GenderCritical admits that ANTIFA and BLM are as bad as the nazis

44  2017-08-14 by IAintThatGuy


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Grindr in Chechyna

Don't be silly it is just rumour that we grind homogays in gloroious Chechens.

We just put them in a camp

we grind homogays in gloroious Chechens.

It's an error in translation. They put homos in a woodchipper, not a grinder.

Hey babe, it's Chippy D, wuddup wuddup.


The app Grindr in Checnya probably killed more people than accidents with actual industrial grinders.

/u/gcgayman ("gayman") it's almost like trying to exist as a gay male in feminist space, intolerant toxic and ultimately your just a tool used to harm the rest of us.

Radical Centrism now!

Death to trannies and nazis!

Yeah it's bizarre. I was just listening to Feminist Current podcast with Maryam Namazie where she discusses this - the far left defending Islam rather than just defending Muslims as people.

I just don't get it. I spent most of my adult life criticising Christianity as that is the ideology that has had the biggest impact on my life so far and the people around me. Now if I want to be critical of Islam I have to be so fucking careful and was recently told I sound racist for trying to even talk about it.

Probably because a high percentage of Christians don't believe in your death for the suggestion.

Wtf i love radfems now

I really don't understand that sub. Is it seriously not satire?

Let me tell you a little secret, main mods of that sub are men.

are they roleplaying as females though? does that make them trans?

they're male-to-male mansgenders.

Good question. Do you think the term "feminine penis" is satire?

are we talking about bailey jay or my neighbor Jerry the crossdresser?

Bash the surgical Gash

Drama bomb!

considering plenty of terfs/radfems end up as white supremacist nazis themselves after a few months of floating around anti-girldick circles i wouldnt be surprised if this "radical centrist" stance is anything but a piece of bait to get more terfs to the far right

Look, if there is anything the Nazis got spot on, it is eliminating trannies.

youre not wrong i guess

They are just as fucking stupid as the "obama is going to take our guns and throw us in fema camps" idiots from the past 8 years.

They're right, once again. Sure, for all the wrong reasons, but they're right. They always are.

TERFs: friends with literally no one else

Terfs: we hate antifa, they side with mooslims and far leftists who want to keep us oppressed.

Also terfs: let's side with reactionaries and puritanical conservatives to ban porn and bash trannies, no way this could backfire on us.


Antifa , BLM, and most other far left/anarchist fringes tend to be plagued by misogyny. I've met BLM types who casually call women "bitches".

how white are you that you've never heard rap music

Don't call /r/GenderCritical "white upper class feminism". Those white upper class women don't like it.

Am I wrong?


Antifa , BLM, and most other far left/anarchist fringes tend to be plagued by misogyny. I've met BLM types who casually call women "bitches".

how white are you that you've never heard rap music