White House Staffer fired because of his struggle against the Deep State and Cultural Marxism!

23  2017-08-11 by Neronoah


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This is like John Birch Society shit except that instead of the Soviet Union he's trying to use the remnants of the Muslim Brotherhood as his bogeyman. Bonus points for trying to sound intellectual by claiming something is really a form of Maoist people's war.

This is truly the most retarded timeline.

People had fun pulling out all the anti-this-group conspiracy quotes from the memo, but you really had to read the whole thing to get a sense of its thoroughgoing incoherence. He goes on for paragraphs just reassembling bits of jargon from social sciences / defence analyisis into these elaborate verbal formulae with absolutely no specific meanings. A evolves into B combines with C to form D, but you never get any definition of what the fuck A, B, C, or D are or how we know that they relate in one way and not another.

As cultural Marxist narratives intensify, they are to be further operationalized in the form of hate speech narratives. Hate speech narratives are non-random, coordinated, and fully interoperable escalations of cultural Marxist memes


As it relates to the news cycle, publicity and propaganda can be merged to form a “pseudo-publicity” that is presented as news in furtherance of sustaining pseudo-realities maintained by cultural Marxist memes. Pseudo-publicity treatment of President Trump dominates the news cycle.

(Needless to say he never defines publicity, propaganda, or their merged "pseudo-publicity" form, nor explain how they are different from "memes" or "narratives.")

At one point he elaborates a 3-level taxonomy of "narratives" (Meta, Supporting, and Backdrop) but they all sound exactly the same and you could obviously swap the examples out randomly without anybody noticing. And so on, and so on.

But the very best part is the completely platitudinous ending recommendation, presented in the smuggest possible way:

The administration has been maneuvered into a constant back-pedal by relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a reactive posture that assures inadequate responses. The president can either drive or be driven by events; it’s time for him to drive them.

(exploding brain emoji)

The memo is part of a broader political struggle inside the White House between current National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and alt-right operatives with a nationalist worldview who believe the Army general and his crew are subverting the president’s agenda.

tfw you replace the former Army general who was secretly being paid to shill for Turkey but you're now the "bad guy"