Tranny asks too many questions while being trans. Highly suspicious and entitled behavior.

8  2017-08-09 by IAintThatGuy


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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So trans people like to tell you they're trans when they post online but not when they fuck you?

Yes. It's the only time where not everything revolves around them broadcasting their transness.

It kinda amuses me there's a dwarfism sub. It kinda saddens me they didn't name it /r/Hobbiton.

Seems it was already taken.

Also Reddit has a few midget porn subs but only one that seems (barely) alive /r/midgetsmut

that was a fun read, thank you OP.

but seriously though, /u/licoriceeater, of course you're abnormal height for the average male. You can try to change it as much as you want but your body for all other intents and purposes is female. 5'0 is a perfectly normal height for a girl, claiming that you have dwarfism just screams of delusion.

I don't have a problem in principle with trans people, born into the wrong gender? Sucks for them I get it. The way most of them peacock and bitch about not getting attention while having purple hair and stilleto leggings piss me off.

Actually the fact that they were trans was relevant. I would have though, wow, 5' is really short for a man.

But for a woman, its a bit below average, but nothing amazing, and even a bit common. So the fact that they were born a woman even explains a bit why they are shorter than the average man.

Ugh, the last thing we need is trapsplaining.

Glad to see the bot; it shows people being idiots, since apparently /r/drama has turned into a hate sub.

Implying we werent always the southpark neutral hatemob illuminati

Press F Pay Respect

The problem was he asked a question while trans.

Has to be the dumbest shit I;ve seen today.

DAE all other factors of your life vanish when you are talking about 1?

DAE no other person brings up unrelated topics when talking about themselves.

Really looking forward to the coming nuclear winter after this war now.

Very clever, r/short: the way to get people on the left to care about manlet oppression is to get some female manlets.


/r/drama is a hate sub

I'm sorry you feel that way but nobody wants to fuck a guy that had his dick cut off