Transman calls mother by first name to disrespect her. Mother calls him by female name to disrespect him. Transman plays victim.

80  2017-08-10 by nordicangst


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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mom used old and no longer legal name in argument, what do

Hopefully keeping himself safe

Some of these Trans lads and lasses make me want to trap them in a room and scream their deadnames at them because by the gods if this shite makes you breakdown i pity your future because some bosses are gonna have fun with you bringing the the term fresh meat to a quite literal point.

These people dont have jobs They're on permanent welfare / mental disability.

I wouldn't expect anyone to work who has a 739% chance of being literally murdered everyday just for existing.

Where did you pull that number out of?

My bussy.

its a good location to store things new a kinky guy who kept his cellphone stuck up his arse then again he was pretty damned prolapsed so it was probably pretty easy.

How are they supposed to get a job?! Trump banned them from joining the military!!!

And as we can tell, GEOTUS made the right decision.

These people dont have jobs They're on permanent welfare / mental disability.

They might work for Google...

You wanna trap the traps?

WHAT NO why would i trap me self besides that traps are hot the trans that don't even try or are petulant to a annoying point nah toss em in the deadname room.

This fine young "man" is 19 years old and has no job, no GED, and seems to be under the impression that her parents are just the WORST UGH

I only see two paths in her future: getting the fuck over herself or dead in an alley with a needle in her arm by next year

/u/momprobsss You're a man so cowboy the fuck up pussy.

She just have missed a testosterone shot



I didn't need you to fix it for me, I also don't call volkswagens bugattis

Do you call a spade a spade too?

it's called a shovel you british faggots

/u/momprobsss you should have to come us instead of relationships.

Apparently 19 year olds are children.

Yep. They think so too.

Adult-sized children

Man I wonder if father's like Red (from That 70s Show) existed, and how would they react to this kind of bullshit:

Deadnamed you? Who did your mother murdered this time? Your male self, your female self, or one of your imaginary furry friends?

Probably with a foot up the ass.

On /r/relationships, I've seen people call 23 year olds children who "shouldn't be in potentially manipulative relationships" with 28-30 year olds because of the age gap and "power imbalances". Of course, this is always when the 22-23 year old is a poor womanchild female.

AKA post wall roasties buttmad that 28-30yo isn't in to them and would rather get someone still attractive

wut like ...wut? i got a age difference of 15 years with my husband he is 39 almost 40 and yet i've been married for a few years i do not understand the whole age difference equals power imbalance i keep hearing.

Mom wins!

I sympathise with them, I recently went through a traumatising experience when a barista in Starbucks wrote my name wrong on my coffee cup. I literally threw the coffee in their face and run away crying.

Adam, your shirt are so stupid my penis fall off and run out the door.

It sounds like you don't get the support you deserve at home, I am sorry reddit failed you as well. Feel free to reach out one-on-one if there's anything you want to talk about. Anytime.

Translation: Ayy gurl, u still got that sweet gussy? PM me.

They aren't equal levels of disrespect.

Disrespecting your mother is much worse.

My mother commited suicide because of me but my father oh god i would never think of talking to him like that i was raised with just my dad so saying any of this i think i would rather scream at a child then my father like that.

My mom would probably slap the shit out of me if I was disrespectful like that.

/u/momprobsss, you live in your mom's house. You disrespected her in her house. Did you pay for the groceries? No? Sit down and shut up, then. You deserved what you got. You're luck you aren't my son? daughter? it? You'd have been kicked out immediately. Do the right thing and apologize to your mother for your disrespect, kid.

This is a BASIC right. No matter how mad I have gotten at a trans friend, i would never deadname them. If OP was gay, and mom called them f*g, it would be equally inexcusable.

imagine being this person

She basic all right.

Escalating insults with people who have known you from birth isn't a good idea.

So what the fuck is with "deadnaming"

They make it sound like it's a magic spell that drains your life crystals or some shit

It might be the least important thing I've ever seen people get this upset about

It really sounds like something from DND. Like an evil cleric will try to deadname a PC in a fight and the PC had better make that will save.

Imagine having such a bad relationship with your parents if you call them by their first name and not Master they get this upset. Seems like a two way toxic relationship tbf though.

Because mom is a term of endearment. Something save for that type interpersonal relationship. I once saw a dad tell his teenage son (14-15) to stop disrespecting his mom. When he didn't, dad simply got up and asked him real simply "what the fuck did you say to my wife?"

The kid immediately stammered. He knew, he wasn't being treated like a son but rather a random who under circumstances wouldn't dare talk to another man's wife that way.

If the relationship is "that bad" then the 19 year should knuckle the fuck up and move out. That is what an adult that truly feels disrespected would do. The mother is only doing what she feels she is morally obligated to do. There isn't master/subservient roles here. Its 1 adult disrespecting another adult in their own home.

Sure it's a term of endearment but imagine being an adult and getting upset because you weren't called a cutesy name by your adult child. The master thing was a joke, though since you seem to think it's a required label and mis-addressing the master of the house hold deserves a back hand then maybe it's not too far off the mark. I can call my parents either, they don't get offended by shouting MAMMY across the supermarket as a grown man seems a bit odd, my mother isn't so wounded if as 2 adults we have an adult conversation and address either other as such.

I actually agree she should grow some balls and move out though. Though I'm struggling to see the "moral obligation" of calling your She-he spawn by a name they no longer use, if anything she's another woman in need of growing some balls rather then behaving like her brat offspring...thus the two way toxic relationship, if anything it's seems likely her brats attitude is a symptom of her doing anyway.

If my son stopped calling me dad and starting calling me my name just to spite me, fuck yes it would hurt. It would be him saying "I am not a part of you". Especially I felt I was doing my best to support then in anyway possible, why wouldn't I? It my fucking son, who is a good kid and I love him. Mom and dad aren't cutesy nicknames. Their titles, usually earned and respected.

Imagine being so socially inept that you can't identify someone overtly disrespecting someone.

Imagine being so socially inept that you can't identify someone overtly disrespecting someone.

I imagine you can, if you really think it's overtly disrespectful.

One adult called another by their first the fucking cops already.

One adult called another by their first the fucking cops already.

The kid even says in the post that he, she whatever called the parent by name as a way to blatantly show her disrespect. How dumb are you?

u/momprobsss is obviously an emotional crybaby who is delusional about who she is. This was expected, as all trannies are fundamentally insane in the head, like u/lexadeservedclarke for example.

Kill yourself. You're still obsessed with me and it's pathetic. It's been at least a fucking week already. You really have nothing better to do. You're a sad little obsessive retard. I'm not giving you the satisfaction. Go die

Careful the mods are very strict here with such threats. It's important that everyone here knows the number one thing to do is to Keep Yourself Safe.

very rude tbqhwyf

Then you go die, too.

Before that can you write up a nice summary of the drama between you two? I missed it and it sounds juicy.

Okay, fine. I'll humor you. He's nothing but a waste of space who needs to die.

I started trolling him on Instagram, and then he deleted his page out of anger when I had a bunch of friends join me, and then he made a second page to try and troll me back, but then deleted it again when I made him really fucking mad, and I even gave him my Reddit and my address and social security number. I wanted him to make a move. He didn't. Except on Reddit, so two other faggots got involved and I pissed them off to no end, too and mass downvoted all their posts and had some friends do that, too. And he still thinks he's funny more than a week later showing his pathetic puke of a self on any board again. It's quite sad. He only uses the same five insults, too. I feel like he might be retarded. This kid is also named William, and he's a weeaboo. He had anime tits all over his personal IG.

You seem super upset for someone who claims to be winning an Internet argument.

I started trolling him on Instagram

You can't complain about someone trolling you when you started it you dumb fucker

I'm not giving you the satisfaction.

And yet you did.

and mass downvoted all their posts and had some friends do that, too.

Vote brigading is a site wide banable offense. Maybe the admins will ignore the reports.

I even gave him my Reddit and my address and social security number


I was kidding about that last part. Just my Reddit.

Did you know that adults don't do the kind of ridiculous horseshit you're describing? They have actual important shit to spend their time on. How were you not overcome with shame just typing all that out?

being THIS bussyblasted

End quote. The definition of autism.

Not kidding. Anime tits are the top mark of a high grade autist

Are you one of those dumb people who hate the 100 because they killed off your beloved character?

You seem very not mad

I'd tell you to kill yourself but, statistically, you already will.

No u

you said bad words, you deserve death! Fascist!

No u

op is 19. it's not a given that they have the means to just move out at will.

If only there was this thing where you go outside, do something for someone for 8 hours per day and get money in return.

But but but free college and a basic living allowance for just breathing!


>lives with mom

/u/momprobsss, you're a child, and a pathetic one at that. Take your fucking T and man the fuck up if you want to be considered a man.

Disagree. Dead naming someone is deeply offensive and injurious to one's mental health.

This is a BASIC right. No matter how mad I have gotten at a trans friend, i would never deadname them. If OP was gay, and mom called them f*g, it would be equally inexcusable.

Lol at this little retard.

that little bugger is going to be some power tripping bosses wet dream i mean i know some bosses can be cruel but if this is deeply offensive i can not think of anything better then a boss that wonts you to bend to their will and don't care if your happy just working....Okay a little too much projection.

Haha I love how any time someone on Reddit complains about their parents, the parent is always a "textbook narcissist"

Having a child is the only diagnostic necessity for narcissism fam. Psych 101.

And of course, those whiners never see the irony of crying on reddit about their mommy issues...

Don't tell them it's an hereditary trait of personality.

Man if I have kids please baby Jesus don't make them trannies.

It is NOT "a simple give and take," the two situations are not equivalent at all. Using a deadname isn't merely disrespectful on the level of failing to use someone's title (which is basically what "mom" is), it's attacking at the core of their entire identity & deeply, deeply hurtful.

/u/iwantsurprises you sad excuse for a child, what the fuck do you think denying your mom their identity as mother is then, after all the fucking time she wasted on you? If that is not an attack on their "core", then neither is using a different fucking name.

rename this subreddit into r/manchildrenbitchingaboutotherpeople

Holyfuck kys already if being called by your birth name makes you cry for transphobia.

..."deadnamed" trannies have a certain talent to dramatize the most harmless things, I'll give them that...

Deadname your self.


Don't want to live with mommy? Take your testosterone and go get a job on an oil rig, big man.

I don't have my GED currently and we're too far into the country for me to walk or bike anywhere to get a job. I'm kind of stuck.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

/u/momprobsss Tbh calling your parent by their first name is more disrespectful than deadnaming. Your mom had to shove you out her vagina to be called a mom, what was your accomplishment that allowed you to change your name? Nothing.

Just think only 2-3 years ago I learned the term "Cis".

Today I learned the term "deadname".

They say nothing if worthless if you learned something new. I think I'm going to have to disagree with this.