/r/GenderCritical white (as if there was another option) feminist starts crocodile tears in the middle of blacks having a discussion about Charlotesville. Can't understand why blacks took offense and how could they treat her the same way her group treats men and trannies.

47  2017-08-16 by IAintThatGuy


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Change neckbeard to legbeard and this is perfect

u/Ihav4cats you know the fact you've managed to stay alive is truly a wonder of western civilization. How the hell do you function in real life.

Well I mean it was a white woman killed in Charlotesville they should be comforting her tbqh like wtf could y'all be any blacker????

fuck me I need to get me some of dat dna testing asap, perhaps i,m not 100% mayo and I can distance myself from the white slavers

1 drop 'o white = slaver

I feel like there's a little bit of "females are hysteric and weak" type of attitude there tied into the racial topic that was not...helpful.


In the end, she is surprised that it’s all about culture. That somehow her cultural perception is telling her she is being maligned among people who do not share her cultural views?

While being totally autistic, at least, at the very end, she shows a hint of self-awareness .

Can never say this enough: white women were a mistake

I can handle volatile emotions around sensitive topics.

You very clearly can't, u/Ihav4cats.

Stop oppressing her with your patriarcal logic. A wymin has a right to change her mind. Even if it happens 3 times in the same sentence.

Now these guys alienated white men (gay or straight) and women (straight and maybe gays). It's the 3rd time i see this since yesterday. Who's next?

We women are oppressed, so we can relate to what other oppressed group can feel. No, you weren't being assholic, you were being an empathetic human being. Nothing wrong with that.

From /u/RadFHarva, future school shooter who talked about her future rampage, who also hates muslims, africans, and wanted to join the French Army to go fight against Africans.

have any black women even been injured by these white supremacists, let alone killed?

i imagine if they were gonna go after anyone it would be the black dudes

I love watching the left tear itself apart. Single white women are the last holdouts of shitlibery in the white race.

They're getting kicked out of the left by racist darkies, driving them right into our side of sociopolitical spectrum. It's glorious.

/r/GenderCritical pretends to be leftists (some variation of anarcho communists, in theory). But they're basically alt-lite nowadays.

Sorry if I am taking up space where I shouldn't

I only listened really, because it was a largely black group, and I respect their voices.

And the thing is I feel really ashamed for crying in that space. Like I didn't have a right to cry there. Like it was a very pathetic white-womanly thing to do. I wasn't trying to interject my "white feelings" in a way that silenced black voices.

there were a few comments among the group that weren't directed at me, but kind of were.

Imagine being this pathetic. If this is what it takes to be a good "ally," then I don't want to be one.

u/Ihav4cats, you have serious issues. Please get help and get yourself out of this pathetic cycle.

You should read the radfem guide on how to be an "ally" to them. It's even more insane than black movements to be honest.

For instance, as a filthy male, you're supposed to ask the author before sharing any of their work on the internet (which can be like a link to their tumblr).


its really not. this is like batshit orthodox religion feminism. its like saying the only way to be a jew is to dress up like your amish and go to temple every saturday

everyone who would post on that sub has serious issues

wow, how'd such a neurotic, hysterics-prone young lady end up in a sub like /r/GenderCritical?

u/ihave4cats . I would bet money this bitch is a BDL, but towards south asian or Asian probably openly racist. Cunt.