/r/aznidentity is really upset about dick size for the millionth time

71  2017-08-16 by LSDawson


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I can't top this.

Give Snappy what he wants.

Are you sure? You could give a 10" one a try at least.

Fam I can't handle 6, this buzzy is tight.

really only 6 dildos can go up to 15 i bought one just to one day prove i could....wow i sound like slut when i actually type that out.

On one hand I feel deeply sorry for you and I apologize if I caused you any grief. On the other hand DM me dat bussy.

T h i c c 😥😰😲

Your not supposed to you are supposed to take it up the ass like a good boy like your daddy wants you to.

seems like you're being excessive.

Okay, no way this thing isn't sentient.

Not an azn dildo then.

No but seriously what even if this sub, its like the yellow panthers or something

Asian incels

Have their brains been also damaged permanently by not getting pussy?


Uhhhh kung fu

As if anyone on those whiney Asian incel subs would be able to karate chop a pillow without their hand shattering

I guarantee that they have at least one strong hand.

Have you ever been karate chopped by a masterbaitin' arm?

I assumed they could only use their thumb and forefinger to masturbate

Angry YTs think they're "bigger"

At least they hate the Young Turks like everyone else.


You do know that rhinos might go extinct because lead painters think they cure erectile dysfunction right?

Seems like lots of Chinese cures entail some sort of animal body part being ground up.

Right horse testicle veeerrrryyyy good at curing headaches.

only people of color are burdened with stereotypes

then why are people surprised that I can jump and dance?!?!? checkmate

WM started that "small Asian dick" bullshit after they tried telling WF that BM had huge dicks in the hopes of scaring them away but instead backfiring spectacularly. They didn't want to make the same mistake with Asian men.

u/azn_railroader, I like how you casually imply that we black men don't have dongs bigger than your entire body, and how you Asian incels actually have actual penises, and not a micropenis epidemic.

How exactly is it bs? literally every study on cocks by nation rates parts of Asia as lower than others


How is it possible to still be insecure about your penis size, provided you aren't an early teen

Why do you insist on answering your own question?

Dude you actually looked up studies on penis size, that's not what people who are packing dude.

Would people who are packing reply to someone who looked up studies on penis size telling them this?

I didn't make any such claims.


But I only have one :(


This guy rocks a thick pipe

How is it possible to still be insecure about your penis size?

Be an Asian incel.

That "study" has been debunked numerous times.


There is literally dozens of studies there. DOZENS. Are you telling me all of these have been debunked?

You are really adamant about the fact that asians have small penises, almost as if your ego depends on your race having a bigger penis than another.

But no there are also numerous studies that say across all races the average penis size is around 5.5-6 inches. Most of the studies and articles that say penis size varies to that extent are linked back to this study.

I am not adamant about anything. I don't care about proving who has the biggest dick, but this site has dozens of studies documenting differences in average penis size. You are welcome to post your own sources instead of just saying that some vague study has been debunked by some other vague study.

Imagine getting this ass-blasted about penises in 2017.

No there arent any. All of these 'studies' are either self-reported or have no sources at all, not to mention the selection bias and the variation of the samples.

The only serious study came from 2015 which measure over 15 500 penises, and found no correlation between race at all. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/mar/03/the-results-are-in-study-reveals-average-penis-size

The original link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bju.13010/abstract

Also according to your study: there is only a variation of 0.5 inch between continent and it also show that in the same country there is no correlation between race at all:

White, non-Latino, Mediterranean - Mainly Europe, Russia, North America, Australia, New Zealand Erect penile length: 14.50 cm - 5.7 inches


Latino - mainly Mexico, Central America, North America, South America Erect penile length: 14.45 cm - 5.7 inches


Asian-American (perhaps similar figures for Asian Australians, Asian New Zealanders, etc, in US alone there are up to 12 million Asian-Americans) Erect penile length: 14.15 cm - 5.6 inches


African, African-American, Afro-European - Mainly in Africa, North America, Europe, Middle-East Erect penile length: 14.75 cm - 5.8 inches


This ain't my study dog - I was commenting on how vague the above poster was in terms of what was debunked considering there is a list of nearly 4 dozen articles that discuss penis size and they mention one study being debunked with no sources to back that up. I appreciate you providing something to counter the claim.

Regardless, who fucking cares. Love your dick for who it is.

The team found no evidence for penis size differences linked to race, though most of the study participants were of European and Middle Eastern descent and a full comparison could thus not be made.

The greatest proportion of the participants in the present meta-analysis were Caucasoids. There was only one study of 320 men in Negroids and two studies of 445 men in Mongoloids.

Am i missing something here? it says two studies of 445 'Mongoloids'

But going by their own table of included

The only study on this i would view as mongoloid was the one on Koreans, and that showed them having one of the smallest and stretched penis lengths on the this, albeit it was only a study of 144

So how can we come to the conclusion that there is no difference in penis size by race, when out of a study of 15,500 men, 15,000 of them are of the same race?

Its not one study about 15 500 penises. Its an analytical cohort study that analyzes data collected from multiple studies.

They eliminate the ethnicity factor because there are measures of the said-ethnicities in the same country without any relevant variation.


lol says the white guy pretending to Black. What is it with your kind and pretending to be other races?

what is it with incel chinks being insecure about their dicks? it's not like anyone's going to see them

Right? Before you worry about your size you've gotta get over the hurtle of finding someone who wants to take your clothes off, and that sub's entire existence is based around the fact that nobody wants to fuck them

What is like obese pasty crackers with acne filled faces are so obsessed with being cucked that your race singlehandedly made BLACKED.COM the most popular pornsite for white guys. Please go choke on a black dick of you're so obsessed and die you pasty acne filled shit.

Fatass cracker like you will probably be like "but muh whiteness, aint nobody talks to me like dat!11!!1" Yea go kys Bobby.

I found your faggot portugese ugly cracker face: http://68.media.tumblr.com/9376e04a08e1c20298be9efaa5d6074d/tumblr_og85saobQf1v1ch60o1_1280.jpg

wow first of all how dare u?

first of all suck my asian cock pasty white bitch


/u/ElittistJerk You're actually the most fucking retarded pasty white manchild I have ever met, and that's saying a lot considering how half of your fucking subhuman caveman race looks like trump with 500 wrinkles on his pasty pig skin and inbreeding down syndrome. Reevaluate your spaniard faggot life

mb if you had a girlfriend you wouldn't have time to search for 4 day old comments to get triggered at

Open cloth show Bob

What's it like knowing you'll never satisfy a woman with your slender asian penis?

Pretty sure my guy is an actual African habibi

i thought the black thing was a myth until i went on places like grindr and every black guy there is like 7.5 inch minimum. some were like 10-12

unless there's some link between being gay and having a big dick

Gay dudes have bigger dicks on average. Black dudes have bigger dicks on average. Combine the two and you get a very sorry bussy.

The stereotype is not exactly a myth - but it also makes it pretty tough to be a black dude with a small or even average penis. I suspect those unfortunate souls (and there is no shortage of them) just kind of... fib.

They're using dildos. In reality no-one really has a bigger dick size, Western people and minorities raised in western countries do because their nutrition is the highest. Just like 90% of africans are manlets because they're starving.

Oh lord, this map.

Draw your own geopolitical conclusions.

That seems rather out of step with other similar maps I've seen. Also lol at Australians having massive cocks.

I feel like some intern at the state department made this map.

Why does the map only peak out at 7 inches? This is a really depressing map overall.

I conclude that its time to book a flight to the DRC


Mother fucker is this America

/u/GoldenGenerationZ hmm you sure about your facts? For the asian porn industry is it just the opposite in approach to the western porn industry? They find the dudes with the smallest dicks to put on film?

Only people of color are burdened with stereotypes

u/KillaSmurfPoppa, what are you smoking? Are you born in an Asian family, or are you adopted in a White family as an Asian? If it is the latter, I feel sorry for your parents. If it is the former, I think your parent's didn't hit you hard enough.

Finally a good post that's not about politics.

Lmao OP literally just stalks r/aznidentity LMAO.

At least I don't obsess over the size of my penis 24/7

It's just as pathetic.

Eh, not really

Dude you spend all day stalking a sub of people that you seem to hate and make fun of. Its pretty pathetic lol.

I spend about 3 minutes a few times a week laughing at a few posts there, don't flatter yourself.

^ he doesn't deny it, folks

I'm not east asian so i have no way to confirm or deny the penis debate lmao. I'm just saying if you look trough op's post and comment history he looks real pathetic.

no u

I'm obsess over my oversized dick. My asian girlfriend loves it. I also obsess over my magic the gathering collection You obsess over having a below average dick. We all have issues.

That's nice

Thanks man.

Thanks me too

also the only people i see talk about the size of their dick more are sissy boys bragging about their tiny dicks

fun fact on the day of the london tube bombings i was in the sexual health clinic with my then girlfriend signing up for an abortion because i banged her with a japanese condom which my friend brought back from holiday and it broke and i jizzed all up in her womb. it was stressful enough having to hold her hand through all the tests and shit without the constantly rising fatalities and shellshocked eyewitness testimony coming through the radio. god knows why they didnt just turn it to a music station.

in summary azns do in fact have comedically small penises, so small that it actually made terrorism worse.

This is the best story.

Lost it and lol'ed.

I never really measured myself so my only clue is that I'm around 3/4s of a girl's head in length (lol what a weird unit).

/u/1990_soviet you sound like an incredibly insecure 4 year old trying to convince the other boys that you've had sex


Stereotypes? You mean facts. Statistically speaking, whiteys have the smallest dicks. Anecdotally speaking, have you ever been to a sauna in the US? Whiteys on average have shockingly small dicks. Or do you watch porn? Outside of professional porn stars, whiteys tend to have disproportionately small looking dicks.

Want to source that then? Or are you just talking out of your yellow bussy?