First they came for the nazis... (Yes somebody actually said that)

26  2017-08-15 by DonaldBlythe


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First they came for the nazis, and I bitched about it online

Next they came for the SRDines

... and everyone lived happily ever after!


And the rest of this poem was unnecessary cos the nazis were gone.

liberals get the bullet too

who does that leave? commies?

yeah, and the commies will then kill each other.

Nope. Commies also hate kikes and fags.

i thought kikes birthed the commies

Jews don't like being stabbed, so they joined up with the commoea, who promised the stabbings would stop. The Commies lied.

Well to be honest the same people who are circle jerking over the fat commie getting killed are all for the internet being a human right

iM gEnUiEnLy CuRioUs

First they came for white people.

And for the first time in history... all lives mattered.

Lol when has any group fucked with white people and not had their buns clapped?

Even white people that fuck with white people get their shit stomped, every time.

Uhhh no sweetie. It's true that the white race has tortured us many times, but we overcame. And we shall overcome until the white race is extinct, either willingly or unwillingly.

Now go Keep Yourself Safe, before you realize the full extent of your race's future. It will hurt less.

Jesus was a blond haired, blue eyed man. Checkmate

Actually has a bit of wisdom to it. History has a nasty habit of repeating itself, yes, nobody's going to miss the Nazis like nobody missed the Communists, but it'll snowball from there. You just won't know who will get hit afterward.

I hope we get the fatties next.

Now hold on there partner, if we go swatting the fruit flies in the living room, who knows if we might end up busting all our lamps and burning the house down? If you were truly a tolerant and good person you wouldn't be swatting fruit flies in your house.

We literally just had almost a full year of everything being called a Nazi since the election.
