Why am i in the front page of r/drama + big announcement!

3  2017-08-15 by Mother_of_Tigers


This, but unironically.


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Yeah, very big announcement that /u/EurasianTiger is jerking off at the videos you sent him and made you a mod to show off that a white woman talked to him for once.

Also, gonna highjack the top comment to disprove her point that successful non-whites don't call her a escort/whore/prostitute.

u/Mother_of_Tigers you are a virtual whore with some fucked up toes. The only satisfaction you'll ever get in life is incel comments telling you how beautiful you are.

My toes are fucked up because i had ballet for 12 years as a kid. What's your excuse for your personality?

I'm sorry you got diddled that long. No one should have to go through that. Wait, no, you should, for posting these god-forsaken videos.

You are right actually.

In Soviet Russia that's just called childhood

6 more minutes of mind numbing woman rationalizing herself to herself.

  1. No, I'm subscribing to your "other" subreddit get fucked with that nonsense, you don't even have a kitten. 2 Are you trying to tell us your being human trafficked? I feel like this was certainly the announcement 🤔

The announcement is that ET is worshipping a camwhore. She mentions human trafficking to elicit sympathy.

Stop cancerposting.

Make her a mod.

Have we found our new u/jewdank?

Who wants to listen to a woman speak?

Those replies are the reason u are a reddit incel.

said the 20 something to a 47 year old man who has 3 children and has been married for 13 years

I am sorry for your wife then if u talk about women like that.

thanks, I'll let her know little bitch

You made a sexist comment first. My age is irrelevant, but since you are older shouldn't you be talking trash on reddit and idk, spend time with your wife? But i guess when one lack arguments, he has to resort on insulting appearences/sexes/ages etc.

Are you a lady? You're making me sleepy so you must be a lady

Malaka Malaka malaka

lexipenia ^ but oh wait that word is too difficult for you

sycophants.... wtf