I know someone who went to school with Lauren Southern *SUACEYYY*

46  2017-08-12 by ChunkyPenis

Here's some sauce. Here's one more for you guys.

"Lauren was by all means a normal, dumb, white girl. She is now a racist, dumb, white girl. She had a reputation for being a bit weird, very insecure, attention seeking, and "easy." So basically she dated a bunch of brown guys. One dumped her because he upgraded to a hot Middle-Eastern girl, and also because he discovered about Lauren's reputation. Lauren got super attached to the second guy but he ended up dumping her because she was batshit crazy (and also ended up dating a rich brown girl). She didn't take the break-up well and turned into a mess. She dropped out of uni (read: dumb, white, girl) and did the whole anti-SJW thing at the slut walk for attention. I'm not surprised she embraced the whole white nationalism thing because she was burned very badly by the brown guys she dated. Not at all surprised that she specifically screeches against brown immigrants/Muslims, although that's also equally because of current events and their recent prominence."


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How do I know you're telling the truth tho

Just Google Lauren Southern + (insert synonym for brown person here) and you'll find a few results of allegations even older than this. One of those photos is literally from her personal facebook and it was in an old 4chan thread with even more of those photos. She nuked her account for all the photos with her and brown guys and those were the only ones I could find.

I can believe it for sure, she obviously hates herself and has zero self respect but being photographed with some brown guys doesn't mean she automatically fucked them lol or any of the other stuff. I'm not getting at you, as I want this all to be true.

Look at that first pic again.

Look at the sexual tension. Look at how firm her hands are around his waist. Look at the deep look of fantasy in her eyes as she imagines his slightly spicy seed coating her, like a majestic Indian elephant shooting water out of its trunk.

They can't handle that Amandeep smashed a peng whitey

Amandeep was balls deep.


The guy from the first pic was her boyfriend for over a year. All I'm saying is...where there's smoke...there's fire. Google "Lauren Southern coalburner". Literally dozens of threads. You could argue that the altright are generally autistic losers who lash out at women to make themselves feel good about their own bitter repression...but how come there aren't anywhere near as many allegations thrown at other female alt-righters? I remember reading another thread from a girl who went to high school with her with similar allegations.

but how come there aren't anywhere near as many allegations thrown at other female alt-righters?

These kinds of allegations are practically a /pol/ meme. I can't think of a single female alt-rigther they haven't called a 'coalburner' and posted pictures of them with a black friend/coworker as evidence. They do it to Taylor Swift too.

Literally dozens of threads. You could argue that the altright are generally autistic losers who lash out at women to make themselves feel good about their own bitter repression...

Yeah, exactly. It must be your first day on the internet if you find literally dozens of threads about some made up stuff remotely unusual and begin to suspect that there should be some factual basis then.

Except there are literally even more pictures of her with the brown guy from the first pic. In one of them she's in a dress and he's in a suit for some event/dance/prom, and again, she's holding him as if they're more than just "a white girl and a brown guy in a photo together" if you get what I mean.

Enjoy your rape, faggot?

They say the same thing about Tomi Laheren. Lol, fuck off.

Enjoy your rape, faggot?

Tomi Lahren isn't Alt Right and she's most definitely a degenerate. She posted on Twitter years ago about "popping that p"

Why are you talking about this now?

OP is like one of those people that sees a photo of a girl smiling with a black friend and thinks she's been "blacked" or whatever

Sorry to educate you but white girls can't be "friends" with black guys. She's either gagged/gagging on that dick or about to. It's just facts of life. Last week, I met a white girl at Bingo and next you know, I gave her a facial in the disabled toilets!

Cool story bro šŸ‘Œ




Awww hugs

(ɔĖ† Ā³(Ė†āŒ£Ė†c)

did she spit or swallow?

Spit, she was fucking white man.

did she spit or swallow?

Thats retarded, ive seen plenty of girls friend zone black guys. White women like black guys less than white guys, only race of women that prefer interracial dating are black women with white men.

Iā€™m sure your wife will echo the same thing, after having sufficiently hidden her prance through the Blackwood.

Theres nothing magical about black dudes, they tend to come with more baggage too. https://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/emir.kamenica/documents/racialPreferences.pdf Have fun with that cuck fetish faggot.

Thats done by rok and in western canada, and every other paper I've seen shows the opposite, along with irl experience. Keep your complex if you want though.

Nahh, my ex's two previous boyfriends were both black. I honestly don't care about any of this stuff. I'm a semi-adjusted person, believe it or not!

So why are you making incel-tier assumptions based on a woman being in pictures with black men?

I don't see what photos with brown guys has to do with anything

Dude. Just look at the first pic. Look at the tension between them. Look at how she's holding him.

Now look at this pic.. This is just a pic of Lauren Southern with a black guy. Notice the difference? The second pic doesn't suggest anything at all. Look at the body language. Now look back to the first pic.

You have discovered something groundbreaking here. It turns out that it's possible to be sexually interested in an individual without wanting to fuck their entire race!

If you suck one dick you're gay for life, and according to the alt-right, if you fuck one brown guy, you're a coal burner for life. That's the significance. Their white goddess is actually a (((white goddess))).

Do you think Nazis conquering africa would turn down some sweet negro pussy?

trick question - theres no such thing

Dude. Just look at the first pic. Look at the tension between them. Look at how she's holding him.

Do you post on incel just wondering

"What anime do you like to watch when you're depressed?"

I don't think you're the one who should be asking that kind of a question.

So...what anime do you watch when you're depressed?

You're coming across as a complete freak.

No, I'm just a regular ol', semi freak. You're the one who actually regularly posts in /r/kotakuinaction (a known Lauren Southern sympathizer subreddit), so that makes you a complete freak.

/r/kotakuinaction (a known Lauren Southern sympathizer subreddit)

Shut it down!!

Are you from the lower mainland? She was born in Surrey, like 50% are brown but she was raised in the whitest city here Langley.

But the claim about being a dumb bitch is kinda true lmao. If she really had muh white superior genes she would have gotten into UBC šŸ˜‚

This would all be hilarious if it were true but can you provide more proof?

Videos of Lauren Southern getting tag-teamed by two 9/11 hijackers, please.

I second this.

How do you do, fellow non-SJW?

Did you know that [popular non-SJW person] is actually super crazy? And also, they got dumped by [insert group here] and then joined [insert other group here].

What a crazy dumb Nazi. And white, too. WHITE. What a dumb blonde, lol. But don't perpetuate stereotypes like the dumb blonde or we'll ruin your life. :)

Except I'm blonde too?

lolbuddy a quick glance at your post history and I can already tell that you're a bitter, repressed loser who is obviously triggered that his white goddess likes having (((sadeep's))) curry deposited into her womb

bitter, repressed loser


obviously triggered

Failed attempt at re-appropriating a meme.

white goddess


likes having (((sadeep's))) curry deposited into her womb

Projection of weird cuck fantasy.

Someone with your post history

Someone who has ever touched a vagina

Pick one.

Please stop being mean to me.

I stand in solidarity with you, friend. No meanies allowed in this sub!

REEEEEEEEEEEE my waifu is a loser just like me REEEEEEEEEEEE


Shut up.

How come I'm not surprised?

In an industry filled with thirsty kissless old virgins, of course that group will feel threatened by the arrival of more women. More people who will be able to tell them they suck, that they are without remedy, that they are disgusting to normal people? I'd feel threatened. Then again, they should feel threatened, because they are the kind of people (these pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards) that shouldn't be hired to begin with! Not women, but them! Their toxic personalities, which got them where they are now, and their disgusting hygienic standards (not to say anything about their unattractive looks) is the stuff that drove people away from them in the first place.

As a woman in tech, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts in an everyday basis. None of my non-STEM friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to work with people with zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as though as I did work in some sort of hospice for the mentally challenged. They get to work and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted coworkers, which makes their work more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside work. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.

The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom. You think the Knuths, the Dijkstras, the Hamiltons, the Shockleys, the Moores or the von Neumanns of the past were socially unadjusted? They were normal people. They managed to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends. It's impossible to work with people who are better described as "androids trying too hard to forget they are in part humans". It simply doesn't work like that. Maybe in the future, when AI manages to take over the software industry, such an entity can be useful. But this industry basically demands that any newcomer becomes maladjusted. That is bound to backfire.

And you are seeing the backfire already. China is gaining ground. So does Europe. Places where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin stereotype of an IT worker doesn't really exist. I've worked there with amazing and talented people who also knew how to relate to people, how to collaborate, how to work in groups, how to socialize. They were creative. That's why you see a drop in quality in Silicon Valley: they are hiring robot-wannabe, academics-obsessed manchildren who have known (or worse: cannot know) any other life than coding/software/engineering. Of course they are going to stunt. There's nothing new. No new ideas, no new worldviews. The same always-repeated mantras, dogmas, rule-of-thumbs and "deities"/idols they worship.

Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.

On the other hand, women are sloppy and stupid and who needs them around fucking everything up when real men are doing stuff.

Given the number of Indians and East Asians working in the silicon Valley, I need to call you out on your bullshit assertion.

r/atethepasta šŸšŸ‘Œ


Not an argument.

Failed attempt at re-appropriating a meme

Not an argument.


Not an argument.

Projection of weird cuck fantasy

Not an argument.

Except I'm blonde

Can we see your blonde bussy

You'll have to ask for my permission first

Is he your bitch?


I'm sorry then. Call me if you ever feel up to offering sloppy seconds.

sandeep* you were one letter off a proper Punjabi name.

Shut up dumb blonde.

shut up you uppity white fag

Remove the irony and this sounds about white.

ITT: people finding out their waifu is a loser

ITT: lalalala i can't hear you! Lauren Southern is my YASSS QUEEN SLAYYYY

"But... but.. do you have PROOF? It's just a rumor!!"


I find it kinda sad that two bad experiences resulted in her slandering an entire race of people. I mean white guys do dumb shit it's not like everyone writes them off. Kinda feel sorry for her.

Why exactly do you feel sorry? She's the one who can't copy with her multiple rejections and be an adult about it. She's the one slandering. Where's the part for feeling sorry for her?

This is gonna sound dumb, probably is but being south asian I feel ashamed that she was used. No one should be treated like that. Thinking about it out loud I know I'm not responsible for everyone of these peoples but being a minority I dunno you kind feel that way. It's not like we have a good rep. Just my 2 cents. I dunno I am being dumb.

but being south asian I feel ashamed that she was used.

nice troll faggot, this stupid cunt needs to grow up, not every relationship is successful,especially when you are a braindead neo nazi obsessed with muh race.

You know there is no need to be rude and I was being sincere. Although I am bit bi-polar

no need to be rude

fuck off to your safe space then moron

Kinda feel sorry for her.

You need to a lot more than feel sorry if you want to get in her pants. This is too lazy even for a whiteknight.

Kinda feel sorry for her.

You need to a lot more than feel sorry if you want to get in her pants. This is too lazy even for a whiteknight.

What a loser lmao. I thought virtue signaling was bad?

This picture gave me an erection

I wish Lauren Southern had me in a headlock.

tfw she'll never fuck you with a strap on while yelling racial slurs at you

She's like an uglier Phoenix Marie so watching some of her videos might help soften the disappointment :'(

tfw she'll never drip hot wax on your cock while dressed as an SS officer

The weak should fear the strong

TIL: Lauren Southern is an oil driller

she's the one who got drilled though

Hmm sounds like she turned him down and he's assblasted all these years later.

Also what a racist sadnigger.

aww here's comes another assblasted albino white knighting for his fake albino queen

It's ok abdul, if you had money maybe she'd have dated you

She grew up in Surrey, British Columbia. I live just across the river from that city and, having used to sell drugs on that side of the bridge, brown guy/white girl combos are far more common than two whites, for example.

She also has an older, hotter, hippie sister that dresses up like video game characters: https://www.instagram.com/psykiten/

There was even a drama post about her: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/6n7817/unsure_whether_to_masturbate_or_denigrate_the/

Is that really her sister?

I wouldn't say hotter necessarily. Lauren has a nicer face, but this one dresses up really well.

They're both really hot in their own way imo.

lol that explains her perpetual butthurt about brown guys. and ofcourse her beta orbiters show up here as well

Well done, man. Applause.

We all knew Lauren was a fake

loooooool so much proof from REDDIT /FAIL

Embraced white nationalism? Uh, but she hasn't. That's why she always signals against it. Racist? Hahaha, not even. If you consider HER milquetoast ass racist, you're a pussy and/or a liar.

Also, she isn't really even white, she's a jew.