KIA finally becomes what SJWs said it was and defends running people over

51  2017-08-16 by aonome


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KIA=Kar in action??????????

We will know who the culprit is if we see KIA run down some true patriot lefties.

Kia Motors

Kia Motor Corporation (Hangul: 기아자동차; Hanja: 起亞自動車, IPA: [ki.a], literally "Kia automobile"; stylized as KIΛ), headquartered in Seoul, is South Korea's second-largest automobile manufacturer, following the Hyundai Motor Company, with sales of over 3.3 million vehicles in 2015.

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If you can reliably get a KIA to maintain a speed over 40mph, it just might work. You'd need to fill the tank with kimchi first.

I think you mean automobile of peace & tolerance.

u/thatdamnedimp incredibly it's possible to disapprove of doxing and vehicular homicide at the same time.

Not if you're only interested in hating one side though.

being a nazi doesn't make me popular or hirable? Am I wrong or are the Jewish Overlords wrong?

I mean Hollywood is still sucking Polanski's cock.

In the case of aspiring underage actors, quite literally.

Roman "putting my JJ in her gittes" Polanski

Roman Hands Polanski

Roman "It's Rosemary's baby, not mine" Polanski

Roman “The Ninth Rape” Polanski

But Chinatown doe.

A lot of people are forced to suck Roman "If her age is on the clock, she is ready for cock" Polanski fam.


archives show it was immediately +17 after posting

Yeah, Ghazi brigaded and then blamed the brigade on KiA.

So, I suppose I gonna disavow people that I always supported now. How can people that always supported "not obeying to narratives" not realise that the google thing was the closest thing to "get the SJW out of my damn nerd stuff" and manboobz nazi came and ruined it all for everyone?

It seems social media is actually draining people brains.

It has been for at least a year now, they've been doing the "Wah women and gays in (((OUR)))* games for at least that long, becoming the strawman everyone made them out to be, since they are a strawman now lets just toss a match on it, call it keroseneinaction.

*citation needed, preferable proof of ownership of companies.

Just fine, how about you?

Fake news. Is there no ethics in journalism left?

As someone who wasted two years of their life with Gamergate, watching the shift from corrupt journalists and shitty practices in the game industry to general SJW bullshit just makes me depressed.

As somebody who is not retarded, the fact that anybody anywhere still thinks Gamergate was about anything other than hating women and general right-wingery baffles me.

Considering the number of """""women""""" doing panhandling on the hashtag, that's doubtful. Every nerd literally think they have a chance to get laid is a moderatly attractive women liking some of his shit. It never work and they are men anyway , but all the bussy make it worthwhile I suppose.

TIL Shoe has bussy

Gamergate was about unethical journalism because some dev traded bussy for good review scores on her shitty game.

The moment this dev claimed these claims were sexist is when the neckbeards just starting popping out of the fucking woodwork.

I just wanted a refund, man.

some dev traded bussy for good review scores on her shitty game

Except there wasn't any review and there wasn't really even a game. (Unless you consider a shitty website with text on it to be a game)

But anyway, you should neck yourself for making me think about that Zoe person.

The game was a free game, that makes it funnier.

Then what walking simulator was I so offended about?

Wtf women don't have a fucking bussy you degenerate

Tbf women are gross, and have cooties. Bussy all the way, screw female centric SJWism.

No one gonna care about game journalists, and game industry has so much turnover that better work conditions are impossible. SJW shit was marketable to the masses tho, see skeptics on youtube.

And let's be honest, it was a culture war at the end. Good journalism clearly didn't exist anymore anyway.

It stopped being about journalism soon after it started tbh.

lotta concern trolling in those comments.


I get my information from legbeards instead of visiting the subreddits they talk about

I hate it when /r/drama hits /r/all

homie, i've been here for ages.

Anyone with two working eyes and a basic knowledge of the english language can see that it is an embarassment to post in KIA. You just have to look at the front page and the constant angsty effort posts.

It's been trending towards this since Trump became a thing but this was not always the case

I bet it was about ~~~ethics in vidya gaem journalism ~~~ at one point too!

i stopped posting in KIA because it was causing undue stress and anxiety so i stopped and realized they were blowing stuff out of proportion. the Call of duty nazi multiplayer issue really did it in for me.

I think that is one of the dumbest controversies. So you can make your own character and they are reeing because that means you can make a black character and then play as a nazi? "Muh historical accuracy in CoD multiplayer" is the worst fucking hill to die on.

it and the utter bioware bias i mean bioware aren't perfect but the way they treated them you'd think they created nothing but no man's sky.

narrows has tons of activity here quit being such a pissy little bitch

Wah my agenda

>wah someone criticized me for being a retard

r/drama is CB2 with slurs and retarded memes

You're retarded

I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you

I know you are but what am I

Takes one to know one

You both are fucking retarded, really.

Why do you think we post here? This is the most at home I've felt since the special trailer in middle school.

Sure is SRD in here. It's so obvious who is here to make fun of goober spergs and who here are ghazi legbeards who think they're in good company.

Same happens whenever people make fun of sjws. Why even point out the obvious.

I'm just trying to get noticed and feel smug.

That's a good reason.

It's because they'd rather have the T_D retards here. This sub only bitches about seriousposting and agendaposting when its lefties doing it.

Quality agendapost, friendo.

Thats a nice fart, you should put it back in your butt.

Leftists get called out for that because they're insufferable and boring

Most of us just like to bully the TD types instead because it's fun to listen to their autistic screeching

Ok, a few things here. First off I replied to this from the modqueue before approving the comment which had been reported as, if I remember, dickwolfery. I didn't read the backstory, I just gave a fairly common joking answer to yet another person saying they are leaving.

Second, these are my own thoughts and not me as a mod or the mod time or anyone. I don't mod based on this and if it's getting in the way I recuse myself. If others think I'm being affected they ask me to recuse myself and I do.

Third, to let you know I'm giving myself a R1 warning for what's to come.

Ok, now to the meat of the meal: Listen up you little disingenuous shit. I'll take judgement from you about what I say or do when you clean up your own shit farming. Now I know many of your asslicking toadies have already left because you and your mods were doing a shit job, but I'm still holding your associations against you. For a long while you've relied on the bungled and the botched who have been booted from KiA for various reasons. I know those people showed up on your worthless streams, discord, and whatever else you've shitted out. You've built yourself a little empire that could fit in a teacup because you never take a side, never prevent bullshit, and otherwise ride the fence so long you look like you've been anally fucked with a bandsaw. You make streams about small bullshit, you live off taking things out of context in an attempt to find something you can "debate" by which I mean get a few of your sycophants on your stream and have them do a half retarded stream of thought review on their opinions while you just kinda sit there not directing anything or adding a opinion one way or the other. Like a recent one about "the rules of KiA re: nazi's" which, to review, wandered through a ton of misinformed bullshit before getting to people actually saying violence is ok, we should ban all wrongthink, and we should harass people off the sub for wrongthink. If you don't see the problem with any of that bullshit that you yourself put out I don't think there's any hope for you at all. And that's all before we get to you eaking out any content you can out of anything you can... 3 1.5 hour long replies to a video someone made a good while go; Yes! 3 videoes made over the bullshit you and your mods created on your own sub; fuck yes. You will find anything you think you can drain of a little bit of juice to feel your need to be the most "I've no opinion" e-celeb ever. As a result of this you'll take anyone who will watch.

So, to sum up. Look to your own shit before you get your judgemental side any leave to fucking speak.



Imagine being so pathetic and miserabld that you still give shit about gamergate in 2017. That is KiA and Ghazi for you.

I'm glad my post got the ball rolling

They've always been an alt-right hate sub. "SJWs" (ie: (((THE JEWS)))) are just the scarecrow they use to try and legitimize their far right ideology.

Why are commies coming here?

Why are you here and not licking Nazi boots?

because i already licked the boots clean when you are good enough at it you get nice and efficient at it.

Fuck off tankie

Your ideology involves killing nearly everyone fam

the one the sparked the madness is a pretty big nothing its basically "i've lost sympathy for them now they can go walk off a cliff for all i care" really thats the kinda shite that gets Ghazi screaming KIA has worse then this and this is the thing that snaps the rope feckin christ.

Oh hey, they're finally done pretending being about ethics in imaginary pixels?

They can fucking try. I have no social life to speak of, I don't have a job, I live in a heavily red state, my dad waits for fucking hours in the cold to kill fuzzy animals for fun and food with a rifle that's probably just a wee bit too big for it- and we have more firearms and ammo than people in my fucking house. Not to mention my granddad, cousins and one uncle live in this county and my granddad owns like 135 acres of mostly woodland , and most of my kin own at least quite reasonable deer rifles. I'm not saying, I would be completely ready for it, but seeing as these guys are pussies outside of massive advantages- I think I'm good.

w e w

Bring back bullying.

Plus /u/LemonScore and /u/ThatDamnedImp, it's like a who's who of /r/Drama's right wing seriousposters in there.