Leader of the Alt-Right, Sargon of Akkad, Permabanned From Twitter

87  2017-08-14 by SperglockHolmes


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So much drama the last couple of days

Don't get me wrong, I hate Sargon but how can they ban him while letting an actual neo-nazi like David Duke stays on their website?

Probably cause David Duke is a dinosaur of relevance now. He's just like someone's racist Grandpa on Twitter now.

tbh they probably keep him because he makes the KKK look worse

I bet him and Al Sharpton play poker on the weekends.

It's not fun though because they both only play race cards

Hehehe I liked it

David (((DUKE))) gets all his funding from California democrats.

more like David dump lol amirite


Because Anita Sarkisian and her goons hate him.

I don't know who she is, but from the sound of it this Armenian sure does slap you guys around on the internet.

Hehe. Well gotta give it to her she can dish blows better then he can take them.

but how can they ban him while letting an actual neo-nazi like David Duke stays on their website?

Because the people who have finagled their way into positions of influence with Twitter are younger. It's late 20s / early 30s blue-haired women making decisions about what is ok and what is not ok. They don't know who David Duke is.

So was it just because of his past violations and then something recent broke the camels back?

Useful idiots lifespan is getting shorter and shorter.

WTF it's only 4 minutes long? I expected a 30+ long video that these YouTube "skeptics" usually post.

If I didn't have a disgusting boston accent, a degree, and self respect I'd become a YouTube skeptic. They make a surprising lot and have highly devoted followers.

a disgusting boston accent

self respect

Choose one

Good thing it's not over one Sargon long, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to watch it

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack unban this fat old dick.

alt righties getting BTFO recently

leader of the alt right

buzzfeed tier title

more like easy b8 tier title

not here

Same shite different audience

that name makes him sound like an extremely forgettable one off villain in a game of thrones knockoff

To be honest to me it makes him sound like the first ruler of the Semitic-speaking Akkadian Empire, known for his conquests of the Sumerian city-states in the 24th to 23rd centuries BC.

Can't imagine why.

my point exactly

Makes em sound like nerds to me.


Hmm I knew he was behind it.

The funny thing is that he doesn't actually have any history degree or any Higher Learning of any kind. He's actually just another High School dropout that's about his... wisdom online.

You fool he is a classical liberal so he has 10,000 more IQ points than you!

I dunno, I thought he was pretty honorable in his dealings with Captain Kirk.

i dont trust invisible god-orbs

I love happy endings. ;_;

Supreme Fuhrer/Most Honorable Chairman of the the alt rifbt*

What the hell did that dumbass do to get permabanned?

He doesn't say.

He probably doesn't know, either

I wonder if twitter knows.

Wait is he actually alt-right? I thought he was just anti-SJW a la gamergate. Or is it all the same these days

He was a piece of shit is what, stop with the false equivalencies

stop with the false equivalencies

Did a child write this?


Akkad is still shit though

This is true, but also you.

>youtubers are shit wow really tell me more


Same to you, Drama dude

i didn't say that stop bullying me

Learn to read

Yes but did he deserved to get banned?

Not sure why, he seems pissed on Facebook though

Imagine caring this much about a Twitter account

I always thought he was kind of a clown

Go talk at someone else

Geez, talk about sensitive

Are you going to show me your little pink bussy knot or just keep wasting my time?

You're already wasting time just being on this subreddit, so what's the difference

They all show me bussy. You don't.

you clearly spend too much time on the internet

Well he does sort of rely on social media for income, so a reasonable person would understand.

Reasonable people would tell him to get a real job.

Idk pewdiepie is a multi-millionaire for making YouTube videos. That's more than I'll make in a decade.

Is. Twitter banned him they didn't murder him.

Yeah man you can ride just as good at the end of the bus.

Hello Anita-kin.

Wat'sup cuck

Cuck me harder daddy.

No he isn't alt right. You are right he is anti sjw and has been feuding with Sarkisian since his channels inception over gamergate . This has faaaar more to do with her then anything else.

He's not actually alt-right, but he's so retarded and incoherent in his ideology that he ends up repeating a large amount of their talking points while insisting he's a liberal.

You people and your inconsistent measuring sticks.

Just to play devils advocate and because I don't know what talking points you're talking about: presumably the alt-right and peopled commonly labelled that have some reasonable talking points that are compatible with other political ideologies, I mean... surely right?

He's done stuff like push his support behind Le Pen. He thinks that there's a powerful force on the left that is "trying to actively undermine Western civilization," which is why he only criticizes the left. He's spread shit from Paul Joseph Watson and put himself behind the stupid Seth Rich conspiracy theory, and believed bullshit like Trump's voter fraud stuff. His talking points have gotten him endorsements from a host of alt-right types, which, to his credit, he responded to by spamming them with interracial gay porn on Twitter, but his stances did earn their approval. Hell, even in his response to the Charlottesville stuff, he tried to qualify a lot of the alt-right perspectives from people at the rally.

He's also supported Bernie and a lot of liberal stuff. He's a fucking idiot that people follow because he's verbose and has an accent that makes him sound like he's saying intelligent things.

He's also supported Bernie and a lot of liberal stuff. He's a fucking idiot with an incoherent ideology.

no doubt about that.

He thinks that there's a powerful force on the left that is "trying to actively undermine Western civilization,"

He's not wrong about that.

Woe is me, neurotic tweens on tumblr are going to snip all our testicles!

Woe is you indeed.

except people are actually losing jobs over tumblr politics now

That's a very nuanced issue that I don't think /r/drama is the place to have that conversation. I'd describe the phrasing "tumblr politics" to be very misleading or disingenuous, though.

perhaps even... problematic?

me too thanks

western civilization sucks, i hope this powerful force will succeed

He thinks that there's a powerful force on the left that is "trying to actively undermine Western civilization,"

Progressives are destabilizing society to be honest. One example - Advocating stupid policies like completely open boarders. (I'm not saying close them either, just have controlled immigration that selects for skilled people whatever their colour.) No actual conspiracy is needed for people to be acting with similar goals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_action_(sociology)

Mass action (sociology)

Mass action in sociology refers to the situations where a large number of people behave simultaneously in a similar way but individually and without coordination.

For example, at any given moment, many thousands of people are shopping - without any coordination between themselves, they are nonetheless performing the same mass action. Another, more complicated example would be one based on a work of 19th-century German sociologist Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: Weber wrote that capitalism evolved when the Protestant ethic influenced large number of people to create their own enterprises and engage in trade and gathering of wealth. In other words, the Protestant ethic was a force behind an unplanned and uncoordinated mass action that led to the development of capitalism.

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You're acting like that's a mainstream left-wing stance, or a stance that's in any way popular enough to "destabilize society."

You're acting like that's a mainstream left-wing stance


No I'm not. I explicitly said progressives and not liberals.

or a stance that's in any way popular enough to "destabilize society."

I don't think progressives actually have enough sway to do this at the moment, but they need to shut down so we can 'keep ourselves safe'.

The stuff Sargon does, like supporting Trump, only has the effect of increasing the number of people you're talking about. It doesn't make sense.

Inversion of the 'SJWs made me do it' defense. :P

Trump and Hillary should both canned like SRDines tbh.

This is /r/drama, the only acceptable political opinion is edgy nihilism. Convictions and empathy are for losers.

Trump and Hillary should both canned like SRDines tbh.

I thought this at least fairly nihilistic. But yes, at the end of the day, the world reeeees and our duty is to laugh.

This is /r/drama

for losers

This is redundant.

Sanctuary cities are a thing

You're pretty dumb if you don't buy into the Seth Rich "conspiracy".



Why are you asking me a question, I was the one asking a question

No, he doesn't seem alt-right. More Libertarian if anything.

I listened to about an hour of him on Joe Rogan. He's boring as hell and a total cunt to boot, so I turned it off.

if your not on on the left politically you are alt-right by default. Have you internetted before?

He's alt-alt-right.

Maybe I've been exposed to too much alt-right and it's caused my perception of the alt-light to be a lil warped but Sargon seems pretty tame tbh. Has twitter given any specific reason why or is this just Twitter cleaning house while it has enough public leniency to do so?

Legend has it that he DM'ed interracial gay porn to Twitter Nazis, causing him to be banned. Of course, this could all be fake.

He got banned once for that, but according to him the only thing he's done lately on twitter was argue with Baked Alaska and his followers, so maybe he got flagged by them.

Nah, it's more likely Kristi Winters and her fans. They've been spamming him nonstop like he was Donald Trump and they were verified Twitter liberals, and when he finally started blocking them they all freaked out.

I'm guessing mass flagging of both his main and alternate account, since that one only got suspended for a week (probably because it hasn't been banned before).

Didn't he make fun of her dead friend or something ?

He was in a stream where someone else made a joke about it. Youtube SJWs edited the footage to make it look like he laughed when he didn't. ):

That was months ago- why only act on it now?

I mean I would like to think they take there time when deciding on permanently banning someone , they also just wouldn't wait for him to make a violation on twitter if they have already made their mind up.

Gee I wonder if something happened in the interim that might inflame tensions and encourage the people who makes these decisions to overreact

Sargon is an interesting case. He plays it up and down depending because his main focus is making money. It's why his videos are at least 40mins long. He knows alt righters will watch. Plus iirc he makes 4k a month on Patreon. He's very savvy.

Tbh he ain't really alt-right he is kinda like a demented love child of a social democrat and some sort of bastardised libertarian and god knows what else.

Only reason he is popular amongst the right is cuz he insults the ESS-JAY-DUB-Us

Sargon is genuinely not alt-right. He is anti-progressive and anti-identity politics. Literally retarded progressives can't tell the difference between someone who just disagrees with them and a white supremacist.

Disagree with us = enabling white supremacy.

The logic is bulletproof.


People call Jordan Peterson alt-right now because he attacks the left (they conveniently leave out that he attacks the right too).

In short, if you're not on board with me then you're a nazi.

If you're not onboard with me I will put a burning cross outside your house and lynch you, leaving you hanging from a tree.


Tis reality. Pick a side and strap up, neutrality isn't going to keep you out of it.

Sargon is literally on record saying he doesn't attack the right because he believes them to be wrong about everything, obviously wrong, so it's pointless in a way.

Yeah, he's just an anti-SJW, fairly left leaning. But anyone that ever challenges SJWs on the internet is just a nazi and alt-right.

I've been called alt-right which is downright hilarious.

That's a nice thought but it's actually down to the fact hat he doesn't want to piss off people on the right and far right as they are his biggest audience .

He literally said that.

Yes but ma dogwhistles.


OwO what's this.

It's when your political opponents know your argument better than you do.

There's a reason it's so semantically similar to "crying wolf".

crying wolf

Hot as fuck.

A serious answer, but totally correct.

It's what you blow after you load up with peanut butter and want a licking.

I've been called alt-right which is downright hilarious.

Oh, me too. But I guess the username doesn't help.

Sargon is TiA/GG-tier; not actually Alt-Right, but Tumblrinas can't tell the difference between reasonable centrism and actual Nazis because they both disagree with them.

Meh . Both fucking autistic .

I based my political philosophy on opposing Incels whenever possible. Hence I find myself pro SJW, anti Trump, anti GG, and pro capitalism. I don't try to reconcile these positions, at least until after I've cum

A true intellectual for the new millennium

at least until after I've cum

The most responsible time to make decisions.

Sargon is definitely not alt-right or alt-light

This happens every few days.

That's what you get for criticising leftie loons

Evidently he was on an anti-identitarian bender.

How is Sargon alt right? He just had a debate with alt righters on his channel, where he called them low-iq nonachievers.

because shut the fuck up.

Good point.

GOOD point

We're all alt-right on this blessed day

I love this subreddit


love this btw

Ah, /r/trollxchromosomes reference. My favourite.

He isn't. It's annitas fault.


where he called them low-iq nonachievers.

He's a low-iq non-achiever too, making him alt-right

I debate Feminists all the time and think some of them are low-iq, doesn't make me not a Feminist

Have you watched sargon's videos?

I watch all of the Sargon's videos, and Stefan Molyneuex a bit of Black Pigeon and like 5 Kraut videos.

And I can say they are all Alt Right, Retarded and made me the Feminist that I am today.

Oh man kraut too? Lol

Kraut is not alt right and he's dating a feminist.

I hope they kill as many muslims as they can!

I dance to the beautifull sound of muslims being bombed

Fuck off you filthy Sandmonkey

There is an uncomfortable truth: We live in a world where we have to kill muslims to save non muslims

Toootally a normal rational person who isn't alt right. His Discord isn't definally not an alt right hangout.

I got way more but I don't want to make this an effort post.

He's done a few videos explaining what led to those comments.

He's not alt right ffs. Alt right are white nationalists

Im not a retard.

source: me

Not saying you are.. just realise that these guys lived in 4chan for years...shitposting is their lifes' blood. Even though it's gotten each of them in trouble over and over tbh.

Those two sentences are pretty pathetic TBH. If your life is dedicated to "Shitposting" then you have failed at life.

Yep shitposting is pretty pathetic.

I like you


Kek <---





Never gets old. I wonder how the lucky recipients of his scholarship are doing.

What happened with that shit?

The money disappeared. I heard the stock value of companies producing alkyl nitrites have had a significant bump so that could be worth investigating ;)

He's too busy crying that if you google the daily stormer he appears as "related people", on facebook.

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Rogan and Sargon on Anita Sarkeesian, transracialism, and male feminists +8 - Because Anita Sarkisian and her goons hate him. Here is a kind of bitchy assault by him on her: Edit: lol see already a downvote! Bitchy assed SJWs everywhere. 2 major victories this week and they are still outraged.
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Where is the Victim, @Jack ? +3 - His video about it.
"Anti-SJWs" in 1 Minute +1 - Daily reminder

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I thought the leader of the alt-right was Phil de Franco.

Well he is now

Sargon "playing" dumb with that question there. So intellectual to compare it to a different banning and disingenuously say "I didn't target a specific person".

Leader of the alt-right? I am sorry but have you even watched a single video, stream or anything of his? Do you even know what the alt-right is?