Right wing car-of-peace plows into antifa demonstrators at Unite the Right rally

108  2017-08-12 by jajajaja21


This, but unironically.


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Horseshoe theory confirmed again: Alt right is the same as ISIS, antifa is the same as right wing retards. South Park neutrals are Allah's chosen people.

Of all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these: drama was right again

Drama is always right

jesus tapdancing christ, add the r/ to make the syllables line up. How troglodytic can this place get?

I'd go the other way and use drama's.

Matt & Trey PBUH

You mean PBUT


Nah, it's like the Holy Trinity, but it's the Holy Duality. They're Them, but they're also Him, you know what I'm saying?

Lol? I don't get why people didn't realize this like right away, there's an absurd amount of overlap with Nazi ideology and Islamic fascism, Islamic fascism even got its start with help from the Nazis and they based a lot of their worldview on the Nazi worldview.

And while the original Nazis didn't have very strong religious undertones - Hitler was pretty against it after he failed to create a single German Church, modern day Nazis have SERIOUS religious undertones.

If you go read the comments on daily stormer you'll notice calls for "crusades" and talking about the white race and Christian faith and all kinds of shit.

islamic fascism

People actually believe that it exists lmao

It does exist, it's a pretty clearly defined thing.

I guess it depends on how you define fascism? Islam and fascism are incompatible imo


Islam is the most tolerant religion.

Islam isnt exactly tolerant but thats still not fascism

Islam isnt exactly tolerant

The real fascism is in the comments.

Taqqiya machine resigned 😂😂

Fascism has strong ties to identity and nationalism and racial pride which is basically something islam hates

And religion can be used to bolster nationalism and racial pride, which is why you see modern Nazis obsessed with Christianity.

Modern nazis still consider race and national identity as being the most important thing though

It is deeply tied to religion, very deeply. They base their entire racial identity on Christianity a lot of the time.

Would you not consider ISIS to be a fascist group? Far-right, extreme conservative social values, extreme authoritarianism, theocratic, nationalistic (trying to form a nee Islamic caliphate), militaristic... I mean what fascism box isn't checked here?

Its really not nationalist in any sense. Look I hate ISIS and I think that they are even worst than fascism but it's not the same thing.

How are they not? They effectively religious nationalists that want an islamic caliphate. How is that not nationalist? Their "nation" is their religiojs group. It doesn't have to be an established country (nobody cares about the arbitrary political construct that is the country of iraq).

Because they have no attachement to the country itself, but to the concept of an islamic country. Their attachement is to their religious belief more than to the national entity itself. As I said before, nationalism is frowned upon in islam

But that's effectively just a nationalist sentiment directed towards a religious in group. The heart of the nationalism thing is strong in group preference and out group suspicion which is characteristic of right wing ideologies.ISIS has that in spades. You're focusing too much on a certain type of European fascism. If ISIS checks all of these boxes I don't know why you wouldn't call it fascism. What else would you call it?

It's real. Was implemented in the USA from 2008-2016

Bosnian Movement of National Pride

Bosnian Movement of National Pride (BPNP) is a nationalist political organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The organization was founded on 5 January 2009 by nationalists in Sarajevo. The movement acts in the entirety of Bosnia and Herzegovina through branches in the cities where they exist.

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Bosnians are too mayo to be muslims tho...

Albanians on the other hand...

If we keep pretending that they're opposites then hopefully they won't realize that they're natural allies and then work together to destroy our civilization.

Honestly sounds like some warhammer 40k shit

Allah would never choose those who doesn't produce drama as his people.

This but unironically.

Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy

Car of peace, not magic school bus. Easy mistake.

It seems i made a mistake.

Gotta shake the tree to see what falls out

As a muslim this is yet another example of cultural appropriation

Tbh this should be censored so it doesn't promote rightophobia. #yesvirginia #naziswelcome

I'm waiting for 'anal jihad' to be the next cultural crossover.

Im waiting for the fatwa that will make bussy halal tbh

Stop it! I can't handle knowing that I live in such an cruel & imperfect world.

This is an edgy joke that's actually funny, and for that we thank you.

Keep the police out of it. Let each side fight until one comes out the victor. It's obvious what both sides want.

Long awaited Civil War sequel when?

I'm not saying a civil war, just let these little protests work themselves out. Shit, it's what both sides seem to want. During the election season the lefties were doing this shit, now it's the righties.

Tbh If we just mayocided none of this would've happened.

I'm not an expert on re-enactments but I don't think the Yankees should be represented by whiny beta-male commies with blue hair.

It's obvious what both sides want

Antifa only does until it actually happens, and they all get wedgies.

Anything that helps make that happen is a good thing.

Me too! I love hearing them scream "NO" when confronted, like what happened in Berkely a few months ago.

  • Be antifa
  • Attack people on the street
  • Someone pushes them over

Literally worst to be a nazi in 2017 than in 1945 smh

Yeah. Those fucking babies could even stand up to one vehicle.

Stay safe out there comrades. Don't forget to do some lunges and shadowboxing.

That's just part and parcel of living in a big city.

Sadiq Khan:

Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives.




that meme is factually incorrect!





At last I truly see.

My apologies to /u/bleepis . It seems there really is no difference between the mayos and my people.

we are all one race, the human race. usually


Also, one gender.

the human gender

May Allah break the backs of these infidels

this isnt funny.

i think so

It's hilarious.

All those pathetic scum people on both sides killing each other over meaningless shit.

Fucking hilarious. I hope it escalates. I'd like to see some rednecks fly some planes into scyscrapers.

Your inability to muster a thought without cursing just confirms to me that your brain is not fully developed yet

Beep beep

Wait how is this drama? I thought this was drama for the website

It's drama for everything. If it's something like this that will obviously cause reddit drama it's even better


the more non-radical centrist deaths the better.

hail macron #inshallah

They weren't antifa though.

But facts don't matter to you.

They weren't radical centrists therefore scum.

dumb frogs aren't woke

Quelle surpris

Put a gun in your mouth. Sympathizing with a terror act is fucking despicable.

Wow get a load of this guy.

All those who aren't radical centrists will rue the day the day the (((Bogdanoffs))) activate our lord and saviour Macron.

You can't steal our (((thing))). It's their dumb cultural Marxist conspiracy.

Tired of liberals appropriating leftist shit.

Centrism bows down to nobody except other centrists (alhamdulilah) you underclass scum.

You can always bow the knee.

Liberals are good at bowing down.

And we still the centrists still control the all geopolitics and global economies (alhamdulillah). Make yourself known to the Bogdannofs and they shall spare you.

That's why you're losing everywhere.

It's all part of the plan kuffir. Eliminate the global poor, the hicks, and traitor terrorist socialists.

We'll come for you soon enough kufr.


Oh man, expect some incoming drama regarding Trump's reaction. He went on this rambling speech that somehow ended up on how unemployment is the lowest its ever been.

lol, did he just completely improvise it or something?

Of course, we can expect nothing more

Well, improvising would be better than someone actually writing that out before hand.

I'd be worried if he would actually have the speech ready.

As opposed to the alternative thoughtful and measured approach we usually see from him?

Trump pretty much sperged out and flipped his tendies as radical islamists neo-nazis ram assault vehicles into counter-protesters.


these people do all need to get jobs tbqh

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I kinda feel that this is going to get real bad eventually. Like I doubt civil war but more like a lot of people are going to die

It's gonna be more like the Irish Troubles imo at this rate.

Well at least it's good for drama haha ... 😭

I hope so. They usually deserve it.

Hmm I wonder how the nazis are gonna try to spin this and make them the REAL victims.

This innocent motorist was being attacked by a mob of violent jaywalkers.

Let tankies and anarchists have their fantasy, a bloody fight against nazis and the right wing. Drone strike the "winners", and everyone can finally relax.

Terror trucks are just part and parcel of living in a modern city

Death to Islam, death to antiFa, allahu akbar.
