Black "ladies" circlejerking about how white women are the enemy after Charlotesville. One of them dares point out the woman who died counter protesting was white.

248  2017-08-15 by IAintThatGuy


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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u/MusicalSmasher gets it. White women were a fucking mistake.

/u/musicalsmasher is half correct; black women are just as garbage as white women, but white women can get away with their bitchiness more easily.

Women where a mistake, be gay, do your part in ending the human race today!

South Park tought me that this is the only way to safe the planet.

Get the fuck out of here with your false equivilency bullshit. White women are a scourge on this earth.

See my comment below on attractive white women


That is where you are absolutely wrong.

It's true. There's nothing worse than a white woman.

At least white men will honestly tell you that their aspiration is to oppress as many minorities as possible.

White women will cheat, lie and pretend to be allies while simultaneously fucking you and your cause over.

The worst are attractive white women. If you're an attractive white woman, then you can do whatever the fuck you want, wherever on earth you are.

The worst are attractive white women.

Prime lampshade material.

What does that mean?

he does not remember 6 trillion lampshades

Educate yourself, goy:


I thought it was gorillions?

Education reeee

Just another great reason to bring on the mayocide.

I finally understand the Mayocide.

  • tear travels down my face *

Yakub's second biggest.

I formulate all my political beliefs based on stand up comedy.

Dave Chappelle said about white women and racism "You was in on the heist, you just don't like your cut."

These people aren't bothered by facts in the slightest, huh?

I think they're mad at that white woman for dying as a victim of an actual white terrorist : it takes away some of their "victim points".

So what you're saying is /u/creepslayer5000 and blackladies wanted a black woman to be run down.

As long as it isn't her, yes.

hey /u/creepslayer5000 and r/blackladies black woman here asking why disagreeing with your fantastic bullshit got me banned???

I'm sure I'll cope plenty of other angry snowflake subs


Don't fucking act like this is coming out of nowhere. White women have participated and/or been complicit in white supremacy from jump, and I for one am not gonna sit here and pretend like that's not the case.

k̩͟i̼͕̱l̮̞̲̥͉̣̕l̫̩͚̯ ͚̻̝̦̮̫w̵̪͔̝̥͔͔͉h̷͈̣i҉̩͉̱̗̙t̺̟̖͈̜͘e͙͟ͅ ̪͚̜̩͈t͖͙͇͕̜h̤̺̞̜ͅo̩̬͘t̢̬̻̻͕̞̱s̹̖̗ - /u/creepslayer5000

This belongs on /r/angryblackladies

Really redundant sub

If that was the case, it would have legitimized most of their retardation for the next 10 years.

implying white people exist doesnt legitimize their retardation

Says the half Arab goat-fucker. What's that the alt-right call your kind, was it 'mudblood'? Here you are sucking up to them.

I'm not sucking up to them. I'm pointing out the retards on all sides. Saying there are retarded people opposing the alt right (which itself is made of retards) is "sucking up" for you?

Didnt the media make it perfectly clear?

First a black cop shoots an (((innocent))) white woman, now a white supremacist killed a white fatty. I get that black woman are getting angry. Can't anyone just take some innocent black lives?!

When did the black cop shoot a white woman?

July 15.

I wanted more info on it. Hadn't heard about it. Gave me something to Google other than black cop shoots white woman, which I'm sure would have brought up some very fact laden articles.

How about "Balck cop shoots white woman July 15 at 11:41 p.m. CDT"?

You're a real genius eh?

That's why he asked when bud. I think your bulb went out. Or maybe it's just that dim. I can't tell.

Lol I read "gave" as "give" as in requesting further info. Thanks for pointing it out chubs



I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding instead of you lashing out because you're a straight white man who's unhappy with his life.

She ran up to the window with a mobile (after calling them to report a rape in the first place), cop got scared for his life.

It wasn't just a black cop it was a black muslim cop and he shot her because she wasn't wearing her hajib.

Are we sure that she really got shot? I haven't seen the required testimony from 4 male witnesses yet.

Thank God we don't live in a mudslim shit hole like that

He was a Somalian too. Affirmative action kills again.

I thought I heard that the "accelerated program" he went through was for college graduates, not minorities, but that could just be the (((mainstream media))) at it again.

Well they stick to their guns, it really is black lives that matter, not that victims of all color exist

Can't anyone just take some innocent black lives?!

I have a dream...

Can't anyone just take some innocent black lives?!

Don't worry, other black people gotchu covered.

Ding ding ding.

Lmao, check out this fresh salt. People adding nuance to a incredibly racist discussion === the sub is being taken over by evil white people

"Hows that comment still up?!" Yep, exactly proving your point



Only subbed today, didn't know the rules yet, so went the safe route. I guess the NP prefix isn't needed here


rape me

Oh fuck just saw the rule

Black Americans make up only 13% of the population. The people on that board think they can ever "win" without the support of other races? Yeah good luck with that

They're probably banking on all the non-Whites to gang up on the Whites.

What's funny is that I (person who made this comment) am not even white. I'm a brown leftist very much in support of the anti-racist cause, but they act like I'm some sort of white milquetoast moderate.

Welcome to bog-standard left-wing infighting, now with intersectionalism! Instead of calling you a Trotskyite counter-revolutionary and planning to kill you, they just call you white and plan to kill you.

Their sub literally says:

Racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and transphobia are in no way tolerated and will result in a ban. This is not a hate sub, and these are not welcome here.

Yet they say some of the most racist shit. Lmao.

Step 1: make a rule for yourself that you cannot be racist because <shitty racist reasoning>

Oh I think it bothers them quite a lot.

Hard to not feel schadenfreude now the fembots are losing the opression olympics they have constantly going on. Pretty sure white women popularized this idea who can and cannot be and "ally" (read:internet whiner).

It's why i don't want to associate with the whole privilege crowd, even though I'm a Pee O' See myself.

They're fucking hyenas. As soon as they smell blood of their 'fellow' oppressed, they'll pound on you. And as soon as there's nothing present to hate against, they'll turn one each other.

Identity politics is the age old divide and conquer being played out amongst the plebs. We all know whats the biggest source of privelege in society. We see it everyday yet somehow cant articulate that thought in our heads. And it has nothing to do with skin colour, religion or gender outside of a few specific contexts.

We all know whats the biggest source of privelege in society.

Is it bussy shininess? It's bussy shininess isn't it. Nothing screams privilege like a polished, hairless bussy.

Logic was invented by wypipo.

Facts are for a pre-post-modern mindset

Lol white woman literally sacrifices her life for their cause - "FUCK WHITE WOMEN! Moderation? FUCK YOU." Funny shit.

/u/creepslayer5000 you do realize you are a retarded racist, right? No one wants to be your "ally" because you are batshit insane. You also aren't black and you aren't a woman.

/u/creepslayer5000 Niggers gonna nigg

Even white jew women? :(

Wait a minute here. Jew women? Women who are also Jews? How is that possible? To be a Jew you have to have the tip of your dick cut off so how...oh, Jew "women" - I get it now. Carry on.

Actually it's the other way around, Jewness is passed matrilineally, from mother to daughter, like in bees or ants. And similar to bees or ants Jewish broodmothers also give birth to lots of sterile workers, you probably only encountered those before since the queens are safely hidden deep in the hive, so it was an understandable mistake of you to make.

Wait a second here - so you're telling me that honey is actually fermented Jew vomit? That bees have circumcised penises? That ants are really transgendered Jewish women who cross dress as honey bees in order to scam free honey? Consider me woked.

Nein, our honey is jew gold.

Oxymoron. And yes, especially Jewish women.

>white >Jew

Pick one and only one, at least when it's convenient. (((I))) think we should go with just the 'Jew' part here.

I guess my family being murdered by nazis and nazi collaborators is nearly as bad as what blacks today face.

It's really not and it's pretty Hitleresque for you to suggest it.

Wait, what?

Black people

Forced into enslavement and oppressed into the ground being the poorest minority and thrown in jail with ease

white jewish people

Well represented in media, tend to be wealthier so even worse than normal white people, participate in oppressing minorities while being blinded to their own privilege.

So of course you would whine about "we have it rougher than black people today"! despite the obvious evidence against it. Haven't you ever heard, the most important ingredient in fascism is victimhood?

Mate, Holocaust denial isn't cool.

I think someone should escort you back to your gas chamber, but first you have to shit out that gold jewellery.

hey I don't think you're as oppressed as black people today


tend to be wealthier so even worse than normal white people

Are we commies now?

participate in oppressing minorities while being blinded to their own privilege.

You gotta be...

the most important ingredient in fascism is victimhood?

Oh the irony. You're either trolling, or you don't know the idea of reviewing what you write before you hit submit.

Are you the ambassador from blackladies? Please stay around and interact with is more. You have great potential of bringing us dramas.

Our families at least had the peace of the grave.

Colored people, at least the ones not murdered by cops for innocently carrying firearms on the way to church, have to deal with constant micro-aggressions and whites inflicting their white fragility upon them. No comparison.

Sorry about that m8, won't happen again

Unless the kebabs get to us. ;_;

Jews aren't white


Mayo fragility at display

Well that mayo fat woman was clearly some kind of fragile. She didn't survive that impact, whereas a black guys who got run over by the same car did.

/u/creepslayer5000 probably wonders why no "good men" want to date her, probably white women's fault too

Well, whatever it is, it sure isn't her fault, that's for sure

/u/creepslayer5000 is probably a white male full of white guilt.

she's a transblack trying to prove she's down to fight [on the keyboard] beside her sisters.

technically true

Wtf i love white women now.

But can you imagine living like this, one action from one individual is the ultimate answer that can only mean "haha i always knew these cum-skin mother fuckers was raciss. If a bad person is born, the fault is entirely on the mother"

The person murdered standing up to fascists yesterday was a white woman.

smacks lips AYO HOL' UP

I thought she was just an innocent bystander crossing the street. Did /u/Leo-da-vinci not get the memo or did she start standing up to fascists when her body dented his car

it's a good thing she was fat, or else the car would've plowed through even more people.

Holy shit the Trolley Problem is real!

Big so true.

I guess black women are now also responsible for black on black gang shooting. I wonder how all these black men are giving birth to these thugs. 🤔

Nope. This is /r/blackladies. Black people can't have any individual or collective responsibility for anything you racist!


Bow to your new masters whiteboi

Black women are collosal fuck ups 😂 they literally can't stop themselves from fucking gangbangers and convicts.

White women are colossal fuck ups 😂 they literally can't stop themselves from fucking Nazis, klan members and white supremacist who plow cars into them.

Retards on this sub is not necessarily a new sight but there has been an influx recently

The percentages work out incredibly differently though.

"Black on black" crimes only exist because it's technically true.

It's literally just crime/ gang shootings in black neighborhoods.

This is honestly making me turn into a Neo nazi. If only I were white...

This isn't the first time I've had this thought

Alchol just fucks my shit up fam

I shouldn't have it, it's haram

But why does everything that's haram feel so damn halal?!

Alcohol is an abomination of Shaytaan, and you have committed a Khati’ah, but fear not for there is hope. You can increase your Thawab by performing Du'a, and giving zakat. Brother, I'm in the midst of transitioning and need money for my surgery bills. Helping me would be a good opportunity for you to increase your Thawab.

My bitcoin address:



At this point I'm judging you more for having a bitcoin address than anything else

grow up and do jenkem like a fucking adult

I have some Mexican butt hash for sale if you are interested.

Plus even if you're italian or irish you should be wary of those people. Sure now that there are lots of brown people around, neonazis are welcoming to a lot of people, but once the darkies are out, they'll get back to their usual debates about who is really white (and some might end up hanging from trees).

I'm just waiting till they start orienting levels of whiteness based on which part of the UK people can trace their origins to

It's going to come down to Uk Soccer clubs and I can't wait for the scouser scum to be eradicated. If a new Nazi uprising is what it takes, then so be it

I can't wait for the scouser scum to be eradicated

First they'll get out the meathooks and piano wire for the useful idiots. The game-plan is always to use dumb thugs to seize absolute power over the state, then use the state to get rid of the dumb thugs.

The ole' long-knives-o-doke.

Could happen again. Richie Spencer and the gang are into "manly" faggotry, just like the Strasserites.

The ole' long-knives-o-doke.

Hold my dreidel, I'm going in

The Strasserites were actually kinda socialist though. I'm thinking more guys like Röhm who just outlived their usefulness and were just becoming cringe-worthy.

Embrace Western Civilization generally and you don't have to worry about racism. Its all marble statues, nude women and aircraft carriers.

Plus even if you're italian

Yeah, Italians and Nazis don't get along.

They did get along with actual nazis. But north american white supremacists aren't really fans of italians. Not only are they catholic, but not even considered "genetically" white (whatever it means).

Wow, thank you so much for the best blowjob of my life. That was life changing.

So /u/creepslayer5000, if you hate white people so much, why haven't you moved to Africa to live among your own people away from the white devils? I hear Liberia is nice this time of year.

Does Africa offer gibs and a group of people who will lay the blame on everyone and everything for your failings but yoi

Wow, black people hating on whites breeds a white people hating on blacks, who would have thought that would be possible. By the way neither side has any moral high ground here jic you thought you did.

DAE 'member when not seeing color was a good thing? I 'member.

clearly the real target was that Black dude and his fresh Jordans

Anyone one the progressive stack that isn't like a disabled trans-baby half Kurd half Somali Muslim is so stupid. Gay men have started to figure it out. It doesn't matter if you give your life to the cause if you're towards the bottom of the stack then you are the enemy.

Yup. Cis white gay men are the new cis hetero white men.

Team Right getting all the first round draft picks.

Those white fags make money, don't complain, are able to function in society... Clear signs of an oppressor for SJWs.

There is nothing more misogynistic than male homosexuality, of course. Imagine hating women so much you wouldn't even have sex with them.

You say that jokingly, but look up all the articles about hetero women having tantrums over gays wanting them to stop disrupting gay bars. They don't even want to keep them out. They want them to tone it down. Imagine how bad it has to be for flaming homos to tell you that.

Yup. I'm Bisexual and I genuinely can't get on board with this shit. Just because I'm bi doesn't mean I hate all straight people or some shit, jesus.

Being bi must be tough : you might be considered a homo whenever convenient (when someone needs to label you an oppressor), and some homos will consider you worse than hetero.

Look, you can argue about this until you're blue in the face. I'm not changing my mind or taking it back. White women are not allies.

They don't want allies. They want power. This isn't about equality, it's about hating someone because their skin color is different than theirs. It doesn't even matter that a good part of the counter-protesters were white. They are no different than the people they are protesting.

Hating all white womyn is pretty dumb but some whitey bitching about being "excluded from proclaiming allyship" is straight retarded.


This sounds like the sort of story where Snape fucks Danaerys.

I'm actually not white.

Then why are you acting like an obnoxious honkey from a liberal arts college

/u/creepslayer5000 please explain your logic of being mad about white racists while happily and openly being racist yourself? What is your end game here?

Power + Prejudice + Attractiveness - 40 lbs + social life = Jealousy

r/blackladies is possibly one of the largest echo chambers in reddit.

they're just upset that nobody swipes right on them on tinder

No because horseshoe theory is totally false and stuff.

Why do women keep giving birth to /u/heavenlytoaster ?


Good lord, I thought all his MGTOW stuff like "welfare invented the friend zone" was a recent development.

When Pepe was just a frog

That whole thing was just mayos fighting other mayos.


Why are you black people on a sub for white men anyway? Y'all really can't help yourselves.

Deep down this is all about the fact that most black guys prefer white girls.

Another white cuck.

Edit: Hey r/Drama! Suck my clit :)

Any takers?

I call fake. Black people don't wash themselves.

Arab goat fuckers don't either, you would know.

Do you know there are other kind of muslims that aren't arab?

You're half Arab.

Nope. I said half african muslim you tard.

What's an African muslim?

Africa is a big continent. There's more than one ethnic group. Even in "arab" countries.

OK, are you from Morocco? There's a crap load of them in France.

I think after Algerians, Morrocans are the 2nd most represented in France (Algeria did use to be a colony). But even in those two countries you have at least 10 different ethnic groups (without counting subsaharans who settled there generations ago).

Which country from north Africa are you from?

/r/Blackladies is nothing but a sub full of mentally ill white dudes LARPing as black women.

I'm not falling for that one again, I'm pretty sure that's a penis (calling it "feminine" won't change that fact).

/u/TheYellowRose 'sup, just saying "hi" back!

/u/creepslayer5000 and /u/MusicalSmasher, will you two help our subreddit schedule a protest rally to promote the Mayocide? We've been discussing it here for months now, we just need tha extra little push of support from yoyr community to really get the ball rolling.

Self loathing white woman. The worst kind.


What can I say, we like to see people reee in their echo chamber

It's hilarious how much these posts sound like they could have come from voat or some altright sub if you just change a word or two

I was wondering how long it would take for some random to show up here on some "not all white women" BS.


Imagine wanting people to hate this badly.

/u/IAintThatGuy, please x-post this to /r/AngryBlackladies? thanks.

Their mod did it.

i'll get you some thru-traffic. :)

Thanks, I think we should get people from /r/drama to /r/angryblackladies (which honestly doesn't get much attention). I think him and I both stumbled on the same things independently (he's not the kind to just repost for karma).

you're an approved submitter


Hi /r/drama, get the fuck out.

Sorry /u/TheYellowRose it's too much fun seeing your woke brethren already shitting on a woman who died protesting against racism, when that fat white bitch isn't even cold yet.

As if anyone who ever posted on /r/drama isn't already banned from /r/blackladies.

You know, if people are just going to assume I am evil, then I am not going to feel bad about enjoying my Grand High Lord of the Universe level privilege.

Grand High Lord of the Universe

Man those KKK titles are getting more and more grandiose each time. Myself am "Exalted Imperial Grand High Lord Dragon of the Universe".

I think /u/creepslayer5000 might have a mental disorder caused by her anger of nothing. That or facts scare her

hey /u/creepslayer5000 how does it feel to literally pull whataboutism just like whitey does

@musicalsmasher what's it like being so far up your own ass you say "white women are not allies" when a white woman was the only death at that rally 🤔

lmao /u/musicalsmasher welcome to the internet, where we can make fun of retards saying retarded shit

Good hopefully we can peel lots of white women away from supporting this blm bullshit.

Well that's just yppl burden.

All these PC/SJW communities sprout such unironically evil bullshit without a shred of subtlety, it boggles the mind

Time to play a fun game I like to call "plusgood, the game", where all you have to do is switch "white" with "Jew", "Trump" with "Hillary" and "white supremacist" with "zionist" in comments of /r/blackladies. Let's play.

Jews are not allies. Point blank. Period.

But a Jew was killed at the protest

I wonder how all these Jews are giving birth to these zionists. 🤔

Probably not good to compare zionists and nazis but eh this is drama and I'd say this is almost /pol/ quality but not quite

Don't fucking act like this is coming out of nowhere. Jews have participated and/or been complicit in zionism from jump, and I for one am not gonna sit here and pretend like that's not the case.

I kinda like this one, gotta a very alt right feel to it

Never forget that Jews voted for Hillary.

Sounds like something straight off of /pol/ lmao

Those shitposters would feel right at home at any other racist cesspool, like T_D

What a vile thread.

They're vile people over there to begin with.

That woman needs to seek help