Baked Alaska was kicked out of an Uber for being racist

35  2017-08-11 by ChipChippersonAMA


This is why we need mayocide.


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That's not the drama. The drama is that a "driver" doesn't know how to start her car. The video is about a minute long, it takes her about 30 seconds to figure out how to start her car. WHAT. IS. GOING. ON...?

Haha I imagine it's because she just wants to get away as he's filming her and thus didn't think clearly

She shouldn't be driving if she can't handle the pressure.

No, she shouldn't be driving because she's a woman




Dont be retarded.

1 rule for starting a working car.

She had to pull out her phone to look up how to crank a car.

Former Uber driver and passenger.

They'll let damn near everyone drive. Like, an unreasonably low bar.

Why is his voice so squeaky? I wouldn't be able to handle 5 minutes of that.

Low T

He sounds just like Andy Kaufman so I'm assuming he's one of his characters


An embarrassment

sjw cuck embarassment or nazi embarassment?

An embarrassment to white people

wypipo are an embarrassment to themselves by virtue of existence, this retard is no different


He doesn't like mayocide jokes. Makes him really sad. Case in point:

btw check out lower right corner. his logo. "BA". not a nazi tho xdxd

That doesn't answer the question.

This is the guy in question if you wanna take another swing at it.

Dude looks like Lucius Malfoy.

If malfoy was a Canadian

and if he never had either magic nor enormous wealth. He's the Trailer Park Boys version of malfoy.

Someone thinks that memes are important so I'm going to guess Nazi.



But I repeated myself, my apologies.

you can call baked alaska a nazi. He'd probably prefer if you did.

I hate the old calling everyone a Nazi thing but he probably did say something racist to that uber driver.

I mean, he hates the jews and the blacks and the gays and the browns and the libtarded mayos and softly advocates for they're death. Spades a spade, yo.

I haven't really looked into him. These days i take everything with a grain of salt. I just know he's a d-bag.

shit both probably

nazi cuck embarrassment

this is the closest to the truth. he was an alt-lite grifter who has moved to alt-rite for the big bux grifting. SJWs and tons on far right hate him

"purity spiraling". its actually p funny cause no one is born a neo-nazi/fascist/monarchist/alt-right/neo-reactionary/white nationalist (or very few i should say). the majority of people all have a "red pill" story about how they used to be libcucks but totally see the light now and are hardcore. but then do it to everyone else

im kinda a fagg0t and i love TO do nothing all day but folow this. im a gay neet


He presents himself as a meme magician. He wrote this book: MEME MAGIC - SECRETS REVEALED

Smug Pepe, Kek, and "God Emperor Trump" — all viral Internet sensations that helped energize the conservative youth movement and put Donald Trump in the White House. But who's responsible for these and other far-right memes that stand to reshape western culture as we know it?

In this gripping political memoir, celebrity meme magician and alt-right insider Baked Alaska reveals everything the mainstream doesn't know about the hidden forces reshaping our society.

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nice. a book for normies who dont get memes and cant even hit up KnowYourMeme for an overly dry and usually half-wrong explanation.

the sad part is I bet that no one other than "baked alaska fans" (dont put the gas away yet...) actually will buy this and they already know the material off by heart

celebrity meme magician and alt-right insider Baked Alaska

Is this some next level self-awareness or what

Wow, what a huge coincidence that the guy who was randomly accused of being a racist while sleeping in a car and totally doing nothing wrong just happens to be the kind of guy who (according to Wikipedia) got dis-invited from an alt-right meetup for being too antisemitic! Like, what are the odds?

being too antisemitic

No such thing

ok thats p messed up.

ill do a better job of explaining. he was an alt-lite cuck. he was even on the Daily Shoah but wouldnt touch the JQ (jewish question) so was seen as a weak alt-lite baby cuck (purity spiral) and not true alt-right

whatever the fuck conference he got kicked out of was not alt-right if they didnt like anti-semitism. thats fucking retarded. i swear none of you know what the fuck you are talking about. literally like 3 websites are pushing this shit Daily Stormer, The Right and whether you want to bitch about it or not fucking Richard SPencer.

its probably all a fucking limited hangout psyop anyways but i wish you fuckers would pay attention.

ALL THIS FUCKING CONFUSION IS BECAUSE when "alt-right" got popular anyone who had a bit of a functional testosterone level and common sense but wasnt an establishment-Republican-traitor-piece of shit suddenly latched on to the label. it only took about 6mo~ or so before half the "alt-lite" realized that they were suddenly in the company of actual racists, neo nazis, race realists, holocaust deniers, anti-semites, fascists, monarchists, neo-reactionarys and other assorted types and couldnt take the media heat and decided they werent so much "alt-right" any more. the classic example is Milo Yabadabadoo and Breitbart together immediately latching on to the term but then backing off when realing a (((CERTAIN PEOPLE))) werent that muched well-liked in the "alt-right"

baked alaska is a former buzz feed writer. turned alt-light cuck turned recent flirter with full on 14/88 final solution to the JQ

ok thats p messed up. ill do a better job of explaining. he was an alt-lite cuck. he was even on the Daily Shoah but wouldnt touch the JQ (jewish question) so was seen as a weak alt-lite baby cuck (purity spiral) and not true alt-right whatever the fuck conference he got kicked out of was not alt-right if they didnt like anti-semitism. thats fucking retarded. i swear none of you know what the fuck you are talking about. literally like 3 websites are pushing this shit Daily Stormer, The Right and whether you want to bitch about it or not fucking Richard SPencer. its probably all a fucking limited hangout psyop anyways but i wish you fuckers would pay attention. ALL THIS FUCKING CONFUSION IS BECAUSE when "alt-right" got popular anyone who had a bit of a functional testosterone level and common sense but wasnt an establishment-Republican-traitor-piece of shit suddenly latched on to the label. it only took about 6mo~ or so before half the "alt-lite" realized that they were suddenly in the company of actual racists, neo nazis, race realists, holocaust deniers, anti-semites, fascists, monarchists, neo-reactionarys and other assorted types and couldnt take the media heat and decided they werent so much "alt-right" any more. the classic example is Milo Yabadabadoo and Breitbart together immediately latching on to the term but then backing off when realing a (((CERTAIN PEOPLE))) werent that muched well-liked in the "alt-right" baked alaska is a former buzz feed writer. turned alt-light cuck turned recent flirter with full on 14/88 final solution to the JQ

replied to wrong person so here it is reposted

who do u think is going to read this smh

its a serious post and borderline agendapost. but like im not a fuckin normie retard. i just kinda get triggered when nobody know what the fuck theyre talking about

Your entire post history is ranting about stupid shit no one outside your little nazi circlejerk cares about or, due to your poor spelling and grammar, comprehends. It's like someone fed a neural net chatbot scripts from 1999, Facebook memes, and posts from /pol/. Was your mother an alcoholic, or just your Dad's sister?

Oh god that quote was actually a serious post. I am honestly curious what happened to you to end up like this? I'm going to assume some sort of abuse, familial, societal, alien, or some combination.

Lmao imagine being this retarded

WTF are you trying to say? He's not a racist piece of shit, he just aspires to be one?

I do not keep up with him. I am saying that last I knew of him he was on "The Daily Shoah" podcast where he the furthest he'd go was along the lines of "heh these lefties sure are dumb, does anyone else hate Hillary?" meanwhile The Daily Shoah/TRS is either a limited hang out cia honeypot false flag or the actual literal center of racist alt-right anti-semitic 14/88 GTKRWN and lill Baked Alaska was in over his head and trying to come out as not racist.

at most was one of these "heh blacks am i rite" kinda guys. but hes recently kinda been exploding on scene since apaprently fighting with Sargon about the (((HOLO-HOAX))))

Why do you write like you have downs?

isn't this guy a holocaust denier lmao

i guess. i dont know. he was on the Daily Shoah about 6-8 months ago and basically refused to touch the JQ (jewish question) but now hes like full on 14/88 final solution to the JQ so hes either changed opinion or something is going on


yeah and he can't even get the talking points TRS fed him down. it's like listening to Jontron ramble whenever he speaks.

Is is great that the dude kicked out of the 'deplora-ball committee to establish an enthno-state for whites' for being too racist thinks that people will assume that he didn't say some racists shit to the black uber driver.

That trick only works when you're not a world famous piece of shit.

wtf i love uber now

Alt-right dweebs are indistinguishable from shrieking white middle aged ladies who demand to speak to a manager at this point.



Dude is a straight aspie retard.