/r/The_Donald proves Democrats are the real racists for the sixth time this week, says to prepare for additional proof in nine months

55  2017-08-14 by Embers-Ghost-Squad


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Destroying history doesn't not change history it only increases ignorance.

Wow /u/BasedWife, wow.

other than the unfortunate double negative, it wasn't too bad

well there's also the irony of that comment coming from ignoring two big swaths of historical context, but that ain't surprising

They probably think the Confederate battle flag is the legitimate flag of the confederacy too.

maybe the real racists were the friends we made along the way......

With /r/the_donald, probably

Ok this needs to be a shillbot quote

If a kaffir terror trucks someone, is that cultural appropriation?

No, because I keep hearing white supremacists are an oppressed minority. Minorities can't be guilty of cultural appropriation, so they're in the clear to rip off the rest of ISIS' great ideas.

Punching up!

To be fair, you'd be hard pressed to find any Jim Crow laws from a republican lawmaker.

To be fair, only a moron would so absurdly ignorant of the southern strategy and how the Republican Party took over the bitter old racist demographic so completely. This is like when dumbfucks say "but Abraham Lincoln was a Republican! Therefore it's impossible that these Nazis love Trump!" as if it has any fucking bearing on the situation.

President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 1084 bot$ in the jar.

Bad bot!

I wonder how Republicans mental gymnastics the fact Democrats win like over 90% of the black vote.

Why exactly do they think that happens?

Why exactly do they think that happens?

let me tell you about a man named George Soros

Obviously it's because Republicans are racists.

That's why black Americans were also majorly opposed to legalizing gay marriage. Gay people are also racist.

Was this some weird deflection attempt? Yeah, it's because they're racist, it also might because they've had multiple federal court rulings against them for either racial voter intimidation or racial voter suppression.

Ah, yes, voter ID laws. I forgot that requiring an ID to vote is racist, because black and Latino Americans don't have IDs.

Out of curiosity, does that make democrats racist for supporting the laws that require gun buyers to present ID? They're both Constitutional rights, after all.

Ah yes, a moron with no idea what's talking about thinking what the GOP pushes are simple voter ID laws.

In particular, the court found that North Carolina lawmakers requested data on racial differences in voting behaviors in the state. "This data showed that African Americans disproportionately lacked the most common kind of photo ID, those issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)," the judges wrote.

So the legislators made it so that the only acceptable forms of voter identification were the ones disproportionately used by white people. "With race data in hand, the legislature amended the bill to exclude many of the alternative photo IDs used by African Americans," the judges wrote. "The bill retained only the kinds of IDs that white North Carolinians were more likely to possess."

Most strikingly, the judges point to a "smoking gun" in North Carolina's justification for the law, proving discriminatory intent. The state argued in court that "counties with Sunday voting in 2014 were disproportionately black" and "disproportionately Democratic," and said it did away with Sunday voting as a result.

"Thus, in what comes as close to a smoking gun as we are likely to see in modern times, the State’s very justification for a challenged statute hinges explicitly on race — specifically its concern that African Americans, who had overwhelmingly voted for Democrats, had too much access to the franchise," the judges write in their decision.

I actually can't tell if you guys believe the GOP lie that they care about "voter fraud" or it's just a lie you tell yourselves to feel better.

Huh, a court case from this year. Following your logic, this is the reason black Americans vote democrat. Does that mean they voted republican before 2017? Seems like a logical flaw, and doesn't actually address your original point. If passing racist legislation is what discouraged black voter support, black voters would have abandoned the Democratic Party in droves long before republicans started systemizing racism. This is a major hole in your argument that I'd appreciate clarification on.

Also, please answer my question about democrats wanting the kind of strict gun control that would prevent a disproportionate number of black Americans from purchasing guns as is their constitutional right. Does this make them racist?

Holy shit moron, that court ruling is just one thing in many things, there's a supreme court ruling against these people dating back to the fucking 70s the court has upheld recently:


black voters would have abandoned the Democratic Party in droves long before republicans started systemizing racism. This is a major hole in your argument that I'd appreciate clarification on.

LOL, WHAT RACIST LAWS DID DEMOCRATS PASS DUDE? You can argue they passed tough on crime laws which might be considered "racist" but they had the full support of the black community.

Also, please answer my question about democrats wanting the kind of strict gun control that would prevent a disproportionate number of black Americans from purchasing guns as is their constitutional right. Does this make them racist?

What in the actual fuck? I don't say this lightly, but this is probably the most absurd, fallacious, and blatantly retarded argument I have ever seen anyone type in my entire life, let that sink in.

Gun control would apply to everyone not just black people, so how, logically, can that be racist? Holy shit man, I've gotta go take a run after this one, my head is spinning.


Really? You're asking this with a straight face?

Who do you think was supporting all those Jim Crow laws that black Americans fought in the 1960s?

inb4 "southern strategy, they became republicans, squak derp"

Gun control would apply to everyone not just black people, so how, logically, can that be racist?

Marriage laws before gay marriage was legal also applied to everyone. The requirement to present an ID also applies to everyone. The laws preventing illegal immigration apply to everyone.

Legal equality is not inherently ethical if the law is evil. I'm surprised you would suggest otherwise.

I'm not even deflecting here. Fuck the republicans that use voter ID to block black voters. Fuck the republicans that oppose illegal immigration to block Hispanic voters. Seriously, fuck 'em.

I just don't buy into two-dimensional circle jerks that are carefully fabricated by a lying 4th estate to try to manipulate me into disassociating myself with conservative values because of a false accusation of guilt by association. And when this shitty website is unironically coated in American propaganda to round up and execute "the Huns," I'm not buying it.

Commies have been violently protesting in this country for close to a century now. I didn't see any idiots posting to "purge the country of reds" when a Republican politician was shot in his backyard less than a month ago.

Almost as though violence against the right is normalized in American culture on a level that violence against the left is not.

The argument you just made is basically the typical abortion argument Nazis try to make, in which they claim "more black women get abortions, so if you support abortion, then you're a racist trying to wipe out black people."

I was making your argument back at you, bud. The entire point was, "this is a bad argument."

Which makes your claim that it's the most embarrassing thing you've ever read especially embarrassing.

What next, little guy? Gonna argue that the war on drugs didn't discriminately target blacks because everyone wasn't allowed to sell or possess drugs?

Who do you think was supporting all those Jim Crow laws that black Americans fought in the 1960s?

Dead people. No really most of those people are fucking dead now. Yes JC was pushed by democrats who were at that point in time the racist party, however they and reps switched places in the years since you fucking retard.

inb4 "southern strategy, they became republicans, squak derp"

kys. That's what happened, it's a well known fact that's what happened and you adding derp to the end of it doesn't make it wrong.

This is like saying that reps hate guns because they pushed super hard for gun control in the 70s and 80s

God, you're so retarded it hurts

Ooh! Another idiot that gets their knowledge of historical voting trends from websites like this: http://factmyth.com/factoids/democrats-and-republicans-switched-platforms/

I'm tired of repeating myself, so I'll just quote my original post and let you actually address the fact that your "southern strategy" falls apart when analyzing how southerners voted in the years following Nixon's resignation and through Clinton's first term. Good luck!

The "southern strategy" is a conspiracy theory that completely falls apart under any actual scrutiny. Any attempts made by Nixon to pocket the southern vote, such as using Christianity to appeal to southerners for the Civil Rights Movement, were largely unsuccessful. And you can't point to his reelection and claim "southern switch!" when Nixon won in a landslide everywhere. Not to mention the fact that Carter dominated in the South not long after, when the "switch" is claimed to have happened.

There was less of a Dixiecrat dominance in subsequent decades, but it wasn't until as late as 1996 that the south became a republican monopoly (remember, Clinton did quite well in the south in 1992).

This video does a good job of showing how little actual party movement there was from Dixiecrat to republican in the years of "southern strategy": https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=I3LqPedoxSk (Spoiler: it's literally one guy that changed parties)

And if I wanted to be a dick about it, I could point out all the other dumb shit this "southern strategy" theory implies. Like that FDR was really a modern republican, since he was a democrat pre-switch, despite the fact that modern republicans generally hate FDR and only democrats idolize the fucker.

It is disingenuous revisionism to claim that racists in the south fled the Democratic Party prior to the party's current state of being. It's more likely that their children saw the mess the democrats made of their country and flocked to the Republican Party (e.g. Vietnam Police Action and LBJ), but that's just me spitballing.

Just remember that democratic hero Bill Clinton once wrote a letter to the Daughters of the Confederacy that said something like

For 100 years, the United Daughters of the Confederacy has maintained and built upon the wonderful legacy of your founders. The strength of your organization today is a testament of the vision of your founders and to your commitment to your shared goals.

But all the racists totally went republican, lol.

Try reading this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy it might make you sound less retarded in the future.

The "southern strategy" is a conspiracy theory that completely falls apart under any actual scrutiny

I mean aside from Dems stopped pushing racism for votes and Reps started to.

Any attempts made by Nixon to pocket the southern vote, such as using Christianity to appeal to southerners for the Civil Rights Movement, were largely unsuccessful


Also from wiki

"Although the phrase "Southern strategy" is often attributed to Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips, he did not originate it"

And now lets get a quote from Kevin

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats"

So Nixons political strategist was banking on racists voting for Nixon. Well not proof of the southern strategy working it is proof of an attempt.

There was less of a Dixiecrat dominance in subsequent decades, but it wasn't until as late as 1996 that the south became a republican monopoly

And you provide no sources.

(remember, Clinton did quite well in the south in 1992).

Remember you go on to call Bill a racist, which completely undermines this point

And if I wanted to be a dick about it, I could point out all the other dumb shit this "southern strategy" theory implies. Like that FDR was really a modern republican, since he was a democrat pre-switch, despite the fact that modern republicans generally hate FDR and only democrats idolize the fucker.

You once again show how retarded you are. Not every talking point and view switched, not to mention that it's completely possible that the Reps and Dems have changed enough in the last few decades that they now view FDR differently then they would've before.

I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about if you think the southern strategy = Dems and Reps used to be exact same as their modern versions but with the names switched

Who do you think was supporting all those Jim Crow laws that black Americans fought in the 1960s?

And stopped reading.

A) Democrats, as far as I know, lost black voters during this time period.

B) The southern strategy, despite what you've read in conservatard echo chambers, did in fact happen:


The perception that the Republican Party had served as the "vehicle of white supremacy in the South", particularly during the Goldwater campaign and the presidential elections of 1968 and 1972, made it difficult for the Republican Party to win the support of black voters in the South in later years.[4] In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national civil rights organization, for exploiting racial polarization to win elections and ignoring the black vote.[13][14]

what's it like carrying an entire conversation while the other guy just goes 'nuh uh!'?

Well to be fair about the gun control stuff, black people may also lack certain forms of ID, or may be more likely to get caught for some petty misdemeanor than white people. So I can see that argument, its parallel to the voting legislation.

The difference being republicans tailor voter fraud legislation to specifically suppress black/hispanic voters, while dems arent setting out with the same goals with gun control.

Huh, a court case from this year.

That's a new one, but complements nicely the objections against other evidence because "huh, it was twenty years ago".

I guess I expected something more than "here's the first story I found on page 1 of Google," but you know how leftists argue. No biggie.

I guess I expected something more than "here's the first story I found on page 1 of Google," but you know how leftists argue. No biggie.

I know, right? That you can just google "voter id discrimination" or whatever, and get a smoking gun story right away means that leftists don't put enough effort into their arguments, and that makes them wrong!

But it gets even better, now that you've seen that story, the next time you can just dismiss it as "old and tired", or even better, call it out up front, like, "... and don't bring up that old and tired NC case, please". Because everyone knows that not refuted arguments expire by themselves after a while, or can be refuted by calling them out in advance.

You know, I like to complain that it often feels that leftists don't care about objective truth and treat arguments about it as a social game where you gain points for your side according to bizarre rules. Thanks for a timely reminder that other side has its own good share of fantastic retards.


No-no, thank you. Unflinching commitment to radical centrism requires reminders like that.


Serious question, are you retarded?


do u ever catch yourself unexpectedly drooling throughout your day?

Said the /r/drama regular unironically.


They voted Democrat before 2017 because republicans gave been doing this shit for a long time you paint sniffing retard. You're trying so hard to not talk about the subject and failing so hard.

TIL Jim Crow laws were passed and defended by republicans

TIL the southern stragety

Literally believing in easily falsifiable conspiracy theories.

What about 9/11, though?

Lmfao the southern stragety isn't a conspiracy you retard.

Amazing rebuttal, faggot.

Which states were pretty much the only ones to vote Carter in 1980? Remind me.

Why would I waste amazing rebuttals on The Hills Have Eyes looking motherfuckers with more sister-mothers than functioning brain cells. Are you really this retarded or are you just pretending?

Huh, a court case from this year. Following your logic, this is the reason black Americans vote democrat.

No that's retarded. The link shows that rep have put forth voter ID laws in an attempt to stop blacks from voting, which fucks up you little "voter fraud" talking point.

Does that mean they voted republican before 2017? Seems like a logical flaw, and doesn't actually address your original point

Shits all over you're vote fraud point however.

If passing racist legislation is what discouraged black voter support, black voters would have abandoned the Democratic Party in droves long before republicans started systemizing racism

They did shit head. Until the rep dem switch were the rep became the party of racism, black people voted rep.

Also, please answer my question about democrats wanting the kind of strict gun control that would prevent a disproportionate number of black Americans from purchasing guns as is their constitutional right

Ah yes, that strict gun control of needing permits and training. That's like saying making blacks get a drivers licenses to drive is racist.

Because they think blacks are inherently stupid.

I'm not a Republican, but it's kinda public knowledge that the Republicans opposed the Civil Rights Acts. Its pretty easy to understand why blacks vote 90% Democrat when anyone who says they vote Republican is de facto saying they voted for the party which voted against Civil Rights.

The "southern strategy" is a conspiracy theory that completely falls apart under any actual scrutiny. Any attempts made by Nixon to pocket the southern vote, such as using Christianity to appeal to southerners for the Civil Rights Movement, were largely unsuccessful. And you can't point to his reelection and claim "southern switch!" when Nixon won in a landslide everywhere. Not to mention the fact that Carter dominated in the South not long after, when the "switch" is claimed to have happened.

There was less of a Dixiecrat dominance in subsequent decades, but it wasn't until as late as 1996 that the south became a republican monopoly (remember, Clinton did quite well in the south in 1992).

This video does a good job of discussing how little actual party movement there was from Dixiecrat to republican in the years of "southern strategy": https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=I3LqPedoxSk (Spoiler: it's literally one guy that changed parties)

And if I wanted to be a dick about it, I could point out all the other dumb shit this "southern strategy" theory implies. Like that FDR was really a modern republican, since he was a democrat pre-switch, despite the fact that modern republicans generally hate FDR and only democrats idolize the fucker.

It is disingenuous revisionism to claim that racists in the south fled the Democratic Party prior to the party's current state of being. It's more likely that their children saw the mess the democrats made of their country and flocked to the Republican Party (e.g. Vietnam Police Action and LBJ), but that's just me spitballing.

Just remember that democratic hero Bill Clinton once wrote a letter to the Daughters of the Confederacy that said something like

For 100 years, the United Daughters of the Confederacy has maintained and built upon the wonderful legacy of your founders. The strength of your organization today is a testament of the vision of your founders and to your commitment to your shared goals.

But all the racists totally went republican, lol.

Yep, this is why all black people vote Republican... Trump's platform certainly wasn't premised on xenophobia or racism or anything... And it's not like stormfronters push Trump hard in every outlet possible... Including the Trump subreddit, arguing for white nationalism. It's the dems who are racist. Lol. Seriously the Trumpists have just this intense stupidity and hypocrisy. It would be one thing if you were at least internally consistent and not just constantly blatantly lying.

President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 1620 bot$ in the jar.

If Trump wrote a letter commending the Daughters of the Confederacy for upholding the "wonderful legacy" of their forefathers, you'd be beside yourself passing it around as evidence that a white supremacist is in the White House. But when Bill Clinton does it, suddenly you don't care. Gee, I wonder why. (And no, you can't pretend it's too far removed from current events when his wife was just running for president with his explicit support)

And yes, I'm aware of the rally where peaceful protesters arrived (after the mayor initially revoked their permit, and only gave it back after the ACLU, of all people, took action), the "peaceful" ANTIFA counter protesters were bussed in, and the cops were promptly told to "stand down." It's almost as though violence against the original protesters was both expected and encouraged by the players involved.

Turns out some dogs will bite when you kick them enough. ANTIFA won the lottery in the process, and the entire country, including morons and conspiracy theorists like you that believe in the "southern strategy," became abuzz with how there is suddenly a Nazi epidemic that must be purged. My fucking sides.

Also, since you can't provide any rebuttal beyond "what about Trump supporters," I'll take it you concede that you were ignorant on the subject. If you'd like to educate yourself, this website has some great data on voting trends over the last century, and how they don't support your conspiracy. Take a look at election years from Nixon to Clinton:


President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 1825 bot$ in the jar.

step up the shilling kid, maybe you'll be promoted

"Everyone criticizing Trump on the Internet is a shill"

Holy fuck Trumpsters are the most retarded batch of conspiracy theorists of our era. Is everything some Soros/Jew/Pizza conspiracy to you? How did you manage to get through life being such a dimwit?

How did you manage to get through life

They don't. They die young of preventable illnesses like the 'beetus or meth addiction.

It would be tragic if it wasn't so stubbornly self-inflicted.

You say tragic but we should be thankful for small miracles.

> Bill Clinton

Imagine believing America's third-fattest President is somehow relevant in 2017.

Imagine believing fascists exist in any sizable epidemic in 2017 because a guy ran over some communists and anarchists

Anyway, I'm sorry, but there really isn't a statute on hypocrisy, unless you believe the a former Klansman supporting Trump is irrelevant because "he isn't a Klansman in [current year].

That said, is Bill Clinton a white supremacist for writing a letter that commended the Daughters of the Confederacy for carrying on the "wonderful legacy" of their forefathers? Or is it "heritage not hate"?

President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 2820 bot$ in the jar.

bad bot

Are you really this retarded?

a) Bill Clinton did plenty of fucked up stuff

b) This isn't some kind of clever "gotcha" on your part: nobody gives a shit about some generic form letter Clinton sent two decades ago.

Even if you ignore all of Trump & Co's rhetoric, modern GOP policies are demonstrably worse for minority groups, and those groups vote accordingly. If you have exit polls showing otherwise, please do post them.

President-bot is adding 1 bot$ each time someone mention his name. It's currently 2893 bot$ in the jar.

modern GOP policies are demonstrably worse for minority groups

Depends which groups you're talking about. Abolishing minimum wage would directly benefit immigrants that are willing to work for less but cannot otherwise compete, largely at the expense of uneducated white workers. Asians would receive much more equitable representation in academia with a suspension of racial quotas.

But I shouldn't have to explain to a competent adult why people gifting themselves sums from the public largesse via voting isn't really indicative of a noble government, so whatever.

But I shouldn't have to explain to a competent adult why people gifting themselves sums from the public largesse via voting isn't really indicative of a noble government, so whatever.


We've gone from "da dems r teh real racist. Lincoln wuz republican" to "those dirty minorities are just voting themselves benefits", unlike our ~Noble Government~.

I guess the reason nobody except mayoskins votes for your party in any sizable numbers will remain forever a mystery...

Actually, I never said republicans are not racist. Go ahead and scour my post history. My entire point was, democrats didn't magically stop being racist because of Nixon's failed appeal to southerners.

It's interesting to see you project your own opinions of minorities onto me, though. You know what they say, a liar's world is full of liars...

Stay stupid, lefty.

We've gone from "da dems r teh real racist.

Actually, I never said republicans are not racist.

: )

Even if you ignore all of Trump & Co's rhetoric, modern GOP policies are demonstrably worse for minority groups

prove it

this isn't you wanting to be a dick? I don't know how to tell you this, but your being a dick by accident right now. You have dick leakage.

the southern strategy

The Southern Strategy failed.

The South didn't flip based on race, it flipped based on abortion.

To be fair, you'd be hard pressed to find any Jim Crow laws from a republican lawmaker.

Which would've been very damning of the dems 60 years ago, before the rep dem switch

u/AidsBlanket u/SJWSMUSTDIE

The Ree is a trademarked r/drama saying. Please stop violating our patent rights.

Any more of this and I am going to ree

"w-we'll gettem this time!!"

t. /r/The_Donald

Did they ever get in on that fake news dox that was going around after the Virginia car fiasco


They gonna get banned for that or what?


How did I know they were gonna bring up the photoshopped Byrd picture without clicking the link?

Nine months is exactly the amount of time it will take for the nazi/antifa love child to be born. This child will bring peace to humanity.

in nine months

Did he finally knock up Ivanka?

That's why Democrats are so anti religion. They want to replace god with whoever the Dem party leader is. Look at how they worship Obama.

Self-awareness quotent goes into negative figures.

















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I have to wonder about the dramas penchant to look into this whirlpool of echo chamber hate. Is the goal to have a real conversation concerning the validity of the sperging this people have with themselves? Are they even relevant in the greater context of this society we call america? Does drama just give these folks another platform for their diatribes? Maybe im just tired of vilifying these people with words that are already over used and just participating in another whirlpool in another echo chamber.