Analysis: Comparison of right and left -wing terrorism in 2017

4  2017-08-13 by krautchanner

I work for a company that does analysis of bioacoustic data for endangered seabird monitoring. It doesn't necessarily revolve around this subject, but we've had to worry about terrorism in our industry too, so I compiled this analysis of the state of terror in 2017.

Casualties of Left-wing terrorism and radical Islam in 2017:

  • 50,000+ deaths

  • 100,000+ injured

Casualties of Right-wing terrorism in 2017:

  • 1 deaths

  • 19 alleged injured

In conclusion, it seems that right-wing is slightly under-represented in these statistics.


This isn't /r/The_Donald. Go back to your safe-space.


Love u

BTFO by a few lines of code run in an autist's computer. /u/krautchanner I regret to inform you think your time is up.

BTFO by a few lines of code run in an autist's computer. /u/krautchanner I regret to inform you that your time is up.

BTFO by a few lines of code run in an autist's computer. /u/krautchanner I regret to inform you, but your time is up.

While this is indeed true, it's also a dangerous amount of serious agendaposting.

I need to be added to the injured list. My feelings are hurt.

You should unironically punch yourself in the dick until you can't reproduce then.

I sometimes do that. I dim the lights and wearing only a balaclava and studded gauntlet punch my self in the dick. Sometimes I whisper "bash the fash" in a good way.

Do that while barking with a recording of it.

I may be many things but a furry is not one of them!

That isn't furry, man. Sort out your degeneracy classifications.

Best I can do is one "woof"

Wait ok I see.

This is a clever shit post. Carry on.

I'm kind of disapointed the left and right didn't come together in a moment of solidarity to commit an act of terrorism on OP.

Also you realize radical Islam is right wing right?

I don't see "right-wing" people defending Islamists in the west, only leftists side with them (and the west is the only place that matters tbqhwymf (to be quite honest with you, my family) ).

Who defends them doesn't change the ideology of Islamic terrorists, which are by and large conservative values.

When the left is defending Islamist bullshit and conservatives aren't then they aren't "conservative values."

They still are conservative values though. Imposing religion on people is conservative.

Quit being a retard. Conservative religions aren't left wing.

1) they aren't Christian

2) they aren't white

3) They vote overwhelmingly for the leftist party candidates. It would be like claiming the blacks who shoot up every other protest are right-wing.

Is the imperial family of Saudi Arabia leftist? What about Isis's leadership? What in the world are you talking about?

Pure retardation. Saudi Arabia isn't even a democracy. Look at how the truck drivers across Europe vote. The same way the blacks vote in the US. The same thing happened in the US with people saying the Obongo voters who went on rampages were really right-wing.

So your argument is that the main source of Islamic terrorism is European truck drivers, specifically European truck drivers that vote, and even more specifically European truck drivers that vote for the liberal candodate? Lololol, you can do better than that.

Not ALL truck drivers. Just the bad ones who can't avoid hitting pedestrians.

Who happen to be the main source for Islamic terrorist? Lololol

ISIS loves the Gold Standard and traditional gender roles. Seems pretty conservative to me.

The depths of retardation that you people will sink to is amazing. We know that Muslims vote almost exclusively for the leftist candidates in Europe. You're like those retards who were claiming that Obama's BLM shooters in Dallas and Baton Rouge were right-wing when every BBC in the US votes for Democrats.

Radical Islam fights against American "imperialism". Bin Ladin criticized our treatment of the environment. They're essential Occupy Wall Street with Ak47s instead of Birkenstocks.

Is treating the environment shitty the Hallmark of the conservatives? They are also anti-gay, anti-divorce, anti-abortion, pro school prayer, anti women's rights, many treat immigrants as second class citizens. They are by definition traditional and close minded, aka conservative

CAIR in California is lobbying for teaching Islam/ prayer and (possibly) Sharia. This group is labeled as accepting or donating money to terrorist organizations according to Middle Easten countries. Also my Mexican family is traditional with our heritage. And conservative. And we arent white. Also you said "many treat immigrants as second class citizens". Well that must mean people where you are at are assholes. Or you spend too much time online feeding into this narrative that everyone conservative is white and racist. Texas is majority Hispanic and a large portion of the Hispanics vote conservative.

Islam is right wing....not just radical Islam. I know a huge family of Muslim's (worked for a couple of them) who voted republican too. Also talking to actual Iraqi nationals and Afghani nationals they tend to be conservative by American political standards.

Counting islamists as left wing is retarded, but this is a great way to show that current nazis are untermensch afraid for their lives, without any might left.

The alt right wish it could get away with the same shit that islamists. ISIS is Chad and the alt right are incels.

They are both incels except one is Elliot Roger and the others are 4chan neckbeards

Then I wonder why the alt right doesn't adore islamists. Incel brotherhood, man.

They should just fuck each other and it would solve their biggest problem

the others are 4chan neckbeards

so incels

It's funny since Hitler thought Islam was actually a pretty cool religion and ISIS is basically doing what all nazis want to do anyways. But it's equally funny how left tries to suck up to Islam just because atm muslims are minority in west, but ironically if they allow it to grow, it will be the end of left and nazis will win in exchange for conversion.

Casualties of right-wing terrorism, cancer, and /u/krautchanner being a complete fucking moron:

1,600,000+ injuries
600,000+ deaths

You didn't have to repeat cancer twice.

Casualties of Left-wing terrorism and radical Islam in 2017: 50,000

You're a fucking idiot if you or your alleged company puts radical Islam, a right wing ideology, with Leftism. Radical Islam seeks to impose their own religious rules into the population. Absolutely nothing about that is leftist. You're just grasping at ways to to make the left wing terrorism counter higher in order to deflect from yesterday's attack.

Well to be honest leftists are the ones that constantly jump to their defense

Til that if someone defends the actions of someone else, they suddenly become part of the same ideology.

Depends on the situation doesn't it. We're not talking about defending a guy because he chose the wrong car were talking about people giving a smokescreen to people who blow themselves up and treat women like garbage. Don't you find it odd that criticizing the treatment of woman in Muslim society is considered a conservative stance.

The people working in the Muslim world to get better rights for women are all leftists. The radical Islamists are all conservative.

We're not talking about the Muslim world were talking about how western liberals defend muslims. Do I really need to go into the rape gangs in England and how the cop who uncovered it was sent to tolerance meetings or the fathers that were arrested for trying to save their daughters.Maybe how Obama tried to turn the California shooting into a workplace dispute,perhaps you prefer that sweden stopped adding ethnicity to their criminal statistics. Maybe you prefer a lighter note and how liberal rags are outraged at the idea of banning shit like the burka of how the burka is empowering to women. Hell the pussy march was done by a sharia loving Muslim and had a bunch of liberals chanting Allahu akbar. I'm not saying op is in any way correct but let's not pretend western liberals aren't covering for muslims

Declaring that Islamism is now left wing because of what some people in the West say is the height of stupid.

I'm not declaring them left wing but it's incredibly odd that the left wing has taken them under their wing. There at the top of the oppression Olympics aren't theh

The left really hasn't.

Islamophiles in this day and age are almost always left-wing, so putting them into that category is not "idiotic". It is only rational and natural to expose Islamophiliacs love for Islam.

Islamists support the leftist candidates like the blacks support Democrats. Almost unanimously. It's just a pathetic cope by leftists to claim that all terrorists are right-wing.


I appreciate you trying to defend our good name. These attacks on us are not warranted. You will be rewarded someday, brother. Expect it.

I like where I see this account going.

Leftists and islamists are sworn allies.

Considering the left has no values of its own as it merely stands in opposition to something (which stems from the ressentiment upon which the left is based), it's hardly inconcieveable to group them up with allies.

Leftists and islamists are sworn allies.

Yeah Saudi Arabia really aligns themselves with feminism you ridiculous corncob

As said, feminism, socialism, etc. are merely means to an end which is shared with islamists.

Absolutely nothing about that is leftist

Well just ignoring the socialism part of Islam. Zakat is one of the fundamental parts of Islam which is some commie bullshit.

So is Christianity , but you'd be hard pressed to call that religion anything but conservative

giving charity is left wing and commie bullshit

I guess most people are commies then.

Well it is more of a forced charity since not doing it what kafir does. And being a kafir they simply enforce jizya on you.

So then Mormons are commies. Got it.

Well they are similar. Inbred , polygamy, rapey, believe in quite crazy shit , and both like Jesus.

wait are commies jesus-lovers or are they godless buttfuckers :thinking:

Islam is radical centrist: see, it has the most cancerous parts of the left and the right.

So Islam is the ultimate South park.

Are you the new noodles?

Everyone actually likes PIMM though.

Me too. I actually think he's cute! <3

Better way to name the groups IMO is "things American right-wingers say 'not all X!' to" and "things American left-wingers say 'not all X!' to."

mods /r/whitefever

you fucking pervert, you aren't welcome here.

You could have at least put in the effort to get the other right wing attacks in so people might be dumb enough to think this wasn't bait.


Analysis: comparison of deaths by spontaneous human combustion and deaths by shark attack in 2017

deaths by spontaneous human combustion + deaths by anything except for shark attacks: a lot

deaths by shark attack: like 1 or something idk

coincidence?? i think not. checkmate, atheists


Why is Islamic terrorism grouped with Left wing terrorism?

Why is Islamic

Terrorism grouped with Left

Wing terrorism?


&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Cyber628

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.

Good bot :D

Since when was Islam left wing?

Ha radical Islam is left wing? Then radical Christianity is left wing too. Oh wait, no! Radical American Christians identify as right wingers supporting Trump. I think you are severely mistaken here and you actually lack the full comprehension of the issue you are trying to assert. Let's get this clear, okay. Islam is a religion which is practiced by millions of people. As people evolve morally and individually with the unstoppable advancement in technology and human understanding, there are people who practice Islam as religion on a personal spiritual level. Much like Christians in America do practicing Christianity. When a group of people refuses to advance morally with the rest of humanity and tries to hold on to old ideas and morals its called conservatism. Which is present in almost all religions. At some point the conservatives become so afraid of human evolution and moral advancement regarding the treatment of human as equals regardless of age, gender, religious preference and race that they become threatened by a force bigger than them and act violently towards people who steer away from old conservative ideas. Now, these conservatives who exist in both christianity and Islam want their religion forced on anyone in extreme brutal ways and thats where the distinction between radical islam and christianity lies. Both radicals hold their holy scriptures as scared and as the ultimate book of truth which humanity has to obey. Their antique ideas are so primitive that we see extreme similarities between both. Both want a state dictated by the book of " god " or " allah". Both practice underage marriage and inbreeding ( look into what sick things people in utah who practice extremely inhuman versions of Christianity ) Both want to submit women into submission and deprive them of personal and intellectual autonomy. Both will protect their " god " with guns and consider themselves as the master people of earth. So, really, how different are both of these radical religious practitioners? Not very. Both belong to an idea that their 2,000 yr + religion must be kept and conserved. There is no difference between a radical islamist and a radical Christian who holds a gun and a religious text on the other hand. Now, there are plenty of people who practice Christianity and Islam in a liberal manner. And liberalism leans to the left. Liberalism is wanting liberation from religion, authority and social norms. Liberalism aims to give power to the individual to identify himself or herself or whatever gender you want use. Liberalism is wanting to become autonomous to a deity that has control of you. Or actually liberalism encourages freedom of expression in which ever manner you find fulfilling as long as you don't harm or violate another persons individuality. And that is what most people at the counter protests want to protect. The freedom of self expression. Now you can say that part of that individual expressions is to hold on to beliefs like, the white race is the best or diversity is genocide and all muslims have to die etc etc, but what most people on the alt- right are doing is denying those people who they oppose the liberty to be who they choose to be and vice versa on the left. Its a paradox. A catch 22. But what we have to realize here is that racial purity goes against biological evolution. Religious conservatism goes against human cognitive evolution. Eventually our experiences on earth, the conditions that we universally suffer from will eventually push everyone forward into evolution. You can not tell people who to love. Love transcends race, borders, and religions. You also can not tell people to not think for themselves and advance technologically and morally and to obey a religious text. Humanity will continue to evolve and we have been. And the current events happening right now only shows the silver lining of people clashing between conservatism and liberalism. The change is happening right now and it always is. The violence that we see amongst opposing sides is the spark of evolving into better humans and unfortunately that spark that incites change often is the horrific side of humanity. For example we don't live like we did thousands of years ago as barbarians. Why? Because we have evolved and we will continue to do so. So stop trying to box people into left and right. This is not a linear 2nd dimensional world we live in.

President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 1950 bot$ in the jar.

Did u seriouspost all of this in reply to a guy claiming to be a maritime bird statistician or is this pasta

You can include Christianity to right-wing if you want, friend, still does't change the numbers. Have good day, dear regards, me.