White Nationalists learn actions have consequences

77  2017-08-14 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Your fatty friend that got squashed by a car learned that lesson too.

Lol deleted account because you don't want to lose your "GED preferred" gig.

Good. Now do the same with antifa.

/pol/'s already got that market cornered tho

happened with the bike lock piece of shit thankfully

please don't let this be a bamboozle. are you for real? i remember that from forever ago. did that douche get caught?

4chan was on the case! Then they solved the case.

For real

Doesn't antifa usually have the sense to wear bandannas and not light up their faces with tiki torches?

That doesn't always help.

Nah professor bikelock decided it would be a good idea to take a bunch of selfies in his LARP gear, so when police searched his phone it pretty much sealed the case.

Nah professor bikelock decided it would be a good idea to take a bunch of selfies in his LARP gear, so when police searched his phone it pretty much sealed the case.


I've spectated at a couple of these events and the amount of selfie-taking by masked teenage girls is unbelievable.

hint: firing a Nazi is antifascist

A gainfully employed Nazi? Oh my.

People act like these things are equatable, but in their heart of hearts they know that's not true. The intent behind white nationalist beliefs and anti fascists are not 1 to 1. You can't split it in half like you can the price of socks at socksoff.com. 50% off at socksoff.com

Genocide of all non-whites on one side, complete mayocide on the other. Seems 1-1 to me

Genocide of all non-whites on one side, complete mayocide on the other. Seems 1-1 to me great deals on socks at socksoff.com on the other

Actually, the majority of people in the US are white, so white nationalists are actually advocating for killing fewer overall than the mayocidists.

1 minority is worth 15 whites. Do your math again.

Yeah dumbass, because you can buy minorities but it's illegal to sell whites.

I missed this shit.

You should make a shitpost at some point about using promo code Killallwhites for a discount or something.

Already tried it at socksoff.com and I'm thoroughly pleased. The savings were already amazing but thanks to the promocode I saved even more. Now I have the best foot cozies ever all thanks to their low prices and free next day delivery. The last time I had foot cushions like these was when I had my Fox River™ socks. The ones I have now are even better and it's great. You gotta hear over to socks off.com and put in the promocode. The savings and the socks are orgasmic.

Can I use it as a cumsock though?

I ask the hard hitting questions.

If you believe in your dreams and try hard enough anything is possible. Well, except for if you're a r/drama regular and looking for anything but bussy to satiate your sexual desires.

The intent behind white nationalist beliefs and anti fascists are not 1 to 1.

They're both pretty evil. Antifa is full of vandals and general pieces of shit who think that property is theft and rich people should be murdered.

So what does it matter if they're not 1 to 1? Antifascists and white supremacists are both pieces of shit. It's like debating over whether Stalin was worse than Hitler.

It's all this fucking post-modern moral-relativism bullshit.

These people don't have principles. It doesn't matter what someone actually does or says, only who/what they do it to.

50% off at socksoff.com

But can we get our rocks off at socksoff?

They would need jobs first

"waaah mommy make the anti-nazis go away :((("

Yes, eradicate antifa.

If my mom could do that I'd totally be like that.

Tbh I they all ready for consequences.

Those people aren't at that rally because they ok with what's going on anyway.

Tbh I they all ready for consequences.


It got deleted. What did it say?

Fuck me for not screenshotting. Some guy who got doxxed started flipping out and apologizing saying he got bamboozled into attending and he thought it was just about a statue.

Account got banned or deleted. What'd it say?

good one idiot

"Protect our free speech!" says the group part of an ideology that wants to take away people's freedom of speech.

A lot of these guys live in a fantasy world. They are delusional, paranoid and irrational. They will think being fired is them being oppressed.

The thing is, these people's freedoms are not more important than any other persons. If you actively support genocide, start riots to intimidate non-white Americans, murder civilians and support taking away other people's human rights, then don't be surprised when people are disgusted with you.

if you murder civilians people won't want you representing their business

Really makes u think


Please don't respond to my comment you pleb.

fight me irl

fight me irl

i love how these libtards advocating for "peace over violence" respond with violent threats lol who is this fag? lol lmao

i'm reporting u to hiliary for cyberbullying

that's Hillary "Shrillary" Shill!" "E-mail Server"tm Clinton to you bub

excuse me that is goddess empress khaleesi hillary according to her emails


What the fuck too far.


so much for the rational right

so much for the rational right

You have to throw a conservatiard in there to stay true to form.

are you mansplaining on how to shitpost

That killed my boner. Permanently. Thanks.

"Tolerant left"


Looks like a newfag. Jfc, I take a break for a while and come back to a bunch of fucktards from r/all jockeying to take my place as resident FNG. I thought I told you spergs to fumigate the sub so this wouldn't happen.

shut the fuck up old man

I'm going on 24 you uppity diaper shitter, go cry in the corner before I hand you off to your uncle that likes to use you as his cock holster.

I'm in my early 20s soooo stfu old man. Go have a quarter life crisis.

You're just lashing out because your uncle is losing interest in you. It's okay, daddy salsa is here to take care of that bussy for you.

yer maw isn't losing interest in me. we should have a threesome.

Nah man, I don't what diseases that tired out old whore has but by all means go get yourself some of that burlap sack.

thanks babe.

Anytime fam

(☞☭ ͜ ʖ☭)☞


Is this oppression?


But only one guy murdered anyone.

This place has become nothing more than SRS-lite. Honestly, fuck this place, and fuck you /u/AnnArchist for deciding that we needed a second SRD. You're a worthless fucking cunt of a human being.

But only one guy murdered anyone.

Yeah, not all nazis!

This place has become nothing more than SRS-lite.

/u/Ferenix2 tried to warn us, and we laughed at her!

Are you really defending white nationalists?


literally pulling the not all white nationalists card

Oh I am laffin

nice post fagtron you really convinced me with those hot opinions

I love how you can say literally anything here and some twat will start sperging out. REEEEE

This kind of quality comment is what I subscribed for.

😢 r u shaking rn? I'm shaking

But only one guy murdered anyone.

The rest of them just advocated it. And advocating murder is like, totally not bad or anything!

Fuck off, Nazi punk.



This place has become nothing more than SRS-lite.

Hi! As top mod of /r/Drama I would like you to know that we are nothing like SRS (pbuf) but we don't tolerate your use of the f-word in this sub. Thanks again for being understanding during this turbulent time.


"Protect our free speech!" says the group part of an ideology that wants to take away people's freedom of speech.

That could be anyone in any political group nowadays.

If you actively support genocide, start riots to intimidate non-white Americans, murder civilians and support taking away other people's human rights, then don't be surprised when people are disgusted with you.

Except if you're a muslim. In that case it's ok.

the whataboutism is real.

Yeah right... In my country and the neighboring ones we get like 5 to 10 car attacks from muslims in 2 years (not counting bombs, guns, stabbings, axe attacks in a fucking train...). And we hear that we shouldn't generalize to all muslims.

Then in the USA one fucking fat bitch gets run over by a car because she was too slow, and for those same people who didn't want us to overreact about muslims it's the ultimate proof the alt-right is bad and should be forbidden.

the whataboutism and autism is real.

Yup because I'm asking you if you're willing to be consistent. Can't have that.

I only read like two lines tbh I'm about to go to my bed.

Anything to keep the attention of the Nazis ramming cars into people and carrying swastika flags. Bring up the muslims.

They both should be eradicated.

Muslims like myself should be eradicated? Interesting

It is basically just Nazism in religious form, so yes.

Nazis if I recall were Christians. Hitler grew up in a Catholic household and had the backing of many priests when he gassed 6 million Jews.

Muslisms, if I recall, are Islams. Mohammed was a baby-raper and had the backing of millions of in-bred goat-fuckers when they genocided their way across Persia, Egypt, North Africa, Anatolia, Greece and Spain.

Muslisms, if I recall, are Islams.

Islam is the religion, Muslims are the people.

Mohammed was a baby-raper

I'm reminded of the thousands of priests who raped little boys in your churches.

genocided their way across Persia, Egypt, North Africa, Anatolia, Greece and Spain, and repeatedly failed to wipe out 6 million Israelis.

Nice piece of fiction you got there, goes well with the gay radioactive frogs conspiracy.

Every instance of Islam outside of the Arabian peninsula was caused by genocide.

Islam is no better than Nazism, and it must be destroyed.

How will you do that? please enlighten me :)

  1. Western citizenship to all attractive, fertile Muslim women.
  2. Expel all the men.
  3. Infect Islamic goats with HIV

Great plan.

I'm reminded of the thousands of priests who raped little boys in your churches.

Indeed, the Catholic Church has failed us in many ways, including: 1. incubating homosexual pedophilia, and
2. failing to organize a Final Crusade to eradicate Islam

Because those crusades have such a good track record of succeeding right

Because those crusades

Have such a good track record

Of succeeding right


                  - BrotherToaster

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.

see item #2, above

lol ignoring Hitler's praise of Islam and the Muslim SS divisions.

Are you really blaming Hitler on Islam? lol.

The German clergy often resisted Hitler, especially AktionT4.

Muslims like myself should be eradicated?

Apparently you're ok when our brothers ram cars into crowds, but you draw the line at when white supremacists do it. I have mixed origins (african muslim/native european) and I find it just as abhorrent when either group kills people for reasons other than immediate self defense.

african muslim

What on earth is that? Apparently you don't mind your country drone striking innocent civilians. Delivering freedom as you people call it?

I'm in Europe, in a country that doesn't do drone strikes. And I said african muslim to mean I have a long muslim ancestry (not just a white relative who decided to convert).

What country?

France. We have drones, but AFAIK don't use them offensively.

You mean France didn't launched an airstrikes in Syria on September 27 2015?

bombing isis is bad now

Shit those poor ISIS fighters. I'm also so sorry that the French special forces embedded with kurdish fighters destroyed those poor ISIS suicide vehicles.

Were any of your relatives in those cars, peacefully transporting explosives around Syria and Iraq?

Oh come on. France bombs people in Africa all the fucking time. Using primitive technology doesn't make it better.

We have a long tradition of killing africans up close and personal. Since we're short on aircraft carriers, and don't really have the logistics in Africa to use as much air support as americans, French armed forces interventions over there can be pretty hairy.

It's current year, gas all sky people believers.

sky people


people who unironically post on /r/The_Donald should be eradicated tbh

Come get some.

did your cult tell you to say that?

Yeah, I called the hotline. They were very helpful.


I'm just saying all ideologies that embrace ramming cars into crowds are bad. Why is it that most americans only realize that when one fat bitch dies in their country, when you have hundreds of victims each year in Europe (and then amerifats are all about "tolerance" and "understanding")?

calls americans fat has 30 thousand comment karma

with all that sitting on your arse, we know who the real fat bastard is here mate

Yeah because it's impossible in your mind to be online a lot and eat human portions (adjusted for being sedentary).

Second, comment karma is meaningless if you don't consider the time over which it happened, or if some comments on posts that hit front page skewed the score. But then again it would require to have what we europeans consider a junior high school level understanding of math, which probably means a college degree in the USA.

you took that comment way too seriously for this to be anything but projection lmao

This is because of people like you that /r/fatlogic exists...

you just called a women who died a fucking fat bitch lol

She obviously was. And dying doesn't make anyone smart, or thin. Well she'll lose weight but it's mostly decomposition at that point.

gets upset at me calling him a fattie

calls a woman who was murdered a fattie

this is your brain on the donald tbh

I pointed out the stupidity in your reasoning. In Europe, we have as many sedentary people as in the USA, yet way less fatties. And american retards can't understand it's because we eat normal food.

You get that this kind of trolling is what drives angry white men into crowds of pathetic little SJWs, splattering their brains all over the place?


Mocking someone for his reddit karma is literally murder.

this is the 'video games cause video violence' line of thinking.

hey you can totally shitpost from the gym too

only 30K

Please, 30K does not a fat loser make

SRS acts like this, then wonders why people drive cars into them.

Disgusting, subhuman freaks who want to punish everyone they don't like, and give everyone they do like.

What's the difference between them and Nazis again?

Nazis actually get shit done. The problem is that it's mostly horrible stuff that nobody should ever do.

What about srs?????????????

imagine writing this comment and feeling confident about it lmao

Like, I get the point you are trying to make here, I do, but the people that just did the violence are literally proud of their fucking work.

I consider that a fucking problem that these pieces of shit exist in public.

Agreed, remove kebab.

but the people that just did the violence are literally proud of their fucking work.

We have a fucking lot of ISIS apologists in France. And don't get me started on the fuckers in North America telling everyone Sharia Law is great for everyone!

Where do you live? Is it France? I never said I'm ok with fucking ISIS either. I'm saying one problem doesn't brush away another.

I'm in France.

I'm saying one problem doesn't brush away another.

We agree on that. I'm just pissed at americans. Left or right, they always overreact when things get close to home.

And don't get me started on the fuckers in North America telling everyone Sharia Law is great for everyone!

Okay, you clearly don't go outside and talk to people much. I deal with about a significant number of people daily and I haven't heard a single one say anything close to that. That's the sort of fringe OPED piece that gets the right going, but doesn't actually reflect societies views.

When your life is the internet though....

When your life is the internet though....

When it come to North America, I can't really go out there and speak to people every day. So I might only hear from the worst people.

When it come to North America, I can't really go out there and speak to people every day.

You'd literally have to be a hermit for this to be the case.

Or live on another continent?

implying there aren't Muslims proud of terrorist attacks

I do, but the people that just did the violence are literally proud of their fucking work.

Shall I dig up the surveys asking muslims their views on 9/11 or Charlie Hebdo?


I thought we agreed no more serious posting?

And, also, report yourself to a nearest mental hospital - that's your only way out.

Either that or a truck rental place.

You need a team.

I'm getting ctrazier these last days. Being a kebab/native european mix, I'm still pondering which side to join in the impending race war.

Do you know what's worse than a Nazi? An Arab who thinks shitting on Muslims will make him an 'honorary aryan'. How pathetic could you get?

An Arab who thinks shitting on Muslims will make him an 'honorary aryan'.

Have you had to interact with muslims up close? Regardless of my genetics, I think it's a bad experience (ask /r/exmuslim).

I am a Muslim. Though, you seem to be having an identity crisis. Identifying more with western principles does not make you European, I think you need to have a bit more pride in your own culture.

Though, you seem to be having an identity crisis

Not at all. I'm not a muslim, don't plan to be.

Identifying more with western principles does not make you European, I think you need to have a bit more pride in your own culture.

Bitch I'm mixed. I'm proud of whatever there is to be proud of in both my cultures, and I'll call out the bullshit I see on both sides.

Whatever you say sweetie, just know, when those Nazis gain enough traction in France, North Africans are the ones who'll receive the short end of the stick. I hope your half-breed ass is ready.

I'm hoping neither the nazis nor muslims get too much say on public policy, ever. And honestly seems things are going well in that regard so let's see what happens.

I'm hoping neither the nazis nor muslims get too much say on public policy, ever.


That is a serious issue these days. France has always been against identity politics (even the mainstream left). But since our government is a pseudo-centrist mess that is losing popularity faster than Trump after the election, they might grab on to some of that bullshit to find support in some retarded one-issue voters. As for the far right, they had serious hope for the presidency so let's hope it doesn't happen.

Yeah, I came across that poll saying he was less popular than the Cheeto. Also hope it doesn't all fall to shit too.

Also hope it doesn't all fall to shit too.

In France it always does. We're a retarded country of bipolar people : every time we elect someone they get a super high popularity for 3 weeks, and in the weeks (months) after we start hating them. Our last 3 presidents went that way. The only evolution is that the popularity decline gets faster and faster with each new one.

So it means that 6 months into a presidency, everything becomes random (people vote for the party opposite to the one in power nationaly in local elections to "send a message", weird alliances are made in parliament...).

Random question, which country do you think is the most stable in the area?

I'd say generally it's Germany. There are record highs for the far right over there (which is a european exception : Germans have an historical aversion to these political ideas) but in terms of government, it's been stable for a long time (though it could be headed for a lot of unstability if people continue getting disatisfied with Merkel).

France isn't bad either : governments are unstable, but they mostly don't do shit. So sectors of the economy that used to work still do, and so on. Even though Macron is hated for it, some of the laws he wants to pass might bring in more foreign investments (and create jobs). But it'll kill other jobs so there'll be people in the streets either way...

Luxemburg, Monaco and Switzerland are very stable, but good luck living in any of those places without either tons of money or very in demand skills. Plus they're not EU members so it's not as simple to get in.

Austria came very close to getting a far right government.

Belgium has been a mess politically for decades (can't have a government that lasts more than a few months). Italy has always been a mess too.

I'm not up to speed about Spain (I know there's a lot of angry people, but I don't know much about how they're governed). Very high unemployment.

Netherlands seem cool, at least economically and politicaly stable, but I don't enough about them either (I think they're also seeing a far right resurgence).

Portugal isn't great. Not third world though, but their economy is sluggish, and they have very socially conservative governments. It's a pretty good country for european retirees though (still in the EU, low standard of living, great scenery and climate, still a first world country).

Ireland used to have an economic boom, but they're realizing now that you can't just build your economy on giving tax breaks to big companies so that they set up their headquarters in your country. Lots of big EU members (France especially) are studying ways to tax those companies that try to dodge taxes by moving all their revenue to Ireland and the Netherlands. Now that the UK is out, and France and Germany are really fed up with that tax evasion (since they're the ones getting fucked the most) I fear that Ireland is going to know their digital age equivalent of the potato famine.

The UK used to be a sure bet, but post Brexit it's hard to have any visibility. Despite claims they don't want a "soft Brexit" (which would mean keeping most of their ties to the EU), and the EU telling them to fuck off (they're making an example of them : if you're out, you're out!), right now they're pleading for arrangements on things like customs and border enforcement. Plus even with a "hard" Brexit nobody knows how things will settle afterwards (for travel, trade, whatever... they'll have to come up with a lot of new treaties).

Thanks for the long reply.

Ireland used to have an economic boom, but they're realizing now that you can't just build your economy on giving tax breaks to big companies so that they set up their headquarters in your country. Lots of big EU members (France especially) are studying ways to tax those companies that try to dodge taxes by moving all their revenue to Ireland and the Netherlands. Now that the UK is out, and France and Germany are really fed up with that tax evasion (since they're the ones getting fucked the most) I fear that Ireland is going to know their digital age equivalent of the potato famine.

This is a little concerning. My employer is thinking about moving shop to Ireland, so I might tag along, but this would only be a few years down the line.

I'd like to stay in my home country (a pimple on the butt of Africa), but investigating alternative options is becoming worth my while as the situation here gets less stable. Germany/Poland/Latvia are definitely still fairly high up on the list. Switzerland and friends are insanely pricey though and those never really an option. Appreciate it!

This is a little concerning. My employer is thinking about moving shop to Ireland, so I might tag along, but this would only be a few years down the line.

I think you should do it. My concerns about Ireland are theoretical and only my own opinion. It would still need a lot of pushing to get it done. And even in the EU votes it, it usually takes years for something like that to take effect. It might take 10 or 20 years to get it done, if ever (Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland will drag their feet because they're the one raking in the tax evasion money).

In the scale of a career, a few years in Ireland can make a lot of difference (especially since if the company moves and your boss trusts in you, it's the kind of situation where you can jump rungs on the corporate ladder).

Plus whatever happens you're in the EU. You never know how immigration laws will evolve. But once you step a foot in from Africa, if tomorrow there's some big change in immigration policies (not likely but not impossible) you already have your visa, and then you can move all over the EU if things start sucking in Ireland.

And Ireland is a hub for international flights so you can easily move around and have fun.

I think even if there's a EU wide tax uniformization, Ireland will remain attractive for lots of companies. It's great if you have an international team that travels a lot (as I told you because of the flights), the standard of living is not as ridiculously high as in other well connected cities (London, Paris...). Very easy to get into the USA from there, with cheap direct flights.

I think the real estate is also reasonable, so if you're in a white collar job, it means having great offices for the same prices. Not a bad bargain IMHO.

Of course it heavily depends on your kind of business, and if your boss has considered every aspect or if he just saw a tax incentive and didn't think it through.

Switzerland and friends are insanely pricey though and those never really an option. Appreciate it!

But consider that for skilled jobs they pay proportionately. Switzerland is amazing for finance, tech, pharma... And a lot of people work in Switzerland but live in the country next door (I know it especially for the French). It's less expensive, and a short commute (lots of Swiss town are thriving on the border because of that). I'm pretty sure there are even cities that have a French and Swiss side, making it even easier to reside on one side and work on the other.

Of course those cities tend to be more expensive than the rest of France, but less than inside Switzerland.

Lots of big companies are there, it's a good compromise. Also some of those cities have international airports, with flights all over the world.

Luxemburg (AFAIK) is mostly about finance, business consulting, international law firms...

Also watch out for prices/standard or living city by city. In France it's mostly Paris that is expensive (up to maybe 30 to 50% than the rest of the country), but usually wages are proportional. Unless you're in a job where your income is fixed (there are some public sector jobs in France where it's like that), in which case just avoid Paris and you're good.

Whereas in the UK the difference in cost of living (especially real estate, rents are fucking crazy) can be 1 to 10 between cities. So if your employer is not trying to dick you on the wages it's fine.

Last consideration : language. If your company is big, international, with higly paid people, you can live comfortably without having to master local languages. English will be spoken in the bigger cities (especially those with a lot of corporate headquarters). But if you're a smaller company, that will need a lot of interaction with small local companies, you'll need to choose a language you can pick easily.

It's a pretty small company (there isn't that much of a ladder!), but we work in finance. My job is essentially programming and trying to find ways to build passive funds that are able to replicate what an active fund manager would be able to get. So we are trying to sell the same returns and risk for way less fees. (Plus we do some other things that I don't handle.) Ireland would be pretty great for that sort of business I think.

Your points about the being in the EU are pretty darn spot on. I'm concerned immigration laws are going to end up awfully tight. If this is combined with the situation here (S.A.) sliding down the shitter, then it'll be quite concerning...

Switzerland could be a good bet if I were to jump ship at some point. This job is treating me well enough though and my hope is that the company grows, so I'd have to see there!

I know what you mean about expensive cities; the property market has done some stupid amounts of inflation in certain parts here. Ireland is winning there again. I'm trying to take on as little debt as possible ever. It would be far more feasible to eventually get something there.

Ireland would be a great stepping stone then. You're close to London and New York. Make connections from there, and you can go anywhere. I guess you're South African, I don't know much about your country (and I guess a lot of what we hear is exxagerated) but it sounds like it's time to bail out!

I don't know much about your country (and I guess a lot of what we hear is exxagerated) but it sounds like it's time to bail out!

I want to wait and see how the next set of elections in 2019 go. I think the scum-fucking ANC will be out. But if they're not I'm leaving.

White genocide stories are blown out of proportion by the alt-right. However, being a farmer is more likely to get you murdered than a cop. The government is too complacent here. Additionally, these evil looting fuckers hired a UK propaganda firm, Bell Pottinger, to create racially-baiting fake news. They've basically done all they can to kill off Mandela's 'racially-blind, let's be cool to each other' legacy. That said though, not only mayos are getting sick of their shit, so this gives me some hope.

The thing keeping the country from going the Zimbabwe route is probably the fact that private security sector is massive and wouldn't be under the government's control in the event of worst-case-scenario at least. Ireland would probably be the spot, tbh.

I've mostly heard about the urban crime because South Africa is a popular tourism destination for French citizen who live on the Réunion island. The farmer murders I've only heard about online.

I guess it's like South America : you have extremes. Some cities over there have world record for violent crime rates, but another city in the same area might be very peaceful.

Going abroad isn't a bad bet anyway. Business wise, it's good experience. So if things are better in your country, you're still a citizen able to go back any time, and if it turns to shit, you're already far from it.

I guess it's like South America : you have extremes. Some cities over there have world record for violent crime rates, but another city in the same area might be very peaceful.

Pretty much correct. I think Brazil and Venezuela especially have it way worse. Lots of parts in SA are worth visiting, it's a really nice place excluding the politics and economic issues. The french tourists probably flock to the Western Cape. The best wines are in those parts.

Going abroad isn't a bad bet anyway. Business wise, it's good experience. So if things are better in your country, you're still a citizen able to go back any time, and if it turns to shit, you're already far from it.


The article is describing people who were literally at the rally shouting Nazi slogans. If you know of a Muslim who likes to shout "Death to America!" on the weekends I wouldn't shed a tear about them getting fired.

That's an apple to oranges comparison, we aren't upset about all Christians or white people after this attack. The more direct comparison between the alt-right would be the political groups that extremist young Muslim men join, like ISIS or the Muslim Brotherhood.

The definition of "alt right" seems to expand every day, and is starting to encompass everyone left of Stalin.

It really doesn't. Nobody is calling John McCain or Ted Cruz part of the alt-right.

Wait a few days.

Do they have Pepe memes and swastikas on their twitter pics?

Probably not. Although I'd like to see their private facebook.

America is special snowflake land, you Europoors are just supposed to take it dry.

Two wrongs don't make it right.

I think we should just fire all the antifas and the white-nationalists who went there and call it a day. Nobody there on that day was interested in being peaceful.

Good idea. Or send them all on an island, put cameras everywhere, hunger games style. Then you wait and see if they either are willing to kill each other, or if suddenly their squabbles disappear when things get real.

Too bad we can't do this in a democratic society. These people takes human rights and freedom for granted and shit their problem all over the place, and then blame everyone else but themselves for the mess.

Yep. Makes me want to lock myself in my bunker for a few days, and binge watch "Battle Royale", "The Purge", "The Hunger Games"... instead of the news.

Pretty much the same thing, anyway.

I am against Nazis and Muslims, whereas you are against Nazis and for Muslims.

Looks like you are the real terror fanboi here.

sauce where i said that. plz and thank.


Conservatism is a scourge, tbh. That is the one thing in common between nazis and radical islam.

It's called having actual principles and being consistent with them.

the donald posters

having principles and being consistent

my fucking sides

Funny how SRS thinks it's wrong to use their own logic.

This shit is why people want to murder them.

Nobody says it's okay for muslims to do that.

When you ask the right to publicly denounce the alt-right : apparently if they do it but also add their dislike of other violent groups, it's not enough.

When you ask muslims to publicly denounce radical islam : actually you better not do that in Western Europe since it would fall under hate speech laws.

Matches ANTIFA and BLM's description with the exception of intimidating white Americans.

was axed from his restaurant position in Berkeley

Personally I don't care if the dishwasher is a Nazi as long as the plates are sterilized.

I'm just disappointed he's already fired from his hot dog stand job. I would have actually gone over there on my lunch break. I get a kick out of some white supremacist making me a hot dog for minimum wage. I'd even have tipped a nickel(!) for the privilege.

Just make it your weekly ritual of eating a delicious dog and insulting a pathetic piece of shit.


Well if you can trust a Nazi to do one thing right

Well they left the job half done last time they tried. For all we hear of exterminating gypos, jews and faggots in Europe, I still see a lot of all of those around!

Imagine how faggoty Europe would have been by now if without that interference.

Dunno. Jews are able to control our media based on guilt from WW2. I'm not even joking. In France, they made it illegal to boycott the state of Israel. You can call a boycott on any other country in the world, but courts ruled boycotting israeli companies is antisemitic (and antisemitism is illegal) so it now carries penalties (usually fines, but there's the possibility for jail time).

So what if we had more jews and gypos, but it was acceptable to call their bullshit out and do something about it?

We'll never know.

In France, they made it illegal to boycott the state of Israel.

Israel is an island of sanity in a sea of Islam.

Not questioning that. If it came to that and I have to live anywhere in the Middle East, it would be Israel all the way.

You could be the kind of guy who licks windows and steals oxygen and still stand out as a paragon of intelligence and reason in that environment

In France, they made it illegal to boycott the state of Israel.

For once, I agree with you, it's ridiculous. They ("they" means dumb politicians here) are trying to do the same in the us.

Problem is, we already have strong anti hate-speech laws. Covers racism, sexism, homophobia and of course antisemitism. Cases of antisemitism might be the most strongly enforced. I guess it's because antisemitic speech, or violence, is easy to identify : it's always a motherfucker stabbing a kid outside a jewish school, or antisemitic speech that has been around for decades.

But they folded any criticism of Israel under that umbrella. It's not even a law specifically : it was a court setting precedent that criticizing or boycotting Israel was "antisemitism" (whereas boycotting any other country was still allowed).

I'm not even joking

oh no it's retarded

I mean I'm relating true events.

Dunno. Jews are able to control our media based on guilt from WW2

Murdoch is Jewish?

In France, they made it illegal to boycott the state of Israel.


Source is in French (big historical national newspaper, not "fake news").

A source in english. IAintThatGuy is a retard but he's got a point here.

what if we had more jews and gypos, but it was acceptable to call their bullshit out and do something about it?

That's an interesting question, but do you have a solution in mind?

Yes. Take what was supposed a final solution, and make it final for real.

Good answer. Wrong, but good.

do you feel envious when thinking about the charlottesville terrorist?

I don't think he managed to kill any euro-fags.

you hate europeans faggots? why don't you love isis?

Well, ISIS is like AIDS. It kills trannies, and that is good, but ultimately they both have to go.

If anything, I'd trust a Nazi to do a great job cleaning something of unwanted biological material.

For some jobs, you want leadership qualities and bullshit like that. For washing dishes, you just hand him a plate and say, "This is a white dish. Make it pure again."

Also lots of nazis are retarded these days. And for once I'll say something about retards : they're fucking great at repetitive manual labor. As long as they don't have a complex task to perform, or something that require constant decision making, they're incredible employees.

If you've seen them work doing things like landscaping, cleaning, some light factory jobs... Not only do they get it perfect all the time, they're also super productive (once they get "in the zone" about their task and aren't disturbed). Plus they're proud of doing a good job, and they don't look at the clock : if you don't tell them to stop working, they'll keep at it until they drop.

But what happens if it's a black dish? What then??

Nah, can't trust lazy whitey to do that job right. You need a quality, hard-working Mexican dishwasher.

If you want filth eradicated, I'd call the Nazi

By putting a bullet in their head like their dear leader?

I said Nazis, not trannies.

I think you need whetstone, the edge on this isn't very sharp.

It is only 45% sharp

inb4 this identity politics is why we have nazis.

Can't make fun of mayos or they'll run you down with their Dodge Charger. They're easily triggered, so you have to be extra careful.

or shoot up a school, but they are totally not terrorist ok?


what the fuck did you expect?

Nor should you.

I hope the people responsible for this are killed, tbh, because I don't see it stopping any other way, and it's better than a couple of people die early to ward the others off of it, than that we as a society go down the road of endless recrimination that will come with it.

just how buttblasted can one nazi get

the /u/ThatDamnedImp story

The other way of stopping it is for people to stop being nazis

or you can just kill yourself and you won't have to see all this anymore :)

Honestly they all looked like they were in the gayest fraternity ever. I would fire them for that reason alone.

That fraternity exists and it's known as Pike

Kappa Alpha*

Literally has an event called Dirty South where hey dress up in Antebellum clothing and take photos

It’s called Old South and we banned it like a year ago.

I always enjoyed the event

I'll assume you ain't black...


i'll assume the pope is catholic

I see your assuming skills are a better than mine. Bravo!

I have yet to go to a college campus where Pike wasn't universally hated

Pikes are hated everywhere?

At my school they were the classic "roofie girls and give alcohol to underage kids" frat.

Same, but they let a Jewish kid in. So they're progressing in that direction at least

Out of all the frats on my campus this was the most stereotypical frat bro one of them all. It's like they emulate the movies rather than the other way around.

Exactly. Pike is usually full of guys who would fuck a goat because they think that's what frat pledges are supposed to do.

Chads ruin everything

Flubby, white males that are underemployed and bitter about the fact their lives are going nowhere look terrible? Who would have thought

Him and Google Bro could probably jack eachother off into euphoric alt right circlejerking

SRD pls go.

Shut the fuck up.

no u

Rude. If my comment doesn't end up in the positives I'm going to be very angry.

I downvoted you just because "angry = more and better drama", tbh.

Jacking myself off to to alt right euphoria rn

"Wow like WTF all I did was identify with a political faction that is almost universally considered evil in broad daylight and people are going to try to sabotage my career by informing my employer of the thing I willingly did in public!?!?!? I bet in a few months time you won't even be able to put orphans in woodchippers on Times Square without it getting back to your workplace. Lousy LIEberals..."

Sock cuckas!

Freeeeeeeze speach, soon they will cum 4 u

universally considered evil

Not an argument.

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument

Not an argument


Here's one for you: if you advocate a system that killed tens of millions of people, it's perfectly reasonable for other people to invoke their right to free association and have nothing to do with your disgusting ass.

But on the internet I've never had consequences REEEEEEEEEEEEE!

now say that about faggots in the 60s

Can I borrow your time machine, mine's at the quantum mechanic.

liberals amirite?

So the left loves online witch hunts now?

Hey Rip Van Winkle, did you nod off during the MCarthy hearings in 1954 and just wake up now? Where the fuck have you been?

Guy marches in a public demonstration he knows will be nationally televised. Gets fired from a hot dog stand as a result.


This guy is retarded. But when it was the right wing online who were trying to systematically identify antifa members, suddenly it was not acceptable.

Meh, if you're going to march in the streets, people should know that that might affect their future employment. Don't align yourself with assholes.

Totally agree.

Indeed. I lean left but shit like this is common sense. It's also funny that each side seems to be so unaware of the optics of situations. During the election and right after a lot of the lefts nonsense essentially helped feed people to the right. Now, the right has gotten too confident and they're acting like fool's.

I've been arguing for a little while that the left needs to give the right just enough rope to hang themselves. However I was more referring to trolling the alt right into protestingnfake demonstrations. Terrorist attacks are obviously another level

This is why I don't leave my house

Meh, only reason they're having any repercussions is because people are making a fuzz on Twitter, probably spamming their employers. Who gives a shit what politics your hotdog is served by.

I absolutely loathe it when people put pressure on employers to fire others for opinions expressed outside of employment, regardless of the opinions in questions. It only makes sense if the person represents the company in any significant way, not servers fucking hotdogs.

Sure, if the company saw his ugly face themselves and decided to fire him it's all good, but this mentality of running to employers of people you dislike needs to gtfo.

You never see daylight, you'll be safe.

Plus I'm self employed so at worst people write me so I can fire myself.

It's actually about ethics in crossing the road.

People who fail to conform to the correct political beliefs must be punished economically. Only the social class that employs people has the right to judge which beliefs are acceptable. This is a left-wing position.

They always did when it's about opinions they disliked, why are you acting surprised? Both sides gladly dox each other.

Hot take: get rid of nazis by actually making the US into a white nationalist country, giving them what they want and thus removing the need for white nationalism to exist

Alternative plan: Convert the US and every other county to strict Islamic law under the ISIS Caliphate. Islamic terrorism is solved.

Cole White


oh lol just got that

it's really too perfect lmao

This is what white nationalism looks like - getting fired from a hot dog stand.

and it's what Communism looks like - attacking the working class.

Did you think they only hated the like 6 non-poor white nationalists?

Communism has always been an ideology of the 1%ers, the Jewish 1% in particular. Just look at the history of the Soviet Union.

lmao did you delete your account in fear of your restaurant job

I wouldn't want my boss knowing I post on /r/drama.

Not enough porn tbh

Communism has always been an ideology of the 1%ers, the Jewish 1% in particular. Just look at the history of the Soviet Union.

That conniving Jew, Joseph Stalin!

Peter Cvjetanovic

“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was,”

A dude of Serbian heritage, not so recently bombed by US, joins a bullshit movement hoping to have one organization that might hate others as much as his country of origin.

I actually completely understand his motivations…

Croatian actually. Makes sense that he's a nazi tho, Croatia is the only modern state where statesmen harken to actual fascist collaborators for political support.

Don't they do the same in Ukraine?

Now that I think about it, I believe you're correct. Either way, they're fucking idiots. Hitler called us subhumans, and literally wanted to turn us into a slave race to be worked to death. Why they think it'd be any different now is beyond me.

Of course, comrade. Those Ukrainians are always doing terrible fascist things, like not wanting to be ruled by Moscow.

The page has been putting “Unite the Right” protesters on blast following their violent, hate-fueled rallies in Charlottesville, Viriginia on Friday night and Saturday.

The hate and violence provided by antifa of course. Funny detail the (((NY))) post left out

Right, because it was Antifas that organized the rally, handed out Nazi flags, started chanting Nazi slogans, and forced an otherwise upstanding Nazi into killing a woman.

Right, because it was Antifas that organized the rally, handed out Nazi flags, started chanting Nazi slogans,

All protected speech that should have been protected by the police.

and forced an otherwise upstanding Nazi into killing a woman.

Self-defense, have you seen the video of antifa attacking his car?

God damn this week is going to be fun.

pol right now is like reddit on election night, complete lolcow

Have you seen voat?

Again, if you're okay with breaking the general rules of society, I'm okay if your political opponents murder you.

Amazing how the left is against doxing until it comes time to use it against their political enemies.

Fucking disgusting people.

Doxxing isn't a real world issue. Running people over with your overpriced V8 is a real issue. Give me your keys Adolf

Wasn't a V8 son, maybe a V6

Buying a V6 Charger should be grounds for immediate live cremation. If you're going to buy a modern "muscle car" you might as well get the real version that costs you more in gas than insurance monthly.

Tru, plus a Hellcat probably would have upped his kill-count considerably.

imagine being so sheltered and stuck on the internet you're bringing up doxxing in parallel to a literal murder

You're just mad that you lost your dishwashing job for being a nazi.

Amazing how the left is against doxing until it comes time to use it against their political enemies.

It's not doxxing if your dumb ass goes out in public without a mask and screams "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!"

Holy shit where do we get American dogs now?

Its like that idiot at google passing around that memo bitching about women or whatever.

Was he shocked that he got fired for wasting company time and resources on something that was personal?

In the same way...it would be akin of someone getting a face tattoo and then being surprised that people looked at them weird.

The thing I really love though, being from the South, is that once again, we have a monument issue, and like clockwork, a bunch of idiots from the North show up and tear the place up.

The South has been removing monuments and/or changing them for decades and it doesn't even make the paper anymore. But whenever some idiots in Michigan or Ohio (it always seems like they come from the Great Lakes region), we get to pay for a riot caused by a bunch of fucking out of towners.

Have you ever been to Ohio or Michigan? Both total shitholes, nobody is surprised.

I say we stop sending the police to these functions and let the gays and the Mayo's just take care of each other. Win win.

I'm really starting to wonder if this constant campaign for drama and bussy is worth destroying the world over.

Is this why Antifa cover their faces?


Someone gets fired for being gay

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Business have the right to hire or fire anyone for their religious beliefs

Someone gets fired for being a nazi

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY FREE SPEECH. You can't fire someone just because their political views are genocide against other races. That's separate from the job.