Equestrian Necromancers of RedLetterMedia brings back Ghostbusters drama with a new Plinkett review. Ghazi reacts.

71  2017-08-09 by MakeAmericaSageAgain

I wish people would have waited to pass judgement on the new Ghostbusters. That's all I ever asked for. I mean, hating a movie before it has even come out just because of the gender and race of the characters? That's bigoted and I would never ever dream of doing the same.

Oppressed white male to make 110-minute review of the last Ghostbusters movie.


Wait. Hang on a minute. Wtf I love RedLetterMedia now! Other than the fact I don't understand the concept of satirizing lazy fat jokes, I think they nailed it on how it went so poorly. I didn't realize how Sony's marketing tried to spin that all the bad reviews were actually sexism. But my brain did.

They targeted Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters.

The review itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHUV8QLpEAc It's not that funny though.

Edit: How does it feel to be BTFO'd by a Ghazi mod?. Dumb plebs.


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. Oppressed white male to make 110-mi... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  3. Wait. Hang on a minute - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  4. They targeted Ghostbusters. Ghostbu... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHU... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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TL;DR Sub still obsessed with internet controversy no one cares about anymore also still obsessed with movie no one cares about anymore.

Yeah, lucky r/drama isn't like that at all amirite

Frist of all how dare yo u

How come I never get precheck anymore I hate waiting in line with plebs

Second of all that's an outrageous accusation

third of all post bussy

Fourth, kill yourself and never talk smack about my sub again.

Oh snap!

um, we're obsessed with internet controversies, not just a single one. yes, it makes a big difference.

I'm amazed anyone would still go to bad for that shit pile at this point. All the people sucking it off pre release and then got pissed when it flopped have mostly tried to forget about it. Or the dumb shit they said about it.

RIP in pizza, Paul Feig's career.


Paul Feigning had a career?

Autocorrect changed his last name, and I'm not changing it back.

Fun Fact: posting on GamerGhazi is part of a checklist that psychiatrists use to evaluate their clients for signs of mental illness.

And to see if you're a possible child molester.

And to see if your an possible child molester.


Ghazi: " well if lena dunham fists kids, why can't I?"

You mean Lena "mister lister the sister fister" Dunham.

Oppressed white male to make 110-minute review of the last Ghostbusters movie

Even if /r/GamerGhazi wasn't known for mental illness, the fact they they're pulling out race/gender insults to lash out at a fictional character, as if its a real person, feels like a red flag all by itself.

Equestrian? What does this have to do with horses?

Flogging a dead horse. I was gonna add BDSM in somewhere, but I was scared the dumbasses wouldn't get it. Turns out it didn't matter.

I thought that's what it was but god what a stretch

god what a stretch

That's what ur gf said when I pumped her last night bro

seriously? Or just shitposting?

Seriously did that happen

Sony manipulated those online feminist so easily. I can't think of a more gullible group of people.

Online feminists themselves. Sold a basic ass form of an ideology boiled down to appeal to the lowest common denominator so Target can sell Tshirts. Don't think you can get more gullible then a group of people who say shit like "racism = power + prejudice" is all seriousness.

Sony manipulated those online feminist so easily.

It's really the best advertising they could hope for.

They knew their movie was a piece of shit but the controversy would sell tickets.

Hi r/drama troll! Sorry I don't have time for a history and politics lesson, but it would be lost on you anyway.

Aw, who touched the poo? They deleted it.

this aint srd

/u/Ayasugi-san, I'm sure your history and politics lesson would be very interesting and point, would love to hear more. Please teach me onichan

history and politics lesson


Someone help, my sides are nowhere to be found.

/u/IllCaesar, you wrote not one but two walls of text about fucking ghostbusters 2016, a movie that no one even cares about anymore, because an old man on the internet made fun of it. please reconsider your life choices

You mad.

You retarded.

I don't get it, so I downvoted you.

Yes we know you are a literal weeb.

What is this, an even stupider version of Fire Emblem?

>\ Implying that Fire Emblem could get any stupider

I really enjoy the spinoff games

You know, the ones with gameplay outside of:

move troops around a map the size of Manhattan

make futile attempt to keep all characters around the same level

oh, you didn't spend fifteen minutes before the battle studying every weapon held by every enemy and now you got a fifteen year old girl horrifically and tragically killed on a battlefield

restart level

So you're saying the J-Pop game is the least stupid one then?

Nah, the unreleased Dynasty Warriors spinoff is the best one because those games have actual gameplay

Then the phone game, because even bullshit micro transactions are cheaper than splitting your game up into three parts and charging thirty quid apiece

Then the jpop game (God help us all) because it still has more gameplay than any of the main series games.

Git gud

"ur mad"

"no u"

Good argument kids.

You mad that you have to defend an objectively shitty movie just so your precious viewpoint can't have any cracks in it. Give it up, the movie is bad, believe what you want to believe, a movie being bad does not destroy your other viewpoints.

I said I'd rate it a 3/10 or 4/10 if you read even my first few sentences.

Yet you're throwing a hissy fit because the white man didn't like it either? Do you just despise agreeing with white men?

My favourite part of Ghostbusters was when Paul Feig looked into the camera and said "white genocide is good."

I didn't know you stole (to not support the patriarchy) the collectors edition!

if that qualifies as mad, what is writing several hundred words because someone said something bad about a dumb movie?

Not mad, just disappointed. GB 2016's flaws are all very apparent and even then the analysis was subpar to usual Plinkett. It also didn't use common aspects of the Plinkett reviews, such as real lufe cutaways to merchandise and felonies in progress. Pretty sure it wasn't written by the same person. The review could have been better and it could have been done on a more interesting bad movie than GB 2016.

it could have been done on a more interesting bad movie than GB 2016.

This is an absurdly stupid complaint. Did they waste their only bad movie review and now their quota is used up for the year?

They do like two of these a year, so kinda.


As a lover of bad movies, I'd like to hear some suggestions.

BvS? Seems like an equally easy target (and mostly it is) but it does have so many more fundamental issues pervading the film and making it a trainwreck and a truly bizarre, unique film. Also it had four times the budget, it ties in with the whole cinematic universe thing, it directly competes with the currently biggest entertainment property on earth and its success is directly tied to a flailing entertainment medium, print comics. It has a bigger impact on the economy, on culture, on the entertainment medium and is itself just packed with so many highly questionable choices that its begging for a Plinkett style top-down evaluation.

Oh god I get a plinkett review and Thai drama? Buddy day came early.

Them's fighting words to my girlfriend. She loves the new Ghostbusters a lot.

/u/Soltheron is dating a child, someone call the cops

But my brain did