[retarded] so that baked Alaska guy may have maced himself

165  2017-08-14 by ChipChippersonAMA


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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I don't care that you present 0 evidence, it will piss people off and thus it is now fact.

Its like santa clause or Gary busey, I choose to believe

These YouTube challenges just keep getting more ridiculous

Challenge accepted. Baked Alaska: Got Milk?

Or working socialism.

it's canon.

It's now my head cannon.

I mean it's baked alaska's fault for acting like a royal retard and making this a completely plausible.

A lot of smart people are saying it's true.

I don't care that you present 0 evidence, it will piss people off and thus it is now fact.

This should probably be reddit's official motto at this point.

Maybe second to 'How dare these people I keep advocating violence against commit violence against me!'

this is so low effort that it's literally just a statement

this is so low effort that it's literally just a statement


this is so low effort that it's literally just a repost of a statement upvoted

this is so low effort that it's literally just a statement


This is so low effort that it's literally just a copy of the comment above


This is so low effort





Streamers and youtube personalities regardless of political affiliation are terrible.

Kill all prank vids, lets players and vine posters. Make America great again.

let every swing of your bat reverberate with cries of "It was just a prank, bro! It was just a prank, bro!" Maybe they're saying it, maybe you're saying it, but godspeed.

Now this is agendaposting.


so that baked Alaska guy may have maced himself

No mays and ifs. This is a fact.

he tried to wash his eyes out with piss when the milk didnt work

I believe you because autists can't tell lies.

Who the fuck is this guy? Since when are randos with Youtube accounts famous?

Uhhhh since like the last 6 years or so

since he and the other MAGA3x players became political forces.

he's an attention whoring little bitch who got '''''famous'''''''''''''' by pandering to the teenage alt-light by streaming himself at protests and spouting maymays irl.

Go back to your log cabin grandpa I got fidgets to spin.

Daily reminder that barely a year ago that guy was a self-identified liberal working at buzzfeed writing pro black lives matter articles, he's the epitome of an attention whore.

They are coming out of the woodwork. If you have 0 shame or morals, the ticket to a fast rise in visibility is to "come out as right wing." If don't look like you've come straight from a trailer park you'll get immediately plopped in front of some cameras as they are desperate for spokesmen. Just look at Milo, that guy's political spectrum is stuck solely in the "self-enriching" category, dude has no actual platform. He's just a fraudster that found an easy group of boobs to take for their money.

Easiest way to get attention is to be brown. CNN will put you on if you can scream about racism and sound like you could've maybe passed the 5th grade.

well hey you tried

5 outta 10 ain't bad

OK bot

Better off going right-wing if you're brown. They sure love them some tokens. You can be #BasedBlackGuy.

my dude CNN has hired, not just put on air but hired, some of the dumbest no-accounts in political history like Jeffrey Lord and Katrina Pierson, solely because they will say pro-Trump shit and in some cases [because Trump personally recommended them.](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/04/magazine/cnn-had-a-problem-donald-trump-solved-it.html?

Wait, is it this same guy?

Mullet-Wearing Rapper Baked Alaska Wants You to Know He’s Not a Parody

Ages match up, lmao. Wow, good find.

After watching this I can not believe BA is not a spook who has infiltrated the movement.

watched that video

now i want to die

This is why the Nazis lost.

If you look at the current political landscape, it's quite remarkable how things can change in less than a year.

Link? I didn't know that.

fun fact- prior to that he was a youtube rapper talking about nature and getting high on mountains and shit. He wore a sweatshirt I gave him in one of his vids years ago.

well yeah duh

Literally who?

i heard he cheated with five guys to get good video game reviews

They make good burgers tho.

i would not be surprised in the least

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Totes if you were a real boy I'd totally give you the "Ol'Cosbey Special". But you a bot, and I'm just Japanese enough to bang a bot.

/u/nameuser321 is one of the best posters to ever grace humanity

make another bird post pls

So it's a fucking false flag then.

Why is this douche saying he may have permanent eye damage? Pepper spray is not an acid attack.

If you do it too close to your eye the pressure can absolutely fuck your eye up

I heard the same thing on a place that is "always right" they said it was kinda shifty like he nodded to the "SJW crazy person" and then the guy walked directly up to him and maced him.

Seems suspect AF.