Autism Spectrum Quotient

14  2017-08-11 by INEFFABILIS_MIXTURA


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Your score was 24 out of a possible 50. Scores in the 0-25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits.


  1. That's so nonautistic that it's probably into some other disease

You're an obnoxious, empathetic loser who can't stand being by himself for five minutes without worrying if your friends are actually just being your friend because they're too afraid you'll kill yourself due to your severe insecurities.

How was that?

Your score was 36 out of a possible 50.

Scores in the 33-50 range indicate significant Autistic traits (Autism).

Not really a shock.

Your score was 40 out of a possible 50. Scores in the 33-50 range indicate significant Austistic traits (Autism).

They spelled "Autistic" wrong, should I trust this?

Were you wearing a hat with corks hanging off it and drinking a "tinny" at the time?


Your score was 32 out of a possible 50.

Not bad.


Boy i sure dodged a big one there

Half of these questions are basically just "do you like social interaction" so I can't imagine Reddit as a whole doing too hot

Hey teens! Do you feel awkward and insecure at times? You have autism you fucking freak of nature!

literally 23/50 questions are "people: y/n?" so this whole thing is honestly probably doing more harm than good. You can be shy without being autistic ffs

Yep, the test is designed to separate introversion from autism.

25 points That'll show all these cunts calling me an autist on the internet!

i got 35 lol but its also impossible to give a neutral answer. anyway i deserve to be here

I got 24.


I am your token normie xD


autism +37

Ty senpai cringie

Kind of useless without a neutral option imo but that just might be the autism speaking


Your score was 25 out of a possible 50.


Your score was 19 out of a possible 50. Scores in the 0-25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits

Test is bunk.

47 :(