Cheese-eating surrender-monkey in /r/News flaunts Europe's "perfectly functional" free speech laws. /r/News engages in rational discussion.

48  2017-08-16 by TSwizzlesNipples


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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The only drama worthwhile stuff is considering Europe as a country with the same law everywhere

Europe was a mistake.

They've tried to make a concerted effort to destroy themselves at least twice in the last hundred years albeit unsuccessfully (like white people's attempts at compassion, empathy, and virtue).

But I think they deserve credit for the effort.

Rome was pretty cool. And the first Crusade. And the Rennaissance. Everything else has been a lot of pants-pissing.

You forgot The Spanish Inquisition.

Repeatedly saving the West from Islam made the Spaniards and the Serbs pretty hard.

Implying the eternal kraut doesn't want to turn the EU into the 4th reich with muslims and homogays

Nice try Merkel.

Europe is my city.

Now's not the time Nick Crompton

I typically agree with this statement. But with the context of what the overall discussion is about (Nazis), I have to disagree on this specifically. Nazis don't get the benefit of a soapbox to "debate" on. Even if you could find a Nazi who wanted to actually debate the issue (and not just use the chance to spread propaganda and hate), they literally don't deserve it. We already fought a war over this. The whole world was involved. Millions upon millions of people died.

/u/Kravego Replace nazi with communist here and take a look at this stupid faggy argument you posted.

What is it with Europeans being garbage people?

I like both versions

False equivalence.

Communism is an economic and political ideology focused on shared ownership of the means of production, with the ultimate goal of eradicating social class, money, and government.

Naziism is about the extermination of anyone who isn't white, non-Catholic Christian, and able-bodied.

You can't compare the two. Really, you can't compare nazism with any political ideology.

You can't compare the two. Really, you can't compare nazism with any political ideology.

You clearly can, since /u/Neon_needles did just that.



The fact that someone did does not make it an accurate or relevant comparison.

You're right. Communism has killed over 100,000,000 people and Nazis didn't even come close to killing that many.

You're right. Communism Fascism thinly disguised as "Communism" has killed over 100,000,000 people and Nazis a specific form of fascism didn't even come close to killing that many.


The fact is that outside of small local experiments, "Communism" has never really happened. It always devolves in to fascism or some other form of dictatorship, literal or de facto.

So no, "Communism" hasn't killed anyone. Dictators and tyrannical regimes masquerading as communists have killed untold millions.

Ah, you're one of those crazies.

Never thought I'd get to meet one of you. What's it like being mentally ill?

What's it like blowing yourself on a daily basis?

Also, if A is a subset of B and C is also a subset of B, the statement A = C is not automatically true. But, that requires logic which I can already tell is going to be a stretch for you.

What's it like blowing yourself on a daily basis?

I eat a lot of pineapple so my cummies are pretty tasty. Why do you ask?

Also, if A is a subset of B and C is also a subset of B, the statement A = C is not automatically true. But, that requires logic which I can already tell is going to be a stretch for you.

Well, true logic has never been tried. What you refer to as "logic" is just "intellectual fascism."

Uh, no that's just literally logic. Maybe you missed that part of school?

You realize you dismantled your own argument, right?

No I didn't. You're claiming that I'm an intellectual fascist by considering myself better than you due to using logic. That may be true or not, it's irrelevant.

The fact remains that you took my comment that Nazis and communist dictators (which itself is an oxymoron) are all fascists to mean that Communist China and the USSR are actually Nazis. Those two statements do not flow logically.

You're claiming that communists aren't communists because they proved communism doesn't work.

You're being dishonest with yourself, brother.

The very existence of a dictator in a "communist" society negates the idea of that society being communist.

That's like saying "We're a capitalist society even though all enterprise is owned by the government".

You're especially ill.

It always devolves

Yeah, no shit, because it is an inherently authoritarian world view.

At a certain point, the Communist excuse of "we are only evil by accident" becomes untenable.

"Accident" as if Stalin didn't know exactly what he was doing.

To be fair though communists kill mostly other communists so I like to think that ideology does benefit humanity in some one.

Communism never happened once

You gotta go back.

But that's not REAL communism!

Hmm, maybe because REAL communism cannot exist in large countries? 🤔

I never said it could. I also never said communism was a good thing, like everyone seems to think lol.

I'm just pointing out how much of an idiot that guy is.

"Real" communism still can't be implemented without a whole lot of violence, imprisonment, starvation, and death.

It is an inherently violent ideology, because it needs violence to be at all.

Isn't it funny how every major form of communism that has come about acts just like fascism? Or are you stupid enough that you just think that'd a coincidence?

Lol I never said that communism is right or that it's a coincidence that all the "communist" countries ever created were all actually fascist.

This all stemmed from a false equivalency. Communism at its roots has nothing to do with violence (even though that's how it's been brought about every time it's been implemented), while nazism is literally about violence at its core.

Nazi losers BTFO again.

I'll give them this, they look good compared to Lost Causers, sovereign citizens and people who think the Cavs are a legitimate team.

You're right, you can't compare a philosophy that wants to kill millions of people on purpose with one that just accidentally manages to do that literally every time it's been tried.


The Holodomor wasn't an accident.

The Great Leap Forward wasn't an accident.

Those were just oopsies on the road to the glorious workers' paradise, товарищ.

Is that tovarisch in Cyrillic?

2016, the year I started to learn Russian.

The Killing Fields and the Cultural Revolution neither.

Those actually were accidents.

You're comparing Communism as an ideology vs Nazism in practise so of course Communism looks much better.

Communism in practise is almost as bad. Stalin purged his undesirables as Hitler did, just based on class instead of race.

You are kind of forgetting the erasing of ethnic groups to make all of USSR "Soviet" through lots of genocide and ethnic cleansing. There was a concerted effort to erase all culture outside of the dominant Russian.

You're comparing Communism as an ideology vs Nazism in practise

Lawmakers can't and don't give a shit about something that "might of might not manifest in practice" so the whole argument is retarded as fuck. In practice letting your teenage kid to walk the streets at night in some criminal shithole of a city like Acapulco or Caracas is very much child endangerment. But nobody would ever constitute that as a crime.

Nazism directly calls for racially based murders, communism doesn't.

It is considered child endangerment to allow your child to wander the streets of places as dangerous as the suburbs so you're already wrong.

Jew surely wouldn't!

Had I lived in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, I would have been arrested either way.

drama is aryan only. reported

Note how your description of Communism is purely about the ends, while your description of "Nazism" is purely about the means, really makes you think.

Here, I'll do the same thing.

National Socialism is an economic and political ideology focused or corporatism and nationalism, with the ultimate goal of creating a unified society of superhuman Aryans.

Communism is about the extermination of whatever the head leftist demagogue in power scapegoats as "bourgeoisie" or "reactionary". Including business owners, stock holders, people who wear glasses, sparrows, and scientists that believe genes exist.

You just did, and virtually all victims of the holocaust and Nazi-Germany's lebensraum philosophy were other white people.

Ah, I see. So communism which has a higher body count, countless genocides and suffering can't compare to another political party which has a body count, genocide and suffering. Ya know, because one is more racist then the other.

Have you ever thought about perhaps dying from cancer? You seem to be completely composed of it. Also, where did you live, cumskin?

Dude that wasn't real communism. I don't understand how these people think you can have communism without a government

Capitalism got an even higher bodycount than communism though.

What systematic exterminations have been caused by capitalism that are on par with the 55,000,000 deaths from the Great Leap Forward or the 20,000,000 deaths in the Holodomor?


Are you seriously saying that China deliberately created widespread famine to "exterminate" their own population? And you've just about doubled the death count of the Holodomor.

This is sorta the point though. Fuckups in communist countries are counted are counted as "caused by communism" but between 1870 and 1970 about a million people died from starvation yearly. Subtract the famines of USSR and CCP China and you got 60 million dead from famine in capitalist countries.

Naziism is about the extermination of anyone who isn't white, non-Catholic Christian, and able-bodied.

And communism is about the extermination of anyone who isn't working class.

What's your fucking point?


Communism is about the extermination of every class. Very inclusive that way.

Exactly which communist party in the world stated that?

Communist China, for one.

Soviet Russia sent everyone who might be a troublemaker to Siberia.

Communist Party of China stated that everyone who isn't working class must be exterminated? That's very interesting considering they weren't exactly working class themselves. And when did they state that?

Was "a troublemaker" a legally defined term? And maybe any communist program in the world contains "we might send troublemakers to Siberia" as their bullet point?

The Communist party of China purged almost 100,000,000 Chinese during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.

Are you denying that?

Was "a troublemaker" a legally defined term?

You'd have to ask the secret police that whisked those people away to camps in Siberia, mate.

Are you denying that?

For the sake of the argument - I don't (even though purged doesn't mean killed and his body count is not even near that in even most crude sources).

But somehow it's not the topic of discussion. The topic of discussion are reddit retards that can't stop reeing "if you call for ban on nazism, communism must be banned as well!". And they can't get through their thick skulls that you can't ban vaguely-defined ideology that doesn't directly call for mass murder (especially racially motivated). Even if people in power who were calling themselves communists were conducting mass murder throught the history.

even though purged doesn't mean killed

Sweet Baby Jesus.

>Naziism is about the extermination of anyone who isn't white, non-Catholic Christian, and able-bodied.

>Naziism is about the extermination of anyone


Dear god.

Thank you very much. Can you now make some corrections?

anyone who isn't white, non-Catholic Christian, and able-bodied.

No Hitler only cooperated with them for sake of ease. Here is what he said in a private conversation quoted in Hitler speaks by Hermann Rauschning.

For our people it is decisive whether they acknowledge the Jewish Christ-cred with its effeminate pity-ethics, or a strong, heroic belief in God in Nature, God in our people, in our destiny, in our blood. As in Italy, I will make peace with the church. Why not! It won't stop me eradicating Christianity from Germany root and branch. You are either Christian or a German. You can't be wrong.

Tl;dr you are retarded and wrong.

Hitler had some good points.

Vegetarian, anti-smoking, anti-Jew... really hard to find anything to disagree with the man on.

Explain to me how communism would work without a totalitarian government. People are just going to give up all their shit and what happens to the people who don't. How do you go about creating and maintaining a communist state without an enforcement mechanism i.e the state

Yeah, communism committing genocide all over the world makes them the good guys that should never be criticized because they are all about everyone that disagrees being equally dead.

Not an argument.

Communism is the most murderous and oppressive ideology known to mankind.

Nazism is about the extermination of anyone who isn't white, non-Catholic Christian, and able-bodied.

Please stop spreading Nazi propaganda or I will have to censor you.

Communism is an economic and political ideology focused on shared ownership of the means of production, with the ultimate goal of eradicating social class, money, and government.

Also throwing people in gulags, killing or brutalizing whole "classes" of people (teachers in China under Mao for instance).

Genocide, displacement and general bullying of ethnic minorities (either in your country of if you have a weak neighbor). Like Chechens, Abhkazh, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Afghans...

And (even though it's not a core principle) general disgust for the LGBT, from denying their existence and legally silencing them (China), to imprisoning them (Cuba), to straight up declaring them enemy agents working for capitalism in order to undermine the country (USSR).

Then you can also add sexual assault (Mao sleeping with a different prepubescent virgin every night, Kim Jong Il capturing women, several USSR high ranking party members with a history of rape and/or murder of women, plus general coercion like "sleep with me and I get your father out of the gulag").

That wasn't real Nazism.

/u/dadounet91 on a une super liberté d'expression. Tant qu'on ne dit rien qui soit légalement interdit.

Boh , on a quand même une culture qui permet de pas se trop faire taper dessus. Va avoir Charlie Hebdo dans le pays des hamburgers.

On est plus severe sur le deni de la shoah et l'apologie des nazis (tiens tiens). Mais c'est parce qu'on avait vraiment deconné en 40.

we are in burgerland, we speak burger


we are in burgerland, we speak burger

Start learning Russian or Chinese. Before 2020 is over, your country will either be a post-apocalyptic wasteland where roaming bands of nazis and antifa go to war with each other, while libertarian and anarchist warlords fight to the death.

Or an utopia that leads the whole free world (if the Trump supporters are right about the 4D chess thing, which I'm starting to doubt).

je suis français :) ahah pwned

Bon ben j'adapte mon conseille. Faut qu'on se trouve des cours d'arabe.

Viens faire un tour à Marseille hmmmmm

On a le droit de dire ce qu'on veut à part ce qu'on n'a pas le droit de dire.


Exactement. Et ces cons trouvent que c'est une "liberté" d'expression.

Ooo ooo ummm "croissants, baguette, a vi vi, a HON HON HON"

See?! French af!

Meh. If you're not complaining about something it's not French.

This is r/Drama. Here everybody complains about something. Some more "unironically" than others.

Garde Toi Securisé

'cule un mouton

jesus fucking christ i knew i hated you for a reason.

Is it because of what I said, or just because I speak French?

What do you think commie


Freedom of expression > Freedom of speech.

American 'freedom' of speech is an indefensible concept imagined to enshrine racial violence

European "Freedom of speech" gives people different rights. Shit i call Swedes subhumans and all kind of shit but mention that Muslims bit annoying then that is enough to charge you.

Sweet roleplay. How many oppression points do you have?

Dunno stop collecting them. Well being minority does make me more equal than others in Sweden.

America has booth freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

American 'freedom' of speech precludes freedom of expression.

Substantiate your claim.

substantiate deez nuts

Oh snap

Sassy af!

No u

I disagree.

censors u

These people do understand they use the exact same logic as the Christian right who wanted to ban Harry Potter because it normalized and encouraged paganism and antichristian practices right?


And they call the left snowflakes lmaoooo

They are tho

Ah you're unable to back up your initial claims with sources. Looks like you're a fan of the alternative truth. WLB! 😂😂😂

What claims? You're falling apart my man.

post histories are public

Mmhmmm whatever helps you stop screeching bb 😘

We have the top minds working around the clock to decipher what exactly you're trying to say

Ok i gotta admit. I know why you're somewhat confused, you never received my comment notification because it was automatically filtered. Removed the link to a sub and it's now visible. So just letting you know.

> implying it doesn't

/u/FSFlyingSnail those are some exquisite batman memes

batman memes are hate speech though so you're going to thoughtjail im afraid

I love the same old talking points where no one takes the content of comments into account. Pretty sure threatening violence is illegal in the US too.