Cucked NEET loser in 5 hour argument with mods of r/badphilosophy over who is the biggest pseudo. This is the most autistic shit you'll read this year.

59  2017-08-11 by MakeAmericaSageAgain

Hiya! It's a Friday evening. The sun is shining, temperature is perfect. If I was a lesser man I'd go to the beach and maybe enjoy a couple of cold ones with tha bois. But not me. No. I prefer to shitpost on the internet instead.

At first I'll tease you with a little sumthin-sumthin' to whet your appetite.

Then I provide you with the appropriate context. /u/Ambianceur makes a good post taking down a video including a bad "philosophical" pro-choice argument. He then tries to post it to bad philosophy, but it's deleted.

This of course awakens both my deep hatred for /r/badphilosophy and my penchant for acting like a conspiritard professional victim. Apparently "automod" deleted it because it thought the link was "spam". Huh, that's weird considering there was another youtube vid on the front page at the time.

After the mods were made aware of their mistake and asked to re-instate the post they banned me and this is where it gets really juicy. I've never been part of a reddit fight as retarded as this one. Enjoy.

Then I got muted. It's very long, I know and I look like an idiot myself, I know. But that's what is funny about it. Imagine constantly walking around with this smug arrogance around you without realizing what douches we really are.

Then they banned Ambianceur too despite him not even being part of this whole thing. Lol.

(The other day I was talking with some user here about how TERFs could be so obsessive in their hatred for trannies. Now I get it. I've got the same thing, but it's smug leftist "intellectuals" instead. I can't help myself. If you read through r/Gendercritical you'll see plenty of posts about how some of those women are uncomfortable in their gender roles and with their female bodies. It's really about self-hatred and inability to reconcile with some parts of yourself. I think it's the same way with me. I'm a smug fucking "intellectual" leftist myself. That's why they're my kryptonite. Whatever.)

TL;DR here are the best quotes: Ok, do we start by comparing diplomas or journal publications?

In any case, anyone know a good restaurant in Paris in the 14th?

I keep seeing that phrase "a pseudo". Is that some new alt-right patois?

I'm a NEET amphetamine addict - consider getting a fucking job then -

...That was a post-ironic jab at myself -> See, that's the problem


Yeah, /r/badphilosophy doesn't really attract likeable people. It's also more /r/philosophyidontlike at this point than actually bad philosophy.

/u/drunkentune my schizo powers tell me you really want to put the sub on private.

People dissing on /r/badphilosophy be like this.

I'm more like this.

More like this.

Peep show


Don't you dare dis Peep Show.

Yo why the fuck ppl in this sub have shit taste. Peep show is amazing.

Oh that's just me, i have shit taste. I mean, i'm the guy who ate maggots from a moose corpse, after all.

Oh I hadnt heard

I posted that video of me in this very comment section, you dummy

Daddies maggies

Closer to this

Dude, Nusrat Fatheh Ali Khan is sick.


Badphilosophy see You in their Foucault. Nazis sees You in their Mein Kampf. They both have a limited view. I believe only one thing. Tu hi tu, is me kya guftagu?

Um, you cray?

rrrreeeeee shiite ali-worshippers are infidels.

Sunnis will be cast in Jehenna when Al-Mahdi comes out of his cave on qayamat

Fucking dank

ugh, how did this alt-right show get on TV?

What the fuck?

/u/ADefiniteDescription, /u/completely-ineffable, /u/singasongofsixpins Come on over and join the party. Bring your other mod friends from the modmail too. Please explain to me your take on Plato's Theory of Forms. Wikipedia tells me that

"non-physical (but substantial) forms (or ideas) represent the most accurate reality"

What about a tiny shred of self-awareness? Is that part of your reality?

I want to see them deconstruct humor and irony through the lens of MDE so they prove it is as objectively terrible as they implied. I mean it is, but I want them to at least give it a go. I assume they're all postgrads so it's not like they have anything else to do

The thing about MDE is that it's very niche and aimed at a certain kind of people. It's specifically made for black-pilled young male shut-ins and edgelords who are too beta to be Chad, but too angry to be betas. The kind of man who doesn't get laid and are disillusioned by the government and normie trash culture maan. Men like yours truly.

I get that critique and if you're not like that you won't like a lot of the suff MDE makes. The thing that gets me is the "objectively shitty" part. It's very clear that a lot of their content has a reason, an aim and a lot of skill behind it. Just look at the editing, the lighting, the make-up, the music, the sound design. It's pretty clear that they understand how to make something hard hitting.

They want to say something very different and that's quite unique in American comedy imo. Maybe you don't like it, but to just dismiss it as 'omg dey r fash -.-'' isn't right.

(Please don't link a low-effort Sam Hyde clip to invalidate my point here, because there are a lot of them)

Oh man, I wish I cared enough to look up a low-effort notorious mass shooter Sam Hyde clip because I would just leave it at that.

No, I really dont think it's objectively bad, I just think it's a little worse than Tim and Eric which is already borderline for me, unless I'm in a mood usually involving drugs. I think T&E get the slight upper hand with their absurdist satire because they are not so obviously political as MDE.

That being said, I am glad the shooter and MDE exist as a counterpoint to other absurdist comedy, which obviously skews left for the most part. They do actually have a good grasp on production (unlike most right-leaning stuff) which is why I think they have become so popular among a certain "demographic" sniff sniff

I actually watched some of their stuff a while back just for the novelty and I dont hate it, just not my thing. You do know they are completely unironically anti-semitic tho, right?

obviously political

Yeah, it can get overboard sometimes when they don't get the tone just right. They're going for that consciously though, I think. It's funny to me when it is too obvious.

But then they've got that sketch that's about nothing else than how a lot of women are actually gold digging whores if given the opportunity. With barely any comedy in it. What do they mean? I'd marry an attractive rich woman too, despite having no useful skills or intelligence to speak of. Who wouldn't?

a certain "demographic" sniff sniff

u kno it.

You do know they are completely unironically anti-semitic tho

Well, yeah, but that kind of adds to the comedy imo and I know that makes me a bad person, but I can't help it. It's like how MC-Ride raps about suicide and you're pretty sure he actually means it. I'm like a moth drawn to their psychosis. It's tantalizing.

jajaja ok, I hadn't seen the unedited version where there are cut shots to actual executives. I would agree that is where they excel. But, it does fall flat I would say > 70% of time because it just seems mean-spirited or white-male-whiny.

An example I would say was mildly amusing was them trying to get a guy with a severely debilitating disability to be a PUA. It made me uncomfortable, because I wondered how "in on it" the kid was, but at the same time I could see the humor in trying to take PUA shit to that level. Then again, I don't know, it might just have been mean and overall I was 90% uncomfortable.

I really wish there was a happy medium. Are there any other right-leaning comedians you know of? I honestly dont.

If it's anything like badpolitics it's just leftists who need shelter from evil capitalist opinions.

It's not yet as bad as badpolitics, but it's getting there.

I've never been there, but I can only imagine it's a 24/7 circlejerk over Foucault. I'd expect a lot of "if you deconstruct your opinion then it just proves that mine is right because post-structuralism".

Which is, in fact, terrible philosophy, but what do you expect from an agendapost subreddit with no sense of irony?

What's with badx subs and being overtaken with leftists?

we like complaining so we get all the whiny subreddit names

I just figured that was cus you're a femoid, not a lefty.

Sounds like we need to get your t-levels up my dear.

I may need some stern guidance my love

Nah I'm liberal so at least we have a common enemy :*


the tankies/true leftists/boot-non-lickers. Those pasty bike-lock wielding teeny boppers want us both up against the wall darling

Pffft let the soy-boys try, I'll crush their skulls with my glutes.

honestly, super hot

I mean I would just call their moms to come pick them up, but your method is much more erotic

But only if you promise to do the same to me

2 soon after the confessions dog post

But obv ja you'll need a snorkel that's a given 😚

Vetinari in name

Doesn’t realise the value of the oppressive state


They're extremely confident that their opinions are supported by facts, and that anyone with a differing opinion obviously just hasn't read the right sources. Which is why you'll see them outright bash certain authors, books, interpretations, etc. They'll insist the "majority" approves of their favorite interpretation.

That's because people who are actually good st philosophy write and respond to papers. They don't REEEEEE on Reddit.

They also like to join far left or far right political parties.

why is sam's sub always at the heart of it

he cannot continue to do the things he's doing without being apprehended

arguing with liberal (((intellectuals)))

not even once

To add a little butter to the popcorn, here's the mods' interaction with me before muting me. If you want to know what rule 10 is, it basically states that the mods can instantly ban whatever they want.

That is hilarious. I totally get that they would ban me for whatever reason. I acted like an aggressive unapologetic asshole for the fun of it the whole way through, wasn't active in the sub and I know nothing about philosophy.

I don't get why you were fucked over though. You didn't say a single word that can be considered out of line.

/u/snallygaster Can a mod override the actions of AutoMod and re-instate a post that was previously marked as spam?

Even if it is like that I don't see why they would rather ban the people who posted it instead of letting anyone re-post it since it was obviously removed by mistake.

It's particularly funny to me because I used to be fairly active there and never had any problems until I switched to this account and started posting in the MDE sub. I don't mind being banned though, that place degenerated from semi-original content about philosophy to everyone scrambling over each other to shitpost about Sam Harris and kids on facebook the most a long time ago.

There's not many other subs where I can bitch about scientism and contemporary philosophy all in one place, but doing so in a subreddit where the top post of all time is an unironic virtue signaling diatribe about the big racist meanies invading isn't even worth it

Not snally, but yes, they can. Not to mention the automatic spam filter has nothing at all to do with automod, if automod removed it they had to add a rule to it themselves.

Thank you. Why even lie about it? It's not a big secret that they're biased.

"The sub is simply intellectual". Lmfao.

Don't worry, that sub and I go way back. I can swear on all of Planet Earth, that it is run by cucks.

Wait you don't think MDE is actually clever do you

I think it's clever the way they did some stuff on World Peace. I think it's clever that they got that kind of raunchy material on television in the first place. I wrote most of that speeded though so don't take it too seriously.

  1. TERFs are so obsessive in their hatred for trannies because, first, the argument that they have "female brains" undermines the core tenet of RF, that there are no psychological differences between men and women, second, those butch lesbians, those bull dykes with crew cuts, army pants, muscular biceps and freakishly long ring fingers and insatiable lust for femme pussy, they also have analytical male brains and can't treat their beliefs as noises they make in appropriate situations to achieve goals.

    Like, when some MRA says that women belong in the kitchen or there are fewer female CEOs because evopsych, usual feminists make angry noises ("there are no psychological differences"), when transsexuals say that they are literally suicidal when not allowed to wear dresses and lipstick, usual feminists make soothing noises ("sure, you have female brains"), and see no contradiction because there's no contradiction in goals (free women/transfolk from the yoke of oppression), and who cares about those supportive noises?

    But since God definitely shitposts on /r/drama in Her free time, a lot of radfems were cursed with male analytical psychology that actually takes arguments themselves really seriously, and of course they decided that there's no psychological differences between males and females from their own experience (twice as high in-utero t-levels), and then firmly refused to compartmentalize that belief to accommodate for the existence of trans people, being the nerdassburgers of feminism.

  2. anyways, mods tend to be the exact kind of fragile self-selected cancer you'd expect. I had an interesting discussion with an /r/AskScience flaired commenter (with "computational fluid dynamics" or something like that) who turned out to be a mod later, starting with me innocently asking for a clarification on how wind turbines work and ending with him adamantly claiming that there's higher pressure after the turbine, spam-canning my replies as soon as he saw them, then downvoting them after other mods unspammed them.

    I thought about raising a stink and getting him demodded, but then figured out that letting him be himself unchecked is the best thing I can do if I want to thoroughly wreck his life in the long term.

Good post. Why did you have to redpill me on the ring finger though? I want to see whether I'm a low T nu-male or not, but I don't have a ruler laying around. I won't be able to get to sleep until I find out.

What a try-hard.

They got a point there.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who tries harder than the try-hards?

Solum fagmentu hablum latin.

lol which one kept trying to shoehorn in their visit to Paris? How pathetic. Ur right, that was embarrassing all around, but wow those mods are try-hards. "Pseudos" if you will. I imagine they were swirling wine with gitanes in their fingers as they chortled

lol which one kept trying to shoehorn in their visit to Paris?

I have no idea, but I cringe just thinking about it. There was something about a professor position too. I can't imagine these guys as being 20+, I know they probably are and with nicer diplomas than mine, but fuck me... how immature they sound. I hope that's not how I present myself to people. Being a nerd isn't cool you fuckers.


Oui oui Pareeee Muy enlightisimo

Can /r/drama not be a hugbox where intellectual midgets go to seek validation after they lose an argument. These kind of posts seem to be getting more steam and it's lowering the quality of the sub. The mods there treated you exactly like someone would get treated if they came to /r/drama to argue in comments. That entire exchange was them mocking you and high fiving themselves while you REEEEE'd about nothing.

The mods there treated you exactly like someone would get treated if they came to [insert any meta sub here] to argue in comments

Yeah I know and that meta sub would have been posted here too. Pick any side you want, but you can't say it's not good drama. Everything posted here is smug people stroking themselves off or REEEEEE'ing.

the quality of the sub

r u srs rn?

Yes. Recently the sub is overflowing with "please validate me" and "no actual drama but here's an agenda" posts, in lieu of good content.

what would be "good content" tho?

Drama that isn't an obvious plea for validation. These kind of posts should get removed, this isn't an emotional support circle and it'd be a sad day if /r/drama became /r/patmyback.

Posts that are actually drama. There's a front page post right now that is literally just a political grandstand. Clicking through the actual link reveals.... Rsspectful discussion, basically no drama. The person posting it to /r/drama just thought the opinion he quoted was wrong. These kind of posts are everywhere This isn't shitleftiessay. But T_D agenda posters have been given a greenlight to shit all over the floor.

r u concern trolling rn?

have you considered taking the easy way out?

Go back to srd if you want "quality content" you bussy-blasted bitch


lol wut

On one hand I agree with you, on the other hand, the mods of /r/badphilosophy are literal autists.

exactly. Idk how this retard thought posting that modmail made him look like anything other than an angry serious poster getting bullied

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A TRUE DELICACY +6 - I'm more like this.
Daryl turns out to be a racist - Peep Show +5 - More like this.
The Dead Milkmen - Stuart +4 - People dissing /r/badphilosophy be like this.
Shah e mardane ALI HAQ ALI ALI King of Qawali Nusrat Fathe Ali Khan kalam Saayem cheshti Faisalabad +3 - Closer to this
AZIS - Nikoy ne moje / АЗИС - Никой не може , 2003 +1 - What do you think about this?
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Live - "Allah Hoo Allah Hoo" (1993) +1 - Shahen-e-Shah-e-Qawwali Badphilosophy sees You in their Foucault. Nazis see You in their Mein Kampf. They both have a limited view. I believe only one thing. Tu hi tu, is me kya guftagu?
I never asked for this +1 - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who tries harder than the try-hards?
JEWS ROCK - Million Dollar Extreme presents World Peace +1 - obviously political Yeah, it can get overboard sometimes when they don't get the tone just right. They're going for that consciously though, I think. It's funny to me when it is too obvious. But then they've got that sketch that's about nothing e...

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bad philosophy is where leftist philosophy state school undergrads get together to obsess over Jordon Peterson and Sam Harris and make fun of their philosophy shit even though they just do that because they are so butthurt about their islam and tranny shit.

apparently their mods are super successful philosophy professors who feel the need to be on a sub like that all the time i guess maybe because they don't get the validation in real life for being the geniuses that they are.

Is u/makeamericasageagain a real person or is it just some troll account trying to make MAGA nerds look stupid?

How about both?

I'm sick of not being able to distinguish intended funny from IRL.

I'm satired.

subjective take

/r/badphilosophy doesn't believe in subjectivity. Everything they like is objectively good and everything they dislike is objectively bad.

They got triggered and brigaded me for saying that most philosophy is dumb and pointing out that the lecturers I spoke with (physics) tended to hold that opinion also. They have to have their arbitrary concept of right and wrong be proven even though it's impossible, they're mostly legbeards and the male equivalent

They took over academia in the 30's and 40's when the Frankfurt school fled to the Columbia sociology department from Germany after Hitler started shining a light on the nefarious activities of a certain... nosey group of people.

lmao is this satirical

Tristam shandy

Ho Ho , 18th century edglording is true edgelording Ho Ho Ho

It's a classic, what's the problem?

18th century edgelording is 18th century edgelording. You can't compare it to a 21 that century edgelording.

Good autocorrect by the way. Still, wouldn't call Sterne edgelording. Still better than milliondollarextreme too, whatever it's supposed to be.

Ooh Ooh Ooh! That "See, that's the problem" one was me. And you suck

We all suck.

Is that a sort of a rap battle, only about who loves Allah the most

Kind of, but this is mainly about Ali, the prophet's nephew so the orthodox Sunni bastards want to have it burned for heresy. There's also some hadith about Muhammed sperging out after hearing some loud drums so that isn't allowed either I think in parts of the Arab world. This troupe is Pakistani though and they're alright, at least as long as they're Sufi.

The melodies are mostly improvised except for a couple of core themes that are repeated throughout. It's called qawwali. The chubby dude in the vest is the boss and he controls most of it and calms everyone down when they start to get too wild. Look at his hands move like those of a conductor. I can't get enough of it.

A lot of it is shit, but check out the live shows of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Abida Parveen if you're interested. The energy and skill in some performances are out of this world. Sorry about the length, but I could talk about this stuff for hours.