The invasion of /r/SubredditDrama, /r/popular, and /r/all has passed.

75  2017-08-16 by justcool393

Hello /r/Drama.

Our few hours of solidarity with /u/Zachums has come to a close. As my dark lord commands, I should open the subreddit. So I have.

A lot of you have asked, has /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK been apprehended? Has his reign of terror ended? Unfortunately, no. It hasn't. Tried as he must, TiTrCJ is good at kinkshaming, and his sexual advances on various /r/Drama members will not go unpunished. We're still working with /u/kaalaaaa and /u/PeaceLoveandRamen to get his exact location, but TiTrCJ might be onto these two people, and so they might not be able to help us for much longer.

If you know anything more about this, please call this number: +44 20 8992 4965

Be sure that you're speaking to a New Zealand lawyer when they pick up.

With that out of the way, let's get onto the subreddit rules for you degenerates:

  • Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.
  • Celebrity gossip, blowouts, and scandals are all highly encouraged.
  • Posting an NP link will out you as a tourist and you will be ridiculed. As in the sidebar, it mentions a ban. You will be banned if you do it. Don't do it.
  • It's only dox if it's not a notable figure. Social media links are okay as long as their "notable" or the post is public.
  • Reddiquette does not exist.
  • Do not brigade, whatever the fuck that means nowadays.
  • Post /r/Drama drama in /r/Drama, but also in /r/SubredditDrama.
  • You can post drama you are personally involved in.
  • Username mentions are allowed.
  • Posts are only removed if they break site-wide rules, and/or are boring. Asking to have a post removed will result in us stickying it, unless we don't feel like it.
  • Decent reports may be featured if you're lucky.
  • Post your bussy. If you do, custom flair may be awarded.

Also, you can talk to us on Discord or IRC if you'd like.


Literally the gayest mods I have ever seen.

Thems fightin' words. Or kissin' words.

Either way, I am both interested and aroused.

You can kiss my ass you degenerate slut.

Around these parts that's called salad tossing.

salad tossing

I assumed you were a straight carnivore with the way you gobbled my meat.

No dad

Go back to your room until you learn to behave.

Don't tell me how to live my life.

Discord Hurr durr im part of the cool kids, hurr durr im VIP in r/drama.

Very impotent pederast?

Emphasis on kids.

x loves y tee hee

Lol no one cares about your discord chat. Get a fucking life

Good to know. Since it seems to piss you off, I'll mention it more. You can also join on the sidebar, or the link in the OP.

It actually makes me feel really good to know people like you and some of the other mods exist, bromosexual.

Every time I do somethign that makes me feel autistic, I come to /r/drama and one of the top mods like /u/justcool393 or /u/riemann1413 reminds me that it's a sliding scale, and there's way higher I could be

what did i do

my mom says i'm a nice boy and you need to leave me alone

Anyone that uses a subreddits discord should off themselves.

How you remember your username? Genuine question.

Maybe he owns some kind of electronic device with a built in memory?

Nah that's too high tech

You've seen them? What do they look like?

Which one is /u/Zachums?

Why are you pretending that's not you on the left?

Joke's on you - if I were gay, I'd think you meant the guy in yellow because he's stage left.

The street is not your stage you big poofter.

Only a gay would care about the true definition of "stage" 🤔 🤔 🤔

I don't see any reason to assume those gentlemen are homosexuals.

You believe in the scientific method so much you'd repeatedly test the assertion?

Yet you nevertheless assumed their genders.

Shame on you.

The one in the blue shirt looking on with horror.

I thought he was some kind of twink tbh.

m8 that's you and /u/riemann1413 in that pic, there's no need to hide it. I talked to your mother last night and she said she'd still love you.

I'm pretty sure I'm the odd one out of the mod team, being a non-retarded cis-het gainfully employed white male.

/r/drama mod

thinks he's not retarded


Exception that proves the rule, famalam.

You are the I before E of my heart.

Thankfully I am not conceited.

Not as flamboyant as I expected.

A long time ago, when I was 12, I used to RP on AIM with my fellow retarded middle schoolers acting like we were part of some cool club that we made up

This shit looks exactly like that

When I'm top mod we will gas the homosexuals, and the traps will rule the land.


Girl cock is the best thing ever.

Who can disagree?

raises hand

You're excused.

hi is this the sub to post drama in? I heard about it from /r/popular

Not at the moment, no. It's currently Agendaposting Week, where you are instead expected to submit posts demonstrating how anyone who disagrees with your pet political cause is the spawn of the Satan.

You'll have to wait until Saturday is over for the end of Agendaposting Week, although last week was also Agendaposting Week, as is every week in the forseeable future.

sounds gay

we actually don't use that word here so uh yeah bye

that's pretty gay

Agenda posts or you can bitch about the mods or you can go on discord and say "I love x" or "I hate y" a lot.


This is the sub where the mods get to punch you in the dick.


Please use the appropriate terminology you monster.

Normies from outside don't get to use our words.

Hey man, btw did the admins really sent you that message? Regarding username pings?

I have no idea, tbh. I was working all day, I only looked after the sub was back up and running. Which message is that?

It's in the OP, you jew

Lol fuck that noise. If ts posted in /r/Drama it's probably fake and/or gay.

That bit is legit.

Yeah. Jr had asked the admins about it a while ago, and since they haven't asked us to stop with it since then, we're going to assume the policy is the same.

Well I came from r/all but I am not going to leave.

Oh, okay then.

Everyone who cares about this is retarded

I see, you've joined the south park neutralists

Why would I not follow daddy's footsteps?

Presumably because you actually can read.

momma always said life is like a box of autists

To commemorate the return of the second-best subreddit in the world (r/Ooer is first, sorry), I shall post r/Drama's theme song and official dance.


p.s still love you all ❤️

I'm hurt

Oh my god shut up.

Bad bot

careful there bud

Love you too ❤️❤️❤️


Can I have all my posts removed

Yes. I've added a reminder.

Should have closed it for good tbh

can anime be made real?

base of the tail

Whoever drew this at least knows about anal glands.

I can now finally concede that anime is art.


"Made in Abyss" is like if Tolkien and /d/ had a rape-baby

Don't make me google all the things you just said. Link me horrible things.

god already made rachnee real

what the fuck


On today's news, once again paranoia struck r/drama as the mods delusions led them to temporarily close the sub. Analysts say their delusions made them think that they and their sub were of any importance. More at 11.

Up next after the break, bedazzling your bussy?! All the tips to have a hip and sparkly behind this summer.

who are you?

Bill Clinton-level deflection to get off the topic of you being a furry faggot

can you stop this from happening again, i know that i shouldn't care, but its fucking annoying

short of going full /r/Incels any time we get linked to, which isn't gonna happen, not really.

I'm gonna make a popular /r/askreddit post and then edit in a link to /r/drama

wow rude

My new life goal is to somehow get /r/drama to the front page of /r/all

I'll get /u/Mircy to cut you if you do that.

I want us to hit /r/all so I can spread my degeneracy

That's the plan, /u/Mircy. :)

That's the plan. :)

Well I'm presently the bottom sticky and the #1 post as well as having a meta link to /r/drama on /r/SRD that wasn't even posted by me.

And that's just on my first attempt.

A popular comment would be better. /r/askreddit doesn't allow text in the text box.

I don't mind the place going locked every time we end up on /r/all.

Everyone here deserves to die

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Sorry bud, I'm immortal.

You'll never get rid of me.

Well, at least you tried. A for effort.

He didn't try at all, how dare you coddle the retard

Another mod takeover? What did I miss?

Another mod takeover?


What did I miss?

We got indirectly linked to by /r/all again.

Like, made it to all or linked by a post? Where is this drama?

Like, made it to all or linked by a post?

/r/SubredditDrama made #5 on /r/all, linking to this post, which itself made /r/popular.

Well well. Aren't we famous?

Quite so.

Wtf I love srd now!


pulls out

*smacks lips*

*nuzzles your bulge* :3


Oh good. Now I can continue oppressing people

I check /r/Drama for the first time today and someone else has completely fucked it up this time. Lol.

That seems to be the theme around here.

What happened? The physical_removal thread made /r/all or something?

Well, two things.

/r/SubredditDrama's post about Physical_Removal made /r/all, which had us like 3 links down. It was at like #5 on the subreddit. Also, that thread that was linked to made /r/popular.


Nuke all those subs tbh.

I'm 100% in agreement.

/serious post

why does that matter? Just don't want a massive influx of users?

Well, two reasons:

  1. What you mentioned. I don't like huge subreddits, as it destroys any sense of community there is, which /r/Drama has been lucky to have. An example of my point would be SRD. I know it's kinda lame to care about /r/Drama, but we don't really want it to become NegaSRD.

  2. The other reason is to start people who do want to stay on the wild train ride of mod abuse and making everything as dramatic as possible with a bang.

Roger, fair enough I suppose. Still hate you though <3

I think I love you

Another example of the community is my ongoing love affair with u/comedicsans.


Mods = fags tbqh

anyone else think this is the worst fucking mod not even kidding?

Okay, I'm new here but before I subscribe, I would like to know what you think about my close personal friend /u/AnnArchist?

I have no strong opinions one way or another.

Serious question - how on Earth are you still a moderator here? You're almost comically bad at it, you're nearly universally hated, and though I doubt you're capable of realizing it you do not, in fact, know better than the community you moderate as to what that community wants. Shit, just look at how you're being downvoted in this thread - that's not people saying that they disagree with what you're saying, that's people saying that they disagree with you as a person. That's a whole bunch of people who didn't even care about "r/popular" or whatever you're talking about in this thread, they just wanted to send you a quick "go fuck yourself".

I get that some people live such pathetically unrewarding lives that the minor imitation power they get from moderating a mediocre subreddit makes things worthwhile to them, but at this point, isn't it embarrassing? I mean, is the tiny little high you get from deleting any comments critical of you and your ideas really worth the shame that you ought to be feeling in knowing that the most popular thing that you could possibly do at this point would be to delete your account? What's the point?

So, yeah. Go ahead and delete this comment now, and the countless other comments that will no doubt pop up over the rest of the week pointing out what a fucktarded idea this latest bullshit is that you've arbitrarily decided to force on the sub is. Turn this into the same desolate graveyard we had last week, with your Baghdad Bob-esque comment buried under hundreds of [deleted]s. Won't change the fact that you're a fucking horrible moderator a single iota.

yeah fuck this guy.


So I am leaving. I fucked it all up, ruined everything for all of you, and now /r/SubredditDrama has a big piece of ammo to justify everything they do and paint all of you as horrible people because of me.

I didn't intend for this at all. I didn't want any of this to happen. I thought what I was doing was a joke, all I wanted to do was point out something odd and laugh about it.

But I crossed a line. I can try and excuse it for hours but it won't matter. I can accuse everyone of not listening but I'm not listening to myself.

This is nobody's decision but my own. The other mods didn't force me out, and no that doesn't make them bad mods who support doxxing because only two or three of them were online when I decided to leave anyway and I didn't give any of them a chance to say anything.

So don't go after the other mods. They did nothing wrong and they are wonderful people. They're the best people I've ever met and I don't know what I'm going to do without them.

But I can't be here any more. Users don't feel like they can be here when I'm here. I look at twitter and see that all sorts of people think I'm a tyrant and garbage person. Every day seems to have at least one long, angry rant from me for no fucking reason. And I end up doing shit like I did earlier, resulting in everyone in this community having to bear the burden of my sins.

So I am leaving. I don't want to hurt any of you anymore, and I don't want anyone feeling they can't be part of this community because of me. You shouldn't have to be afraid of commenting here because you're worried what I'll do.

I don't know what I'm going to do. /r/Drama is all I have. People laugh at that or think I'm exaggerating but it's true. This community is my heart and soul. This mod team and some of these users seem to be the only people that understand me. But I have to leave. Because I gave the community I love a black eye and a shit reputation because I couldn't shut my brain off for a second and see what I was doing. I ruined it for all of you, made everything worse for everybody because I can't ever act and operate like a normal fucking person.

I'm sorry everyone. I really am. Please believe that if you believe nothing else I've said. Don't hate the rest of the mods. They're awesome people. I'm the one that fucked up. And I'm sorry.

Oh goody, more fucktards to mayocide

I called the number and asked them for battletoads and now apparently they said they're "totally gonna nuke Guam for reals"

There was an invasion?

SRDine and all-fugees invaded, yeah.

Oh someone ELSE invaded /r/drama? Gotcha.

TLDR... whats happening?

/r/SubredditDrama's post about Physical_Removal made /r/all, which had us like 3 links down. It was at like #5 on the /r/all subreddit. Also, that thread that was linked to made /r/popular.