Today on /r/dwarfism : tranny also identifies as a transmidget

27  2017-08-09 by IAintThatGuy


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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In that case, kinkshaming is the only right thing to do.

Does midget count as oppression? People love Time Bandits, wee man, that Vern dude, munchkin land, the gun midget that was posted on weekendgunnit, etc.

Midgets seem to be loved online, and they're usually nice. But I guess lots of things in their life suck (and people might be assholes).

Really the opposite of trannies who complain a lot online, but are the source of most of their problems IRL ("I'm so oppressed because I'm trying to kill myself", "that pregnant woman triggered me", "I don't get why my date punched me in the face when in lifted up my dress and shoved my dick in his face"...).

I'm sure they bitch in private but you're right, you never see them freaking out online even though practically everything has to piss them off.

That sub can consider me


You ever go to r short? Buncha angry midgets.

"I'm so oppressed because I'm trying to kill myself"

Hahaha, death.

Picturing a tiny ftm tranny is hilarious.

Except this transmidget is normal sized (like a manlet, or a woman a little above average).

Yeah but with a female bone structure, so not only is he a couple inches shy of dwarfism but really tiny structurally

He's 7 or 8 inches above the threshold for diagnosis. So it's really someone who's looking for one more "identity" to add to their character sheet.

I'm thinking of dwarf not midget

/r/dwarfism has a whole sidebar about that, and it boils down to :

Any genetic condition that results in an adult height of under 4'10"

That tranny is way out of its lane.


Fucking kill me now pls

Everyday We Stray Further From God's Light

But how will you enjoy the endless drama mines?

/u/licoriceeater why do you want to belong to another group where anyone with two eyes will see you don't belong? Aren't you already tired to correct everyone on your pronouns, and having to remind everybody that you're totes a woman despite the dick and the 5 o'clock shadow?

You need to work on your pick-up lines m'dude

I don't know, I was pretty happy with this one. No death threats this time. I'm working on that.

He's a female to male, subhuman retard.

Odd that it is a troll is high

You never know with some people.

It's just that I feel like I'm stuck in some kind of grey area where I can't really belong (or not feel self-conscious either way) anywhere and that kind of sucks

This is everyone everywhere. The rest of us deal with it through hobbies, drugs or alcohol.

In 2017, hormones and dick cutting seem to be an acceptable method.

It's all eugenically good, baby!

He already said drugs and hobbies.

u/Stuntman119 how does it feel being an unfunny prick


That's where I stole it. Those radfems have amounts of free time and hate that make me jealous. I realize I must step up my hate game.

Yes, I unironically admire those people. Even though I agree that transmidgetry is one of the most ridiculous thing I've ever head, I can't get as worked up about it as those gals.

Yeah it feels like I spend one or two hours every day not hating anything. Whereas some of those women are clearly frothing at the mouth 24/7 over everything. And those bitches are old. I'm not sure my heart would take it for 5 years.

Reddit is my cardio.

That's why everyone here is fat.

Hello! I can't say I'm not at least a little complimented at the recognition.

The juxtaposition of trans-ideology with dwarfism was too beautiful to pass up.

Saying "I am a man" doesn't make you a man anymore than saying "I am a dwarf" makes you one. I've got licoriceeater to thank for this wonderful analogy.


I wish I had a shitlord radfem girlfriend just like you. Keep doing what you're doing.

I wish I had a shitlord radfem girlfriend

No you don't. It sounds like a good idea in theory, but in practice it's probably horrible. Like having a crocodile as a pet.

Like having a crocodile as a pet.

/u/contecorsair This little boy ain't afraid of getting bit ;)

Oh, is this the page you were looking for?

Sexing Your Alligator


but please be aware that we cannot guarantee the sex

Oh no. Whether it means I won't get powsi or I might get a Alligator-to-trans; oh no.

Sexing Your Alligator

Even /r/zoophilia wouldn't dare.

That is awesome! Highly illegal in my country, but I think I can get a vet to make me a certificate saying it's just a dog with a skin condition and autism.

No you don't. It sounds like a good idea in theory, but in practice it's probably horrible. Like having a crocodile as a pet.

Are you trying to flatter us? Because that's pretty fucking flattering.

Are you trying to flatter us? Because that's pretty fucking flattering.

If you're a total social retard who takes being compared to a stinky aggressive reptile a compliment. Congratulations, you're unberable and proud of it?


I don't need your permission male.

I can't tell if you're joking or serious... That is a huge turn on.

Did you just assume xir gender?

Saying "I am a man" doesn't make you a man anymore than saying "I am a dwarf" makes you one.

You know it's bad when trannies pull moves that would be considered weird and annoying even for a Dungeons and Dragons character.

/u/licoriceeater maybe the DSM5 told your kind you weren't "mentally ill" anymore, but you'll have to wait a few editions of D&D before that kind of retardation becomes canon.

u/licoriceeater can you post a pic in like doorway i want to see if your as tiny as I imagine.

It identifies as a woman, and a midget. So I assume it's a 7 feet tall obese man.

Transracial, transheightism, transpecies will be next.

Lots of people will have to apologize to Rachel Dolezal.

Ikr, she's the MLK of our time. ;_;

I'm surprised she hasn't got shot yet.

You have been accused that you feel trans people want to rape you? And that you are a white supremacist. How do you plead?

You have been accused that you feel trans people want to rape you?

More like I said not disclosing you're a tranny (like if you go online dating and you say you're a "woman") and having with someone that way is akin to rape, and that I would defend myself if it happened (also that I believe lethal force is justified to prevent rape). Some trannies didn't like it and tried to make drama out of it.

And that you are a white supremacist.

Not sure I even count as white. I mock all races but the same trannies held on to cases where I laughed at brown people to say I was a "white supremacist".