Why Anarchy and Peace?

14  2017-08-12 by APE_CHRIST

Why am I anarchist?

REASONS: 1. They are destroying the world for money, because to them having power is what's more important. For example Trump shut down all the global warming research because he doesn't believe in it.

2. They won't help you unless you treat them with a revolution. Look at the history of USA, this is a small example but in the 1920's the legalised alcohol just because people were starting to make complaints.

3. They keeping you slave to profit, such as illegalizing marijuana, so that they can make it more expensive than it actually is through the black market and profit from it as an illegal substance. However cannabis is proved not only to be non-toxic for your body but to also be beneficial.

4. They have the power to erase you from humanity. Anyone who owns an army can do that.

5. They have the power to know everything about you. FBI, CIA and all them bastards are able to access your personal stuff even if you're not American, and they did know everything about ISIS.

6. They are always corrupted no matter what. Because, the government is not on top, but the banks are, meaning that money is power and laws keep changing for the banks. The example is that USA is governed by a socialist system.

7. Prisons are keep growing and by 2026 the majority of people in USA will be in jail. Because they keep adding stupid rules such as "do not feed those with no shelter" their excuse is that this method will get rid ov poverty, this is ridiculous if you fall for it. If you're unsure about the reason for this, it's because once you're in jail they have the right to command you creating an actual dictatorship.

8. They can manipulate you through media, by giving biast news and fake facts. You will be surprised what a low camera angle can do. They do this to keep you ignorant. The ideal human for the government is someone who's worried about what other thinks (to keep everything the same) and who's ignorant, the less you question things the easier the job is for them.

9. They use wars as an excuse to invade certain locations for the resources from other countries. Meaning that army's are not needed unless your country is going through an attack, but then again we don't need a country. You're not a war hero but you're a diesel hero if you join in. If you're a soldier or a pro army you're not my enemy, you're just the victims of a brainwash. The enemy is the power, the enemy is whom is enslaving us.

10. Anarchy and peace would be the answer if people are were civilized enough but you can't have peace when the government manipulated your children into kill for their country.

11. They use terror to manipulate you. ISIS for example has been supported by the USA army as they keep feeding them weapons. Why? You may ask. Because if you have ISIS as an enemy, they can destroy it just like on command, making themselves look like the heroes. There's no hero without a villan.

12. Unless you have golden coins which is what makes the value of money the government owns your money, in which the banks use to control the government. A credit card, a banknote or coins are nothing but a symbol of the money that the banks owns you. And they can decide the value of your money. It's called hyperinflation.

Why anarchy and peace in specific? Anarchy is the absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal, meaning that there is no power. Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. Physically hurting someone such as bullying, rape and murderer is not freedom, as the person victamised has less freedom than the person that's giving the act. If humanity was civalised enough to be peaceful towards others without the need of hurting or killing, we would be able to have anarchy and work together as a whole brain. Basically we would be back in year zero.


Source for number one: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jun/02/european-leaders-vow-to-keep-fighting-global-warming-despite-us-withdrawal

Source for number two is a historical fact.

Source for number there: https://www.learngreenflower.com/articles/66/50-life-enhancing-benefits-of-cannabis

Source for number four is just logical as you can easily do that with a proffesional army and identity power.

Source number five: http://www.zdnet.com/article/yes-the-fbi-and-cia-can-read-your-email-heres-how/

Source for number six is the USA in 2017 that's still leaving in a socialist system.

Source for number seven: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2017.html?gclid=CjwKEAjw387JBRDPtJePvOej8kASJADkV9TL2VYPmv6PFcRTjYs0DbI7dJTobVart7ooXvYc5KTiRRoCBRXw_wcB

Source for number eight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVdkooYfzQ8

Source for number nine is a logic fact as that's the only way for the banks to make an external profit without the need of dealing. Basically a war just makes it easier for business.

Source for number ten is another source about logic, the only way to live in a world with freedom and peace is in a world where people do not have the need to kill or physically hurt others.

Source for number eleven: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/08/politics/amnesty-international-isis-weapons-u-s-/

Source for number twelve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0romC2LCyo


This is the reason why I am anarchist. Any questions?


any questions

Ya two 1) what small children are the most erotic? 2) do you play warhammer?

Only one of these questions will be widely discussed after the anarchist revolution.

Children you call them? They can pull a trigger just as well as veterans, and they have the spirit of a bull narthax. Call them children if you wish – I call them troops. Good troops.

Neat. Do a vlog.

if you want me to read all that, you better post some prime bussy

On #11, citing your source btw:

A new report from a prominent human rights group has found that ISIS has built a substantial arsenal, including U.S.-made weapons obtained from the Iraqi army and Syrian opposition groups.

Amnesty International's 44-page report, released late Monday, found that much of ISIS' equipment and munitions comes from stockpiles captured from the U.S.-allied Iraqi military and Syrian rebels.

These local forces (see: U.S.-allied Iraqi military and Syrian rebels) will receive assistance in the form of weapons, backup via coalition airstrikes and training from U.S. special operations forces.

The Amnesty International report, however, concluded that it was these local forces that had inadvertently contributed arms to ISIS.

After analyzing thousands of videos and images taken in Iraq and Syria, Amnesty determined that a large proportion of ISIS' current military arsenal is made up of "weapons and equipment looted, captured or illicitly traded from poorly secured Iraqi military stocks."

ISIS has also gained access to weapons from other sources through the capture or sale of Syrian military stocks supplied to armed opposition groups in Syria

Amnesty International found that the quantity and range of ISIS' arms and ammunition "ultimately reflects decades of irresponsible arms transfers to Iraq and multiple failures by the U.S.-led occupation administration to manage arms deliveries and stocks securely, as well as endemic corruption in Iraq itself."

Iraq ain't the only place irressponsible arms transfers have gone down. i.e., the atf gunwalking scandal (aka operation Fast & Furious), Iran-Contra IC

It also said that ISIS has captured large numbers of U.S.- and Russian-made armored vehicles in addition to mortars, anti-tank missiles and surface-to-air missiles from the Iraqi army and Kurdish forces.

Despite ISIS diversity of weapons, Wilcken said it is difficult to assess whether or not the group has the firepower to consistently defeat Kurdish and other militia forces in Syria.

We know the answer to that question now though, don't we?

Characterizing these clusterfucks as the masterplan of some faceless entity gives our leaders way too much credit. Frankly, it's watered down simplistic explanation of a very complex issue.

The military-industrial complex, natural resources, failed diplomacy, the exponential influence of misinformed, reactionary constituencies guiding representatives willing to lead based only on whay decisond will keep them in office, pingeon-holing ourselves in this world-police role we never were and never will be capable of pursuing properly.

We created ISIS, but the reality is way more troubling someone just made ISIS on purpose to scare us. We spent ten years fucking up over and over again in Iraq, then just as soon as bringing the troops home became politically popular enough, we noped the fuck out.

Our representatives didn't let it happen to spread a terror fear campaign, they let it happen because at that point insisting we finish what we started might threaten their incumbency. That's it. There was nothing else to be gained for them personally by going along with it. We can say fuck those candy ass politicians for not having the balls to put their foot down all we want, but apples-to-apples we're still the retarded assholes re-electing them every 2/4 years.

By 2014 (probably way earlier on the inside), we knew exactly where ISIS was headed. We could have wiped that shitstain of the face of the earth in no time, but that would have been too politically unpopular, so we just let them wreak havoc instead while providing moral and material support to perpetually unprepared allies who ISIS inevitably made its bitch time and time again

Why am I telling you this? Because Anarchy isn't enough. The hivemind would still prevail, it's the same cancer that plagues us now.

Only by opening your heart to the teachings of our Lord and Saviour L. Ron Hubbard can you ever hope to reach OT IV and rid your body of the thetans that plague you every day.

What is Scientology?

alsoplusanarchy totallygay

what is your first language?

This was published as a paste in July though I have no idea where the original is from. Do you, OP?

Anarchy sounds nice and all but the biggest supporters couldn't go through a large mall with bursting into tears due to over stimulation.

Also people are fucking idiots, if you give them a blank society they'll just pick sides anyway.

aj, this is some spicy mayo

REASONS: 1. They are destroying the world for money, because to them having power is what's more important. For example Trump shut down all the global warming research because he doesn't believe in it.

Only cucks believe in global warming. Didn't read any further.

This is like the definition of an agendapost.

This is like my half-retard SJW's niece's Facebook every day since she left for college.

Reminder that you can't have anarchy without warlordism

On #11, citing your source btw:

A new report from a prominent human rights group has found that ISIS has built a substantial arsenal, including U.S.-made weapons obtained from the Iraqi army and Syrian opposition groups.

Amnesty International's 44-page report, released late Monday, found that much of ISIS' equipment and munitions comes from stockpiles captured from the U.S.-allied Iraqi military and Syrian rebels.

These local forces (see: U.S.-allied Iraqi military and Syrian rebels) will receive assistance in the form of weapons, backup via coalition airstrikes and training from U.S. special operations forces.

The Amnesty International report, however, concluded that it was these local forces that had inadvertently contributed arms to ISIS.

After analyzing thousands of videos and images taken in Iraq and Syria, Amnesty determined that a large proportion of ISIS' current military arsenal is made up of "weapons and equipment looted, captured or illicitly traded from poorly secured Iraqi military stocks."

ISIS has also gained access to weapons from other sources through the capture or sale of Syrian military stocks supplied to armed opposition groups in Syria

Amnesty International found that the quantity and range of ISIS' arms and ammunition "ultimately reflects decades of irresponsible arms transfers to Iraq and multiple failures by the U.S.-led occupation administration to manage arms deliveries and stocks securely, as well as endemic corruption in Iraq itself."

Iraq ain't the only place irressponsible arms transfers have gone down. i.e., the atf gunwalking scandal (aka operation Fast & Furious), Iran-Contra IC

It also said that ISIS has captured large numbers of U.S.- and Russian-made armored vehicles in addition to mortars, anti-tank missiles and surface-to-air missiles from the Iraqi army and Kurdish forces.

Despite ISIS diversity of weapons, Wilcken said it is difficult to assess whether or not the group has the firepower to consistently defeat Kurdish and other militia forces in Syria.

We know the answer to that question now though, don't we?

Characterizing these clusterfucks as the masterplan of some faceless entity gives our leaders way too much credit. Frankly, it's watered down simplistic explanation of a very complex issue.

The military-industrial complex, natural resources, failed diplomacy, the exponential influence of misinformed, reactionary constituencies guiding representatives willing to lead based only on whay decisond will keep them in office, pingeon-holing ourselves in this world-police role we never were and never will be capable of pursuing properly. Other shit.

We created ISIS, but the reality is way more troubling someone just made ISIS on purpose to scare us. We spent ten years fucking up over and over again in Iraq, then just as soon as bringing the troops home became politically popular enough, we noped the fuck out.

Our representatives didn't let it happen to spread a terror fear campaign, they let it happen because at that point insisting we finish what we started might threaten their incumbency. That's it. There was nothing else to be gained for them personally by going along with it. We can say fuck those candy ass politicians for not having the balls to put their foot down all we want, but apples-to-apples we're still the retarded assholes re-electing them every 2/4 years.

By 2014 (probably way earlier on the inside), we knew exactly where ISIS was headed. We could have wiped that shitstain of the face of the earth in no time, but that would have been too politically unpopular, so we just let them wreak havoc instead while providing moral and material support to perpetually unprepared allies who ISIS inevitably made its bitch time and time again

Why am I telling you this? Because Anarchy isn't enough. The hivemind would still prevail, it's the same cancer that plagues us now.

Only by accepting the teachings of our Lord and Saviour L. Ron Hubbard into your heart can you ever hope to reach OT IV and be freed of the thetans that plague you every day.

What is Scientology?

That's a whole lot of extra shit. U need to get a life motherfucker


My very first thought.

no justice no peace!

no cats in the streets!

keeping cats indoors protects them from harm and is environmentally friendly

this also unironically

came here to say this

Arya kills Littlefinger on Sansa's order.

The Night's King kills Viserion and makes him into a wight Dragon.

Jon and Dany have sex.

visit /r/freefolk

Kneelers just don't understand.

What is your favorite type of helicopter?

i like your username. ape christ. nice ring to it

Is it weird that a goofy song by the Sex Pistols 30 years ago is an actual belief system for actual adults, now?

Yes. It is weird.

actual adults


Arya kills Littlefinger on Sansa's order.

The Night's King kills Viserion and makes him into a wight Dragon.

Jon and Dany have sex.

visit /r/freefolk

in the 1920's the legalised alcohol

I get triggered so fucking hard by retards who are incapable of finding the y in they. Seriously. How fucking lazy are you that you can't type four fucking letters and just give up half way through on an english word that is TOTALLY MEANINGLESS. THE CANNOT BE THE SUBJECT OF A MOTHER FUCKING SENTENCE.