̶N̶a̶z̶i̶ Alt-right meme Richard Spencer is maced and detained. Unironically cries about militarized police.

139  2017-08-12 by shitpost953


No goddamnit. For the last time Moot is not a Jew!

Worth it!



Thread over, pack up goys.


god bless you snappy

SHAME ON YOU SNAPPY! Next thing you know we're gonna see you mowing people down on Martin Luther King Blvd in a truck of peace.

Oh noes teh joos

Crybully deserves worse.

This is just in from antifa: WTF I love cops now.

You didn't have to say idiots twice you know


Aren't most of the right wing US nutjobs libertarian though?

"""""""libertarian""""""""s who support an authoritarian "my way or the highway" president.

not the ones with swastikas

Yeah but you need big government for genocide.

This isn't all, at all.

Here, Spencer is triggered:


Here is him speaking, shirtless, an hour later:


Here, he's addressing the press, after some time:


This day has been a total disaster for the alt-right. From the alt-right official discord server, some pictures on how they reacted to this situation:

1, 2, 3.

But the biggest disaster for the alt-right was that the popular Neo-Nazi podcast based in Sweden got hacked (Confirmed), and had their database information stolen. Prepare for private information of nazis being released.

If that hack is real there's some sweet ass drama incoming

It is indeed very real.

Everyone stay tuned for video update on Red Ice high scale hack. Govnt works w/ antifa!

Yeah… I'm sure they ran a top-notch forensics investigation and have unassailable attribution linking the government to this breach.

mmmm now i'm glad i wome up this afternoon

what a shitshow

So when can we just start calling these people terrorists?

I bet they still think this will get the public on their side LOL

These people are so shitty they managed to make antifa look reasonable

than you for posting this. Someone gold this guy because i am to poor

Pretty sure Facism is Authoritan rights and alt rights are liberal rights.

Are they even proper alt rights?

Can we make jokes about this?

unironically cries about militarized police

Leftist subs: wtf I love horseshoe theory now

horseshoe theory

Did you mean to link /r/planet?

no but we can add it due popular request.

ugh phone posters

We need a final solution for phone posters

Proof positive that nazis are actually the real socialists

Awwwww. Widdle bubbie-schnuggunms had him a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Maybe next time he'll have even more bodyguards.

is that guy holding half a trashcan

Almost as good as him getting punched in the face. Twice.

honestly i wish the cop had just punched him in the face too

that needs to keep happening


Oh man, I can't wait for the inevitable video where this fucking pussy gets beat to death with a bat.

Lol he's verified on Twitter.

Right or Left maybe don't piss off the guy in body armor with guns and mace.

Get out of here with that level-headed thinking!

(((Richard Spencer))) is nothing but an undercover governmebt operative who is trying to tarnish the rights cause.

I hope you put on your helmet before you typed that.

I see Virginia is up to date with their police physical standards.


Very progressive of them.

Lol alt-right got bullied by a bunch of fat kids

They're just cultivating mass.

Plus body armor and the camera adds ten pounds each.

so about 320 lbs?


-10 lbs photo wasn't his good side

-10 lbs body armor

-7 lbs dehydrated the morning after a whiskey bender and two trips to stool pool

Comes in at svelte 293. Can probably make SWAT after his rookie year is up.

"Once it's been eaten, it's no longer a kruller."

At least Seattle riot police are all on bicycles. Minimizes my tax dollars going to their health plan.

Lol dipshits

Cloakers when?

we were standing our ground

against the police?

lmao, this nigga lucky he ain't a black nationalist

this is beautiful

LOL he got gassed

Gotta love the video of them filming the line of riot cops walking in and them going 'we like you guys, we're on your side, we stick up for you' change 5 minutes later to 'FUCKING PIGS!'

Why can't these losers ever just demonstrate normally? Just walk down the street with your swastikas or whatever. Is it that hard not to hit anyone?

I think you're forgetting a key point; they're nazis.

No, they're larpers. The Nazis ended in 1945.

They're about as much Nazis as weaboos are samurais.

That's a good one

I really wish there was a better quality vid, this dude was ignoring all the red flags going up around him that told him "Don't be there"

I felt like stereotyped black lady in a movie theatre, "Oh no Richard, get out of there, child. Baby, what is you doing?!"

wtf i love the police state now.

WTF I love drama now

Resurect Nixon when?

I stand with the boys in blue.

lol GOOD, enough pretending that these "people" deserve anything less

He is pretty well spoken tho. But he shouldn't have been such a bitch and got """maced""" and """detained""".