The Charlottesville terrorist, James Alex Fields Jr, was kicked out of the army after 4 months of service, aka he was a pussy and couldn't hack it

263  2017-08-13 by HodorTheDoorHolder

Chelsea Manning and Bowe Burgdahl lasted longer in the army than this turd. Let that sink in a bit.


No one is really that surprised.

Upon searching the data banks of the Department of Defense Manpower Data Center

This is the first time I've ever heard someone other than Spock mention "data banks".

What happened to all the channers claiming it was some sixteen year old lefty edgelord?

narrative shifted to his mother being related to Orlando Bloom or CIA or something

she has great tits but that Bill Nye skit always pop into my head

excuse me

the term is "khazar milkers"

ashkenazi titties

wow, tv sucks

Dr Pavel, I'm CIA



Quit being such a hothead

Uh, you don't get to bring friends

orlando bloom is a jew because (spinning backwards kick leap through fifty hoops about how last name bloom is lingustically related to the joos)

it's like they have that dragoon power to jump as far as they want, but with conclusions

wasn't his supposed father Jewish but he's actually not because his mom cucked him?

If you keep shooting down their arguments you're eventually left with "ok, well they deserved it."

they did, tho

The guy they accused posted on Facebook after the driver was arrested:

I don't get why people are suddenly trusting 4chan doxxing lmao. I use the site sometimes and everyone on it is dumb as shit.

People like to think 4chan is what it was two decades ago.

the #1 place for Habbo Hotel raids and rage comics?

That chick putting up someone's name like that deserves to be doxxed

thousands of people were spreading the inaccurate ID for several hours yesterday afternoon, including a lot of dumbass alt-right / alt-light / "classical liberal centrist but obviously not really" e-celeb guys

oy vey!

Pools closed due to AIDS

Bring back Snacks

4chan got it right before it was officially released but yeah they still tried to push that it was a kid who got that car at 16 and was a Bernie bro. I don't know how It even caught on because that original screencap had his father's info as being from the greater Detroit area and you know , the Ohio license plate and stuff.

I don't know how

Because they are dumb as shit and biased. They saw some flimsy evidence that they could use to attack the left, so they doxxed an innocent person.

Or they did simply because it is fun? Like blaming Sam Hyde for every shooter.

San Hyde needs to die. There needs to be justice for his victims.

Really though, 4chan was better when it didn't take itself seriously, and when they didn't get involved in mainstream politics. The site is biased and kinda lame now.

It always been like that. 4chan always been a host for various groups and some more passive while others more active.

San Hyde needs to die. There needs to be justice for his victims.

Press F to pay respects

Really though, 4chan was better when it didn't take itself seriously, and when they didn't get involved in mainstream politics. The site is biased and kinda lame now.

You unironically post to negareddit, AHS and LSC. You're pissy because a prominent part of 4cucks doesn't swing the same way as you do politically, but too much of a bitch to be straight about it. smh

Literally everything I do is ironic. Checkmate.

I just want to chat some shit on co and tv man not my fault the cunts from /pol/ are stinking up every board

co and tv

Considering how politicized western media has become (and by that I primarily mean comics and tv shows) you're not going to have much luck avoiding politics on either of those boards. If you were a weeb or used the small boards that normalfags forget exist you'd have more luck.

Dude you can't avoid it on any board. Every board is either garbage, gross or extremely political. The website mostly sucks now.

Dude you can't avoid it on any board

tfw intense political debates on /an/


sounds like tumblr might be more your style.

The website mostly sucks now.

Considering the two last bastions of quality you care to visit are /co/ and /tv/ you clearly have solid judgement regarding what's shit and not.

Really, I don't even know why I care. I haven't used the site in fucking years. If you don't want /pol/ use /r/television and /r/comics or whatever normalfag equivalents and hang out with greasy SJWs instead if that's more your pace. It doesn't matter where you go you're not going to escape the politicization of this shit.

Or abandon western media altogether and become part of the weeb masterrace. Your choice fam

Dude I just want to discuss Oban Star Racers without someone saying the darker skinned characters are a Jewish plot for white genocide

This is to much to hope for. Next you'll wish /v/ was more than just one person.

Kiddo, 4chan always sucked.

I don't think that's the case. Its trying to distance themselves from the dude. Also Sam hyde is just a meme and no one takes it seriously. But fr fr, how does he keep getting away with it?


They joked around a ton after a robot shoot a up a school.

Oh the beta uprising thing? Well, they always seem to bant about school shootings or robots going on a spree.

/pol/ is dumb as fuck these days, barely better than r/the_donald or /b/. I don't know how people still trust their """"""""""""""""""investigations"""""""""""""""""".

seems unfair to post it with her name covered

I'm not gonna dox some rando chick even if she is trying to accuse some guy of murder

wasn't suggesting it. just pointing out that some how r/drama has more etiquette than some dipshit bitch on FB or some shit.

What's the modern usage of 'rando'? it's changed a lot throught the years in how I've heard it used.

They got that bike lock guy, and found Shia's flag and a bunch of other stuff, their weaponized autism works but they clearly have an anti-left bias.

Dude for everything they get right they get 100 things wrong. They are literally all dumbasses

Hmm guess I only hear the success stories

Yeah man obviously they aren't going to be bragging when they doxx the wrong guy lol

They died.

Marched to the gulag by GERJ SORRERS!!!

I'm reading that he didn't even make it out of boot camp. What a fucking faggot.

Post link so I can add it

Nah nvm they're going off the same thing that you did. If the media is using the term "boot camp" correctly (probably not because they're all retards) that means he'd be joining the USMC. USMC boot camp is 13 weeks long, which is slightly less than the time he was active duty. After boot you have around a week of leave, then you ship out to SOI (basic infantry training) at Camp Lejeune or Pendleton for a couple months.

So he either quit during boot camp, which over 90% of people pass, and the DoD took a couple weeks to officially discharge him, or he quit during SOI which essentially nobody does.

Either way he's a huge pussy. I can't really talk much though, because I'm just a POS old poolee.

Yeah, if you get a "Failure to adapt" discharge, it takes a little while. If I'm remembering right, they'd collect all those fuck-nuggets and discharge them a few weeks into the next cycle to ease the logistics.

Those guys took a long while to discharge. They're the "I'm suicidal" or "I'm gay" or "I popped on amphetamines" losers.

Had a few of those. One guy tried to down a bottle of Motrin just to get kicked out. What the fuck did you think you were getting into?

He was US Army not USMC

So the media are just as retarded as I guessed. Army calls their 10 week vacation basic training, not boot camp.

thinking IET in any branch is something to be proud of completing

Sure is slick sleeve in here...


And it's even more pathetic to quit basic training. Watch videos of basic compared to boot camp, basic is a breeze in comparison.

lol I'm not here to shit on dudes who join the army but you're right. USMC bootcamp is a whole different world than the army's bootcamp.

army's boot camp


Oy vey! Good goy, sign your life away for 4 years so we can get some more (((money)))


Fuck off nazi punk

Wait, it's commonly referred to as "boot camp" for all branches. Why would you assume it's USMC only?

99% of people just hear boot camp and they don't associate it with the Marines or the Army specifically.....they just know it means entry training, the service isn't all that relevant.

I made it thru basic and airborne school and I'm a pussy, so I don't know what brand of pussy this guy was.

I'm just a POS old poolee.

Go haze yourself bitch

What do you think I'm doing on /r/drama

Is it possible to fail basic training / boot camp then get told you need to do it again?

yeah, a friend of mine in the Canadian Army said that there was a certain system in place during basic training where if you fucked up you'd have to redo weeks. normally you'd be done in like a month or maybe a month and a half, don't remember, but some fuck ups were there for much, much longer. not sure if it's the same in the US Army.

I'm reading four months of """"""""service"""""" though, does that mean they signed up in August and got their ass kicked in December, or did they somehow fuck up after graduating boot? It doesn't seem to be a dishonorable discharge, so prolly failure to adapt.

"Dru-druh-drill Sergeant it's just too haaaaard!"

BAHAHAHA what a fucking loser. Couldn't make it trough bootcamp.

This but unironically

wait, you can't fuck traps in bootcamp? What kind of country is this?!

Yea, why didn't he go on and go risk his life to go fight in some (((war))) that's only purpose is to line the pockets of jews?

Are you retarded?

Are (((you)))?

Does our mom know you're a gay?

If we are related does that make (((me))) a Jew too?

And Jews can't be gay because that would go against their plan to turn white people into the biggest degenerates.

So no I'm not gay

I'm not Jewish so I don't know where you're going with that. Have you thought about ending your life?

You're a Jew. We share a mum. So we're both jews. So we're both not gay.

How am I Jewish?

Just like your leader Adolf. Speaking of your leader you should follow his example and suck start that pistol.

Only a Jew would mock the Führer.

lol ok

white degenerates are the altright. people who've breathed in the undershit of the internet too long and now don't think good

The only thing degenerate about the alt-right is the all the incest they use to keep their trailer parks alive.

If that was his reasoning then why would he have joined in the first place?

being this retarded

Being uniroinically a Nazi. You're doing well for yourself. But seriously, do you ever stop and wonder what you have become.

Five bucks this shitter lost the moment of truth, but loves to get high and mighty over "THEY ORDERED ME OUT LIKE A GOOD SOLDIER AND LIKE A GOOD SOLDIER I OBEYED"


Or you could make a ton of clones of him and just keep ramming cars into crowds of only him?

Come on, be more creative

I... want to hit him! ... with a .... bat!

Damn, I suck at this.

All those fuckers had shields or guns lol. Recreational nuke

Manpower Data Center

fucking patriarchy did it again

Should just be called Person-power tbh

NASA had to rename their manned spaceflight missions to "crewed" spaceflight due to pressure from feminists, so it's not a joke anymore.

That picture of him makes him look amish.

It'd be funny if he had used a horse with carriage.

I'm imagining it like that scene in Austin Powers where the bulldozer drives towards that henchman super slowly.



Looks like Mose.

Pretty sure he's not Jewish

Black hair, black eyebrows, brown eyes, "chest" hair up to the bottom of his neck. Definitely not white.

Just like your leader Adolf. Speaking of your leader you should follow his example and suck start that pistol.

Definitely not white.

This is what I find funny about the extreme right going on about how a white utopia would be perfect. They're full on /r/socialism mod crazy with their purity tests and while your skin could be whiter than snow, if you're from the Ukraine or Eastern Europe you wouldn't be white to them.

Feel free to show me a Ukrainian with olive colored skin, black hair, and brown eyes.

Nazis don't think Slavs are white, but Italians apparently are.

Do with that what you will.

But 100 years ago Italians weren't considered white lol

I know one

Mila Kunis?

they can't use google. or the internet

Nah, fam. Mila's a secret jew.

Sounds Grecian.

Also his hair texture is very coarse.

His Mom is Jewish

Who says his mom is Jewish? 4chan?

so by Jewish law he's a Jew

Why would the alt-right be following Jewish law?

Who said he was Alt-Right? He's Jewish, it would be weird for him to join a counter-semitic movrment

Considering that he ran into a crowd of anti-racist counter protestors at a neo-nazi rally, his actions were basically supporting the alt-right, regardless of which side he considered himself to be on. It seems far more likely that he was an Jew-hating ethnic Jew, than that he was a regular practicing Jew who decided it would be productive to attack the people who were protesting against the Nazis.

Jewish driver driving into Jewish antifa reported by the Jewish press to make the goyim feel bad about standing up for their rights. Luckily most normies I know see right through this. We've seen too many Jewish tricks before.

feel bad about standing up for their rights

Their rights to deprive others of their rights?

You don't have a right to have everyone agree with you, and I'm not sorry about that.

I never claimed that I do. But neo-nazis don't have a right to the cooperation of others in creating a white ethnostate, either.

All the alt right wants is to express it's views in the forum of ideas, which they have a legal and moral right to. Anyone who attacks them is on the wrong side of history and the law.

Sure, but people have a right to counter-protest as well, as long as they don't initiate violence.

this guy looks like every single guy in my engineering department


alt-right logic

Facts are "Alt-Right logic" yes this is true


Poor guy has the jew gland

AMERICA WAS A MISTAKE!!! Seriously this whole thing is so fucking cringe. A bunch of entitled and privileged cunts gunna slap each other for a couple days and then go home to their mums home made lasagne, post on facebook about their day and causes.

Seriously fuck America. Drain the Amerifat please


Foreign scum identified

Did a child write this?

He's also a Jew.

Why is he only charged with murder? Doesn't the US have specific "terrorism" crimes?

Yes but it's a federal charge.

He needs to be charged with domestic terrorism. And also cut his dick off

then we can sell his dick to the chinese to improve virility.

And balls

he's only being held on suspicion of second degree, which means it wasn't premeditated

He's lucky he's not a Muslim. He'd be on his way to Gitmo by now.

and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that

"Extralegal imprisionment is okay as long as it's people I don't like "


Extralegal imprisonment is OK, as long as it's only for people who support extralegal imprisonment.

imagine getting upset over that joke

"bbbuububuuut it was just a joke!!11"

imagine being this dumb

it quite literally wuz

The majority of domestic terrorist attacks in America are committed by white people. Another example of this...

I think we should stop letting white people to use cars for a couple of months, until we figure this one out.

They'll be fine. Whities love their bikes.





tfw Shia was right

I can't tell if this is a joke or not.


i bet it was self defense tbh


He quit the army in self defense?

I mean, when you're in the army, there are people trying to kill you. Like, for real. Many people don't realize that!

They aren't trying to kill you, they're trying to kill all of us.

What difference does that make?

None if you're autistic.

btw, are you aware that you were quoting "Catch 22"? Just checking.

No u

nah i mean protestors were trying to smash his car up with bats and that and so hes innocent and should be given a medal

He looks like some mormon motherfucker. Is he?

Sorry, out of the loop. What did he do?

Drove a car into a bunch of anti-racist protestors, killing one and injuring several others.

Anti racist.

LOL nice meme

Okay, anti-neo-nazi. Is that better?

No because also not true.

The crushed red who died was an IWW agitator.

You can say terrorist who attacked a peaceful protest or communists

How is that not true? They were there counter-protesting against the neo-nazis at the Unite the Right rally. They may have been communist/IW as well, but their main reason for being there wasn't to protest for communism as much as it was to protest against neo-naziism.

No they had come to pick a fight and were communists, they got the fight they wanted but cry like babies when they get smashed.

Agitators and people who are looking for fights aren't counter protestor they are terrorists and should be dealt with .

Even if their actions do actually qualify as terrorism (something which I'm still skeptical of), if those actions are used in opposition to neo-nazis, then they're still anti-neo-nazis.

Neo nazis.

Nice meme

So you think carrying swastika flags, doing the Nazi salute, and chanting "blood and soil" doesn't qualify as neo-nazi?


What would qualify as "neo-nazi" then? And what would you call people doing the things I mentioned?


You don't think it's meaningful to clarify that the protestors in question were also neo-nazis?


Niggers, Nazis , Fags and Kikes all have the right to protest and demostrate.

The real person who should hang for this is the VA gov. He ordered the police to stand down he swept the protests into the streets so instead of a secured area with police dividing the sides you pushed them into fighting in the streets and escalating this

Fair enough. But it's still not incorrect to refer to the counter-protestors as "anti-neo-nazi" or "anti-racist", as that's why they were there. Like everyone else, their motivation to protest or counter-protest is based on support or opposition to some ideology, people don't go and engage in a protest for its own sake, it's not something people randomly do for fun.

They aren't though they are communists or terrorists.

Protestors don't start as they did.

How exactly did they "start"?

Why are you still talking to this retard?

I'm bored

Oh that's easy, last year they sent armed goons to start brawls at rallies during election season thus starting this whole affair.

These goons were paid by the DNC as confirmed by wikileaks that they took pay to cause these fights and disturbances

So anyone who protests against the right is a paid goon? That's as idiotic as saying that since some Trump supporters are neo-nazis, that all of them are.

No, but the majority are.

Do you have any actual evidence of that?

Fuck off neckbeard.

what does crushed red mean? and what is IWW agitator?

Red are comunists when hit with cars they were crushed. But the Communists lost out in their attempts to suppress resistance to their ideology

IWW is Industrial Workers of the World a front for communism in the west, it's a cancerous society who has carried out terrorist attack after terrorist attack. They were a front for the USSR during the cold war.

Killed commies.

Reddit violence against those who disagree brigades are ass blasted they got bashed back


Hey don't bash if you can deal with getting bashed back.

Sorry, but how the hell is that an appropriate response. Are you saying everyone who was hurt or killed by this guy deserved it?

Hey the dumb bitch came out looking to bash people holding a peaceful protest.

Also of course they deserved it, did you see their flags. Communist flags, IWW, black lives matter. It's a shame he only got one

So protesting is ok, counterprotesting is not? Sorry but when a Neo-Nazi terrorist does something like this it's a bit of a stretch to excuse such a thing. Unless, you know, you're a Neo-Nazi yourself.

The only terrorists were the rioters.

They started the violence

Sure they did buddy. That totally excuses getting in a car and hitting 20 people right? You'd be saying the same thing if a commie did the same but the NeoNazis started it?


Self-defense is a right.

Ok, that's all well and good, but how was he defending himself by driving into a fucking crowd

Any action against Communists is self-defense.

If you nuke a Communist like lets say NK it is always self-defense due to the tenants of Communism to spread like a cancer

So everyone injured or killed by this guy was a communist? Last time I checked you don't have to be a communist to protest Nazis who hide behind "patriotism"

Nazis are patriots because they say they love the nation and want to see changes in our society

What a way to put it. I thought that my grandfather who fought Nazis in WW2 was a patriot, but I was mistaken.

You aren't your grandfather and what was true in the 40s isn't as true today.

Redditors love riding grandpas dick about ww2 but hate them for being white so much

Correct, I am in fact not my grandfather, and also correct, what was true in the 40's may not be true today. However, you don't have to have fought in ww2 to oppose Nazism. I'd still like to know if you know for certain that not only was everyone who was hit rioting, but that they were a communist.

We didn't fight in WW2 over nazism we fought beccause the Japs attacked us and Germany declared on us as well. If they had not we would not have fought them.

Simple it was an IWW affiliated line he smashed. the IWW was a front for the USSR.

I didn't realize you had such inside knowledge on who he hit, please tell me more.

What do you mean.

I've already proved his actions just and targeting communists

His actions were cowardly.

Hardly, it's quite hard to smash into people and not lose control when the mob tries to swarm over you.

He did lose control, he wrecked his car and fled

No he ditched the car miles away.

Smash and escape otherwise he would have been lynched by the Reds for his bravery.

Honestly he should get a medal.

What a warped way to view the world. You're either a 14 year old keyboard warrior or you're delusional.

Nothing warped at all.

Keep up the tears of impotent rage though they are sweet

Aight have fun being an edgelord online, I'm sure mummy will be proud

He's also a legit neckbeard:

That's going on the wall next to Breivik.


denounced, fam.

anyone that sacrifices his freedom to take out some antifa and BLM faggots is a hero in my book, i dont care about his past

kys unironically

diaf fat nigger

lol someone got mad

yeh right

Yeah, you.

lol no

kys unironically

u mad

for telling someone to keep themselves safe?

lol, u mad


yeah, u mad

nuh uh

do it at five?

Tried to imagine being as dumb as you but almost drowned in the shower. Would not recommend.

w/e, my hate group kicked your hate group's ass

What a dumb, violent piece of shit.

IDK, I don't have much else to say.

I have to remove this. Find a news article with this information and post that instead.

Because of the DoD manpower PDF?

I guess it doesn't actually have that much info. I expected it to be a lot more detailed. That admins have already removed 3 posts related to this mess so we have to be a little careful.

That masterrace face. The soft, Spencerish jaw, the beady eyes, the FAS lips, the bland anonymity of his features.

Yeah, these are the people whose genes we totally need to spread.

I can tell from his eyebrows that he is a horrible person!!! Ick!!

Is Orlando Bloom Jewish too?