SRDines smell the blood on the asphalt and double down on nazi punching, accuse some random guy born in '88 of being a nazi, and just need to be run over more in general until they get it.

71  2017-08-13 by PastaVagioli


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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u/stellersseaeagle congratulations on being part of one of two groups of violent morons who want to lash out and get people killed.

This is why we need thunderdomes. During a riot we can just arrest everyone, throw them in a thunderdome and let them sort it out there.

R/drama post titles are supposed to be hyperbole, but I guess they didn't leave you any room to exaggerate.

Fuck that shit. "Be tolerant of the people who gassed 6 million Jews. Be tolerant of the people who took over half of Europe. Be tolerant of the people who would cut your tongue out for disliking their leader."
Fuck. That.
Punch fucking Nazis.

100 years old person with Alzheimer's disease uses reddit and is SR$D user. Fascinating.


wtf google is KKK now because their algorithms detect what you watch and show you more of it on the front page

We just gotta rely on the market place of ideas to eventually win out over the genocidal maniacs driving cars into non-violent civilian counter-protesters.

/u/__shoe__ So, do you empathize with people that don't want Muslim's immigrating to the west, now?

If not, could you explain how you pissing your panties over some alt-right guy mowing down some leftist retards makes hating alt-right people justified, but people aren't justified in hating Muslims for Islamist attacks (that are far more numerous, by the way)?

Is it safe to hate alt-righters and muslims?

It's the only fashionable option, to be honest my family.

you have to hate commies too else you can't be in the club, sorry

What if I'm indifferent to all 3?

then i guess u ain't trve south park neutral bub

Hate anyone you want, bro. The problem isn't the emotion, it's the actions.

I'd love to live in a world where people feel free to hate anyone they want, but just weren't able to act on it. the problem is that people today can campaign to get people fired from private jobs, they can commit violence against the opposing ideologies and expect some sympathy from their fellows, they can get people banned from social media and a sizable chunk of the internet as a result.

Take away the power of those actions, and it doesn't matter what people feel about one another.

People "today" can campaign to get people fired from private jobs? "Today"? That's been happening for decades, it's just that people who would normally have been part of the in-group and thus never threatened by it have found themselves being targeted recently.

I don't approve of antifa violence, but it HAS been kind of interesting to watch sheltered suburbanites realize discrimination can touch them too. "Hey guise there's like... CIVIL RIGHTS ABUSES going on. First time ever!"

With that logic I should hate white people.

"White people" is a religion now?

It's not racism if I discriminate because of religion, so yes.

non-violent civilian counter-protesters.

non violent

yes, they just happened to have bats and bikelocks with them

Keep calling Muslims terrorists and they eventually become terrorists.

Keep calling white people racists...

lol something tells me someone named "Thulean Dragon" doesn't need any prodding.

I'm a fan of Greek mythology and also a furfag.

There I said it.

Can't wait for all the SRDines to get their rock hard boyclitties out to circlejerk about how they are playing real life Wolfenstein.

Some random pathetic white trash are now going to be compared to Hitler but they will still love communism "satire" as though gulags, genocide, ethnic cleaning, and taking over half of Europe wasn't done by leftists.

be bitter about the backlash if you want, but it's a long time coming. Actual white nationalists are misfit toys - they do not belong in the republican party or broader conservative movement in general (despite what the new york times would tell you).

As soon as Trump won should've been purged not just from the campaign/transition team, but from the base as well. It should have been made clear on social media like the_donald, twitter, and facebook, and irl acquaintances and friendships that if this is how you feel you can fuck off.

The conservative movement is a big tent, and just like the progressive movement it has lots of room for crazies to pad out the infantry, and sometimes too many crazies get in. There will never be room in the tent for white nationalists; we just have different values, particularly about race war. WN sympathizers who snuck the WNs into the tent, sheltered them, and emboldened them, were the ones who made the shit sandwich we saw yesterday and now it's their turn to take a big bite. I hope they savor the flavor.

What point are you making exactly? I don't think it will require much effort on my part to quickly point out blatant hypocrisy and tribalism exhibited by smug mouth breathers that make every topic under the sun an excuse to talk about their political agendas. Loving violence is typically a favorite of these types because it is always justified and righteous when they choose the targets.

I don't really have a point I'm trying to make.

I'm just making a personal observation that I think it's pointless getting all sensitive about a backlash that has some serious merit - maybe not of all conservatives. But this group of alt-right race-realist "unite the right" types wouldn't have been going down there the droves they were, ready for action, if they hadn't been (even with the background, and how these events have turned out recently) given the opportunity to promote in more mainstream conservative forums.

Maybe Fields would've still driven his car into crowd, but... maybe not.

The same 'backlash' you guys have already been engaging in ever since Trump got elected?

You act like the left has been some model of propriety over the last few months, only now driven to demonize everyone they disagree with. They've literally been doing that for years now, and it's gotten a shit-ton worse since Trump was elected.

Maybe you should consider the part that plays in all of this.

Can you read? When did I say I support violent thugs? The point is people jerking off over violence with the rationalization that they are really against violence which is utter bullshit. They LOVE violence so long as they pick the targets.

And the left should have canned the 'Trump is Hitler!' talk, and the race-baiting, after the election.

But they didn't. So now here we are.

Uhhh because some on the left are retarded you feel vindicated in some on the right acting retarded? Moreover, you think if those on the left suddenly got smart, the right would smarten up, too?


As soon as Trump won should've been purged not just from the crevices of the campaign/transition team, but from the base as well. It should have been made clear on social media like the_donald, twitter, and facebook, and irl acquaintances and friendships that if this is how you feel you can fuck off.


Half his base is white nationalists? Interesting. I thought leftist claims he was literally hitler eye overblown?


He said they should have purged white nationalists. You said "half his base". Is connecting the dots a strawman?

He said they should have purged white nationalists.

As soon as Trump won should've been purged not just from the crevices of the campaign/transition team, but from the base as well. It should have been made clear on social media like the_donald, twitter, and facebook, and irl acquaintances and friendships that if this is how you feel you can fuck off.

It should have been made clear that white nationalists can fuck off? Can you not read letters? Are there too many chromosomes in your eye sockets?

These are the kind of people who see a thousand murders, one of which was committed by a white person, and conclude that we need to do something about white people

The world makes a lot more sense when you don't see them as human

Why don't we legitimise this shit and just let them go full thunderdome on each other like once a month or something.

that's just mean. how are the white wailers going to defend themselves against right wing farm boys?


It's okay to punch nazis because they're violent


It's ethical to run over commies because they're violent


Bash the fash!

The fash Bashed back! Literally shaking.

Throw bricks at the fash!

The fash killed someone! Literally shaking.

Shoot the fash!

Oh god, so many dead thanks to the fash.

Woke as fuck

u/stellersseaeagle I'm fine with punching Nazis as long as we get to throw communists out of helicopters

im fine with both

I think we're missing the real question here, which mid-size sedan handles the best in crowded conditions?

Probably a Volvo.

I don't think a Swedish car would allow you to run over Leftists.