboys safe tho?


Then that's all that matters.


Cat dudes are still okay with them. Don't worry.

Has anyone tried posting them some pics from Loveless as confirmation?

Dictatorship is what everyone callsnations that have authoritarian governments that suppress citizens rights.

Like the USA? Or did you just mean liberal rights?

u/dezmodium, most people don't consider the right to free tendies all that important in the grand scheme of things.

There are people who unironically put the US and NK as far as breaching citizens rights.

Marxism is a religion.

Not a religion, just exactly like every other political ideology on the planet, terminal.

But to be fair, the same foibles in the human brain that lead to religion and conspiracies play into this.

social liberals (less religious) are in favor.

"Revolution now, burn down the White House!" - a social liberal totally in favor of the government doing things

What? Are you confused as to what social liberals are? You understand that liberal does not = communist, correct?

The problem liberals have with the current government isn't that they're the government, it's that they're profoundly ignorant and incompetent morons.

So, liberals don't always like government doing things.

You're the type of idiot that SRD worries actually is predominant in this sub.

SRD worries

oh nos

Uhhh...that's kinda the point. They're so retarded that they create these idiotic boogeymen to justify themselves.

And then an idiot like you arrives on the scene...

An idiot like me, that SRD retards worry about.

To be fair, you do regularly demonstrate a dangerous level of retardedness.

As if the average SRDine can make it this far down a comment chain without being distracted by something shiny.

Implying srdines are the autists and we are the intellectually enlightened ones

Compared to SRD this sub is a think tank full of grads from MIT.

Which only goes to proves just how terrible SRD is.

You shut the fuck up, and you shut the fuck up

Never serious post at me or my son ever again

Seriousposters are a fucking menace.

Marxism isn't an ideology, it's just a component of the basis of any normal socialist ideology

I mean jesus christ, if you're gonna seriouspost, at least get it right

Marxism is absolutely a political ideology.

no, you dork.

Communism is an ideology. Marxist-Leninism is an ideology. Maoism, democratic socialism, and social democracy are ideologies.

Marxism is just a tool for analysis

Holy shit, is this satire? Marxism is a lens in which to view the world, certain issues.

That makes it an "ideology." Your argument is like claiming feminism isn't an ideology because it's a system of analysis in many ways.

There are people kids who unironically put the US and NK as far as breaching citizens rights.

I'm sure there's a few adults there, yeah. But by and large these are literal children and the kind of quasi children that are still living at home at 25.

These aren't really "people".

even by weird socialist standards, aren't "llberal rights" like,

most of them

i mean they're obviously not the rights they CARE about

There are legit reasons to be critical of anti-NK sentiment (imperialism is one of them) but none of those legit reasons make up for the human suffering the Pyongyang government causes DIRECTLY.

I didn't read much into the thread but some tankies believe that all of the stories of NK concentration camps are complete fabrications and anti-NK propaganda. Yeah ok. Yes NK is a pawn used by China but that doesn't completely absolve the government of ANYTHING and does not mean they're allowed to throw bombs at 'Merika, bitch

But they flooded much of their arable land in order to build that Imperialism fighting dam! Don't you see how much it has defeated the West?

If you're talking about the ginormous damn the Chinese built that thing is only sustainable so long as they aren't at war with anyone. If I had to pick a non-military target to hit in that country it would be first on my list. Not only would it knock out power for a chunk of the country, it would flood everything for miles in front of it, make large areas impassable, and kill assloads of people.

Sounds like acceptable collateral damage and free swimming lessons.

Maybe the riceicans are smarter than we thought, build indefensible infrastructure so their retarded pet can't yank its chain without being curbstomped.

Since Michael Jackson died the Fed has had to come up with alternative ways to distract the populous from its failings.


'populace' is the noun you are looking for.

'populous' is an adjective.


Man, you gotta be real retarded to defend the North Korean regime. Or mentally/physically stunted, like an average person living in NK. I hear they do a bunch of meth to stop the pain of literally starving.

do use it like coffee

But North Korea's economy is booming! Those pre-pubescent mongoloid mods like /u/communismorbarbarism said so!

Weed is legal there.

That would be more enticing if there was enough food for munchies.

The Korean famine ended about 4 years ago. The starvation rate in North Korea is lower than France.

Oh wow, they don't starve for FOUR years in a row already. That's quite a fit. I should reevaluate everything I thought about NC

Got some sauce for that?

Ehh, didn't realize i was in drama, not worth the time to find it again. It was from WHO iirc.


Sounds like they have a real grip on the food situation, only 41% of them are undernourished. That's totally better than the filthy capitalists, who starve all but the 1%.

Yea that must be why you get sent to prison camps for eating more than your permitted beef ration.

Sippin' on victory gin and juche

/u/wozzle90 besides your comment being a logical fallacy, would you have preferred burning those Japanese civilians to death instead? Would that be more humane?

supporting the Korean people means hands off the DPRK.

Well gee golly. I'm sure peasant farmer in concentration camp doing hard labor is thrilled he can count on your support!

I think he'd like getting blown up by American bombs even less, to be fair. NK doesn't have to be a workers' paradise for invading them to dramatically exacerbate human suffering.

That's why we never invaded mainland germans, didn't want to put the lives of those holocaust victims in any turbulence.

Someone who actually lives in Korea shows up too.

/u/theorettich why would you accept someone with lived experience of NK and whom had it directly affect their family as an authority on NK? Seems silly when you have the actual authority of white bougie teenagers wailing on their iphones about the unjust portrayal of NK.


How can you hate a country lead by a chubby little hitler and fueled by meth?

It's Jackass: The Country. "Hi, I'm Kim Jung Un and this is the Nuclear Missile Test."

anyone got links to the actual tankie shit

all the top comments now are "DPRK bad, Trump worse, poor proles"

But yes, people who have re-defected back to North Korea have said that South Korea is a capitalist hellscape where economy and technology have become stand-ins for human interaction

idk bro I live in SK and it's pretty tits

/u/h3lblad3 why are you so stupid? Does it hurt being this contrary or does it come as easily to you as jerking off to Nork propaganda?