u/waterwanter is a little bitch
8 2017-08-15 by 40000keksunderthesea
I don't have any drama, I just want to start a fight.
Hey, u/waterwanter, why are you so whiny and passive-aggressive on reddit? Is it because that's the only way you can feel good about yourself, or is it because it helps you cope with the fact that your dad left your family because you're a disappointment?
1 SnapshillBot 2017-08-15
You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.
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1 --bandit-- 2017-08-15
good post
1 40000keksunderthesea 2017-08-15
thank u bb
1 SupaDupaFlyAccount 2017-08-15
1 bigblackkittie 2017-08-15
no, you want attention, otherwise you would have sent u/waterwanter a PM
1 40000keksunderthesea 2017-08-15
Why not both?
1 wabbit_1444 2017-08-15
Let's go through their post history
1 lexadeservedclarke 2017-08-15
Lmao I remember how you thought you were hot shit. Sad!