r/Physical_Removal stands with the Charlottesville terrorist. Admins disapprove.

123  2017-08-13 by Apo_PBUH


We can submit quotes?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

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/u/EthicalFunTime I'm gonna laugh when they shut your sub down

Wow, advocating the rape of policemen's daughters.

Bad bot

Sorry, daddy's done playing tonight.

Meanie bot :(

You realise he's already suspended, right?

Well what am I supposed to do with this justice boner now?

stick it in the mashed potatahs

way ahead of you

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

I hear sticking it in a coconut is popular, too.



This Egyptian chick got arrested because her music video was too sexy. That should solve both the boner & justice sides of your equation.

lol did she name that song after shakira

i don't speak sand noise, are all the downvotes because they're nervous about her dick addiction

My understanding is that she calls herself Shakira because that means something in Arabic, but beyond that I don't know. Maybe if they stopped writing in squiggles we would take them more seriously. I haven't tried to read anything in cursive since 3rd grade.

She who gives thanks? I dunno, someone get a native speaker in here. Shakira ' s mom is lebanese, that's why she's named that

It's the Egyptian version of Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball. Basically the same thing -

Remember when how that came out, it was mostly downvotes because everyone was like "stop trying to be sexy!" and conservatives hated it because it was too sexy and liberals hated it because it was "degrading to women" (totally different from "too sexy" of course).

Then people were like yeeah, I guess whatever it's fine, so now it's mostly upvoted.

Well, Miley Cyrus should have been arrested for that.

Shakira is an arab name. According to my extensive research on shakira's wikipedia page, it means "grateful".

sand noise

Fucking lmao

It happened!


/u/sodypop, and every other admin (including the cutest of qt3.14's /u/ekjp), make /u/basicallyadoctor the top mod of every problematic subreddit and your problems will be solved within a week


Oh man, remember when we were talking about getting control over that one certain super special boy sub but in the end it turned out that we never got to do it? But the whole time I thought it would be a possibility I was plotting so much I just have a virtual binder full of ideas on my head for the next time we might be able to do something like that 😂 I would just lie awake at night just staring at the bottom of the top bunk and I would just laugh to myself softly as I came up with more and more maniacle ideas about how I could just nae-nae them so hard they would probably never recover 🤣🤣🤣😂 anyways I agree Mr. Ass I should have absolute control of the sub Reddit for all the alt right

Who are you and why am i so fascinated by you??!! O_o

A man, an enigma, though many may know of me, only a select few know me, even fewer truly know me, and not even I know the totality of my endgame 😐

I think I LOVE YOU

Pls let this happen

We tore the world asunder over communism and fueled radical Islam to do so. Look at you now.

So... both Nazis & commies are okay because... Islam. And these people imagine that if helicopter rides become a thing in America they won't have first class tickets.

These fools don't know what they're doing. Centrist America is starting to wake up and when they do they're going to gas everyone on the left and right. They're the guy who made the brazen bull. Really great idea, you first.

Matt & Trey will finally be crowned kings of the free world, as is tradition.

Praise be, praise be.

Internet Nazis always try this shit. Every argument I've had about Nazism with one of them has devolved into them trying to bring up Islam, most of the time it's a veiled attempt to get you to equate Muslims to Nazis and then they'll flip it on you and call you a racist or throw out some other disingenuous argument.

Serious-posting? Really?

That's all I do, chap. A lesson I learned in my early years of internet trolling, in the world of warcraft trade channel - the best way to create drama, the best way to troll is to be serious about everything you say.

You 100% did, though.

I think i love u

i think


Can I be your unpaid intern? Bussy pics and resume in your DMs

What do you do on the stein and trump account?

same thing I do on every account. I LARP, the Trump account is mainly to practice my Trumptard character I plan to start on twitch.


/u/pizzashill aiming for King /u/EvanHarper's seriousposting crown

Well, Islam was allied with nazis. Even the black Panthers were on good terms with the anp

No, certain subsets of "Muslims" were allied with Nazis, not "Islam."

Who's Islam? Id like to meet that guy

Which is why "so what" is so important.

Some of them are unironically going "Nazism is an ideology of peace" there.

I am going to cry a single tear that will instantly turn to dust over all the /pol/acks who will, after yesterday, feel more unwelcome in big boy politics.

The republican party is a big tent, and just like the democratic party it allows lots of crazy people in to juke the numbers. But the whole Turner-Diaries race war shit? Tent is not big enough for that. Get out.

LPT: every ideology is one of peace after you kill the opposition.

"As a white nationalist, I care for everybody."

I hope this will lead to a massive backlash against the alt right/neo nazis.

Just think. The sooner we can cull the neo-nazis, the sooner we can get back to legalizing cannabis and going into space.

unironically this

I hope this leads to a legitimate backlash against dumb extremists in general.

Centrists will be gassed under glorious Communist rule.

No commie can overcome radical centrism

And gamergators!

is that alligators that play videogames

They targeted alligators. Alligators.

Lol why would that happen.

Because most people hate nazis and that terrorist attack is perfect ammunition against fascists.

Yeah but the people assaulted are never actually fascists as we see the left runs like little girls once they get a visit from a speeding car.

They bash people alone and they bash regular republicans.

When they say bash fascism they really are saying they want to attack republicans.

Driving the dividing line between our groups is good it allows for more radicalization and partisanship which is a good thing for the nation

So much drama as of late and no sign of it stopping. 10$ that the "bash the fash" brigade will be upset without noticing the irony.

/u/Carbon_Couldron makes an effortpost mocking the only people on this earth that are lower than him to feel superior. Enjoy your karma white boy.

I just found out about Reddit mentions!

Thank you for this delicious treat.

The thought of you so bothered that you'd need to post something in a feeble attempt at catharsis, so you can fend of the reality of your pathetic existence - it just gets my juices flowing.

Post bussy or I'll kill you in your sleep.

I'm saving my Jake Busey for the Baha Men like any good christian would...

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A search using those keywords yields interesting results...

Did this just with a "what's the worst that could happen" and now I think I need therapy

To be fair that was a column of communists waving marxists symbols around. Play dumb games win dumb prizes

OK but now the Marxists have cause to mow down the people they disagree with, which conveniently enough includes you.

[the victims were] in many ways were the exact counterparts of the alt right in the opposite spectrum

guys, we've got it all wrong. he's not a right-winger at all, he thinks we should kill communists and alt-rightists.

After looking at the archive.is file I've seen heaps worse on reddit go completely untouched.

Because nobod/not enough people reported them.

Getting stickied in AHS might have had something to do with this post getting a disproportionate amount of attention.

Even after the admins removed the post they've kept it stickied

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