Richard Spencer had a Nazi themed tiki night of violence. /R/news thinks antifa are the real Herod of free speech.

31  2017-08-12 by sirbadges


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God damn that guy who recorded it sounded like he hadn't hit puberty

Antifa vs. far-right fights of the 2010's will be remembered the same way soccer hooligans of the 80's are.

There were no social networks to make a fool out of yourself back then, though.

And before someone says "but antifa" the same goes for those idiots

this is literally the top reply

You know, I used to say "I hope ANTIFA and Alt-Right murder each other we all win."

But now add /r/news posters to that list.

antifa are the real Herod of free speech.

They kill free speech to stop the prophesied coming of the messiah?