Filthy heretics blaspheme against the holy Duluth model (pbuf) fatwas are declared and the jihadis ride out to crush the infidels

57  2017-08-09 by Randydandy69


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They really showed that dip shit is in the wrong about feminism by acting like a bunch of dip shits smugging about feminism. Mission accomplished.

Press F



Pick one

The thing about reddit's various hive minds is they can be the most correct anyone has ever been about something, but they'd still argue it in such a way that it becomes false

Fun trick: if you get them to argue that they exist, they'll just vanish on the spot as the universe attempts to correct for the unnatural amount of bad logic

men like this can't stand any model of victimhood that doesn't have men front-and-center.

/u/sotrsab, how is it possible to have you head so far up your ass that you simply cannot grasp /u/bostonbob1987's issues with the Duluth Model?

I liked this head up ass moment too

extremely anti male and hostile messages (male tears, all heterosexual sex is rape, teach men not to rape, etc.) hurt the poor, downtrodden men

u/whoa_disillusionment how can you be this dumb?

It's called 3rd wave feminism. Logic isn't their forte. I blame the radical feminists for a lot of the problems women are facing today. They push that fucking 70% bullshit and it makes people that aren't indoctrinated see them as people who, despite the facts, want women to be completely superior to men. That 70% bullshit is based on what jobs they work. A lot of women don't want to do the tough and extremely demanding jobs, no matter how much they pay. If they used job title versus job title in their employment figures, the wage gap is non existent. Contrary to their belief, pay is based on the job and not on the sex of the individual. If it is based on sex, they have a right to sue their employer for discrimination, it all falls under the equal pay act of 1963.

3rd wave feminism really has nothing to fight for. They have to invent problems to solve and keep themselves occupied. One problem they have is with the equal pay act. They don't want to do the hard work that pays well, they want the pay of a hard job while doing the easiest job. I have a friend that does roofing. Why should the roofers be paid the same as a secretary. Eliminate the jobs of the two and one is an inconvenience, the other is mandatory for the business to exist. The one that is required for the business to exist is paid much more than the one of connivance. The same goes with all industries.

Radical feminists are second-wave feminists.

The feminists now are more insane than they were during the 2nd wave. It was the ideals from the 2nd wave that made the 3rd wave so damn annoying. They took the worst parts of the 2nd wave into the 3rd wave. 4th wave will be even more nuts as more people will take a hold of the worst that 3rd wave has to offer, like they did with 2nd wave feminism. They're no longer about equality with the sexes, they're all about superiority and special treatment and it will be their downfall. They're pushing out the more moderate types so they can sell books and tickets to their lectures. They are no different than any other scam. Repeat a lie in the name of a greater good to make people spend money thinking that they're helping a noble cause. Their cause is no better than someone paying to attend a lecture on how to make money from real estate.

Wow, how surprised I am that not a single scientific study was presented to back up their drivel. Let's delve into this a little, shall we?

Claim: Women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns

Just before Obama took office in 2009, the Department of Labor released a study because, as a deputy assistant secretary explained it, "The raw wage gap continues to be used in misleading ways to advance public policy agendas without fully explaining the reasons behind the gap." The study by CONSAD Research Corp. took into account women being more likely to work part-time for lower pay, leave the labor force for children or elder care, and choose work that is "family friendly" with fuller benefit packages over higher pay. The study found that, when factoring in those variables, the gap narrows to between 93 cents and 95 cents on the dollar.

Claim: 1 in 4 women are raped in their life time

According to the Department of Justice, there were 173,000 rapes in the United States in 2013, including unreported ones.

It also turns out that women rape almost as often as men do:

Stemple’s team begin by pointing to data from the Center For Disease Control’s Survey of thousands of people for the “National Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence”. In 2011, for example, this survey showed that equal numbers of men and women reported being forced into non-consensual sex (either raped themselves or forced to penetrate someone else). Extrapolated to the US as a whole, this would represent 1.9 million victims among each sex during the preceding 12 months.

There are similar findings for sex of victim in the 2010 survey, the researchers said, and that year, the survey also included detail on the sex of offender. To illustrate the prevalence of female offending, the researchers highlighted the number of men who reported being forced by a woman to penetrate her. The survey estimated that nearly 4.5 million men in the US had at some time in their lives been forced to penetrate another person, and crucially, that in 79.2 per cent of cases the perpetrator forcing the sexual act was a woman.


National surveys by the U.S. Census Bureau are also revealing. A 2012 study asked respondents whether they had ever forced someone to have sex against their will: of those who said they had, 43.6 per cent were female (compared with 56.4 per cent of men).

Stemple’s team also considered data from college samples. Most recently, a 2014 study of 284 men and boys in college found that 43 reported having been sexually coerced, mostly unwanted sexual intercourse, with 95 per cent of the perpetrators reported as being female. An earlier survey obtained anecdotal descriptions of sexual violence from perpetrators. One woman described how she “locked the room door that we were in. I kissed and touched him. I removed his shirt and unzipped his pants. He asked me stop. I didn’t. Then I sat on top of him.”

Claim: Colleges are rape havens

Turns out that non-students are more likely to be raped than students are

The rate of rape and sexual assault was 1.2 times higher for nonstudents (7.6 per 1,000) than for students (6.1 per 1,000).

Claim: The Duluth model is fair

In reality, the system is incredibly unfair, and male victims of abuse are more likely to be arrested than their abusers:

In 54.9% of cases, the partner was determined to be the primary aggressor. Among those 62 men, 41.5% said the police asked the helpseeker if he wanted his partner arrested; 21% reported the police refused to arrest the partner, and 38.7% indicated the police said there was nothing they could do and left. The coding of the qualitative accounts found that 25.4% of the men told stories of the police doing nothing and ignoring or dismissing them.


Police arrested (out of 129): Helpseekers: 33.3 Partner: 26.5

Charges Dropped:

Helpseeker: 41.5 Partner: 50.0

So male helpseekers are not only more likely to be arrested, but they are less likely to have their charges dropped.

Feminism also really helps male domestic violence victims be taken seriously:

DV Hotlines, Agencies, and Online Resources Men seeking help from DV agencies, hotlines, and via the Internet answered questions that addressed the reception they received when seeking help. The results are displayed in Table 3. Between 25–33% reported being referred by a DV hotline or an online resource to a local program that was helpful. The remaining experiences were not as positive. A large proportion of those who sought help from DV agencies (49.9%), DV hotlines (63.9%), or online resources (42.9%) were told, “We only help women.” Of the 132 men who sought help from a DV agency, 44.1% (n=86) said that this resource was not at all helpful; further, 95.3% of those men (n=81) said that they were given the impression that the agency was biased against men. Some of the men were accused of being the batterer in the relationship: This happened to men seeking help from DV agencies (40.2%), DV hotlines (32.2%) and online resources (18.9%). Over 25% of those using an online resource reported that they were given a phone number for help which turned out to be the number for a batterer’s program. The results from the open-ended questions showed that *16.4% of the men who contacted a hotline reported that the staff made fun them, as did 15.2% of the men who contacted local DV agencies. * Qualitative accounts provide a more in-depth understanding of their experiences with these resources.

Seriousposting? In my r/drama?

Is that a new meme lmao?

The mra cucks are boycotting Google this week because it fired that one guy


Also doesn't google(images) not show pictures for porn anymore? I'd probably use bing for bussy to tbh

Bing is better for porn.


You know how to impress, friend

> Imagine the kind of person who has all this copypasta at hand at all times.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Good bot

thank you

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Why did you post a pic of feminists?

the horseshoe is real

Let's delve into this a little, shall we?

Can we not?

"S-stop proving my v-views wrong :(((("

I don't know if I should up vote or down vote this level of effortposting

look at me I think any feminist in the world is going to read more than three words of my post

In other words, for the same work, most women make less than 77 cents per the men's dollar.

There are still people that believe this shit?

I can't believe SRD is actually justifying something that has caused so much injustice and male suffering as the Duluth Model.

Oh wait yes I can because the left has gone absolutely bonkers

Why have I never heard of this Duluth Model? Is it a new thing..?

Nope, been around since 81.

Basically a bunch of feminists activists all got in a circle and decided that domestic violence was about men enforcing power and privilege within a patriarchy, and then somehow managed to badger the rest of the country into believing it.

Despite the men in the first and subsequent trials regularly giving contradicting evidence against the groups' conclusions.

Despite lesbian relationships having a much higher rate of domestic violence than gay or even hetero relationships.

Despite psychologists denouncing the model as having been created by people who have zero understanding of therapy.

Despite studies on the effectiveness of the model struggling to show it having any effect at all - with there being a fairly direct inverse ratio of rigorousness/effectiveness.(The more rigorous the study, the less effect the model seems to have)

And despite one of the creators of the model even admitting that the whole thing is pretty much a circle-jerk of confirmation bias.


There's that.

u/ZekeCool505 so more than 1/4 of women are sexually assaulted. Til we live in sub Saharan Africa, brb gotta go rape a baby to cure my aids and eat some albino for its magical powers.

I'm pretty sure they get that figure by categorizing "men looking at women" as being sexual assault.

I'm not...I wish I was joking.

I love his examples for dubious statistics. Both of those numbers have been shown to be flawed due to issues with self-reporting.... because further studies have found that the numbers are most likely worse.

In other words, for the same work, most women make less than 77 cents per the men's dollar. A woman's chance to be sexually assaulted in her lifetime is greater than 1 in 4.

God damn /u/ZekeCool505 you are one dumb motherfucker. If you seriously think that more than 25% of women are rape victims then you should probably kill yourself to keep women safe. Or are you okay with there being a higher than 25% probability that you're going to rape a woman?

Homeboy said sexual assault, not rape, you fucking doof.

Do you think the woman being violated cares about that you fucking pig?

I would imagine that someone getting their ass groped would rather have that happen than being raped, but I've never assaulted a women, I'll leave that expertise to you.

Anyone, man or woman, who has never been grabbed by the ass, is one ugly motherfucker.

Do you consider that being raped?

No, that isn't being raped, for anyone.

I agree and that was my point, stop being fucking stupid.

stop being fucking stupid.


Stop defending rapists.

a women

it's called spelling, dumbfuck

I thought we wouldn't need you anymore, but i was very wrong.

He's gonna be needed until 2024 when trump can no longer win

That's when Neo-Trump takes the reigns: A Trump AI that cannot die.

Implying the God-Emperor of mankind is anything other than peak, pure human.


I give it until 2019 that he's impeached.

But can he be reelected after that? Because it wouldn't surprise me.

Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution has the clause…

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Meaning, if an impeached President were to be convicted, one of the two penalties (generally one that would require a separate vote after the conviction passed, which automatically invokes the first penalty, removal from office) that is possible is “disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office…”. If the Senate voted to disqualify an impeached and convicted President from future office, he/she could never serve the office again. If they didn’t vote for such disqualification, and the President was still otherwise eligible for the job (had only been elected one term and not served more than two years of another President’s term), he/she could run again and, if elected again, become President again.

"disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office…”

Loophole found.

because further studies have found that the numbers are most likely worse.

So more than 1 in 4 college women will be raped? Do you have a single fact to back that up, /u/ZekeCool505 ?

They are singlehandedly bumping that statistic up.

I know I am ;)

Or the ol', "the wage gap doesn't exist because of the reasons it exists!" line of reasoning.

I bet /u/BenIncognito thinks this is a really clever "gotcha".

/u/BenInognito does the high incarceration rate of African Americans also prove that we should be locking up black people because of their criminal nature? Or do you only suck your own dick with tautological statistics on special occasions?

I'm sorry jajajaja, ben can no longer respond to you

His college leftism syndrome has degraded his mind to the point where we're not sure whether or not he's aware of who he is

I'm afraid the only cure is taking away daddy's credit card

Having pics of a few of the SRD crowd reconfirmed for me that contrary to fairy tales, lotta people that are hideous on the outside are hideous on the inside, too. In fact I'd say that's the general rule

Ideology is the only way to feel superior if you're dumb and ugly.

Honestly anything that gets more people redpiled on bussy is good in my books.

Bussy>gussy for sho

SRD isn't trying to hide it at all anymore, huh?

Huh? I thought I linked to SRS

lol how do feminists know absolutely nothing about their own theories

"the duluth model doesnt unfairly target men", sounds realistic

No true feminists support the Duluth model. I don't know what you're talking about.

Are you interested in taking a gender studies course?

"--- men like this can't stand any model of victimhood that doesn't have men front-and-center.shockingly, he's a trump supporter. i know right?"

proceeds to give no actual evidence towards him being a trump supporter.

It's like the "/r/The_Donald is brigading!" excuse. Call anyone you disagree with a Trump supporter and say they're brigading with no evidence to win the argument. Instant updoots.