Gamergate's latest victim: Kotaku writer doxxed and run off Twitter after gamergator leader belittles harassment in her article and sics their followers on her

118  2017-08-17 by saint2e

Kotaku writer (and transwoman) Laura Kate Dale wrote this article about a prominent gaming figure and their struggle with harassment.

Once again, a prominent transphobic Gamergator and alt-right enthusiast belittles online harassment and sics their followers on the hapless Kotaku writer here.

The author of the article has subsequently left Twitter due to all the harassment she herself received as well as being doxxed, and rape/death threats, presumably since that's what Gamergators do.

SMDH when will these GamerGators learn.

Edit: The Gamergate leader in question has boldly spoken out against doxxing, so long as it's done only against fellow gamergators. Disgusting.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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  4. left Twitter -,*,

  5. being doxxed -,*,

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They do so love to turn on their own, that was great.

Anti-GG doxes and harasses someone, what a surprise

Anti-GG doxes and harasses someone, what a surprise

Replace Anti-GG with any left/far-left/social justice group and no one should be surprised.

But heaven forbid that anyone right of center even suggest doxxing someone on the left. They would be screaming bloody murder.

all leftists are evil, and only they dox peope. Right wing people have never done anything bad

wtf I hate doxxing now

The appropriate anniversary gift for gamergate's anniversary is apparently doxxing a transwoman who disagrees with you.

I'm sure Anita thinks this is about ethics in Journalism, she probably wrote that interview for sex anyway.

I'm pretty sure Anita doesn't control that twitter, but that Johnathan McIntosh does.

Wasn't he sacked for being male and not apologising enough (and being to much of a nut job for even Anita)?

You might be right i looked him up and he appears to be on other things now, so is Anita, fwiw

The anniversary of the beckycide. In august of 2014 the gamers decided to round up innocent white women just for playing video games and threw them up in concentration camps, a brave and lone survivor called Anita Sarkeesian, who still faces many awful things like "harassment" and "rape threats", is basically afraid to ever go outside again due to the horrors she has seen.

Tbh if people like her get scared of going outside, it's a major net gain for humanity as a whole.


Someone stop circle jerking and explain to me who doxxed Laura k.

Sarkeesian's followers.

Has that been confirmed?

Hearsay is hearsay.

I mean, they were calling her a Nazi Sympathizer, so it's not that far of a stretch given that shitty Twitter account that was inaccurately doxxing nazi's.

So no confirmation?

I guess it'll eventually be blamed on gamergate.


Is there ever any concrete confirmation on these things?

I rest my case.

"Hey, HEY, just because they were standing over her corpse after threatening to kill her doesn't prove anything!"

why is sarkeesian mad at the article in the first place? is this total biscuit guy really alt right? please explain because i am too lazy to read the article.

Last thing i heard people were calling him a SJW cuck or something because someone at some q&a thing asked about traps or somesuch.

Before that I heard he was dead of cancer.

Before that I heard his entire anus fell out and his wife had to push it back in with her finger.

Before that I heard his entire anus fell out and his wife had to push it back in with her finger.

An obvious lie. I met the man at an SC2 event way back in the day and it would easily take her whole fist to get that back in.

I did once broach the subject of my wife maybe sticking something up my jacksie during bedroom fun-times but she looked at me funny, went all quiet and I have




Is that because he's a somewhat corpulent gentleman or is his wife a slim, somewhat elfin figure with wrists like twigs and eyes which dart nervously like a frightened deer?

I'd love to say bit of column A and bit of column B, but I've only seen pictures of his wife. It's because he's a healthy fellow do his best to work his way into the NA e-sports scene. At least at the time.

I'm 90% sure he's faking this "terminal" cancer thing. Who the fuck would get diagnosed with terminal, life ending cancer and then spend their last moments of life getting booty blasted on Twitter that a rando troll asked a question about traps being gay or not.

Sarkeesian and the rest of the Fem Frequency bots really don't like white men talking about harassment online. The fact that it's TB who has called out her brand of toxic mud slinging made it even worse.

She stepped in a big pile of progressive stack though because she called out an article written by a trans lady journalist. I doubt it was actually Anita, I can't picture her doing any actual work even something as small as reading an article and tweeting about it.

guy really alt right

You can guess.

lmao this is a big deal to you eh

Like I said, not even trying to be coherent...

He's like a lolcow to the alt-left. He's a bit thin skinned, and gets annoyed when people criticise him. So they call him toxic, he shouts back, and they say he's still being toxic.

but he's not particularly interested in politics.

Seems somebody missed his freakout after election night, in which he ordered all Trump'sters to unscubscribe from his channel and scolded his wife for helping Trump win, because she voted for a 3rd party.

He's pretty big on the "ethics in game journalism" thing (but, like, unironically) so he was sort of associated with gamergate in the early days. Clearly he's not anymore, as evidenced by the fact that he now appears in an article on GG boogeyman Kotaku.

Not sure about his personal politics, but I doubt any alt-right type would want to be associated with Kotaku, or vice versa.

He bought into the everyone right of Bernie is a Nazi, and things are going just well enough he hardly gives a shit about ethics anymore.

So, not really associated with who he used to anymore.

I always thought in early GG days he stayed silent sort of supporting anita and the like obviously too scare about his wallet to come out, then only in the last year or 2 has been more vocal about "fuck SJWs" but not strictly in a GG supporting way, though he did trigger SJWs by saying he 's from a mining town and knows what it's like to be underprivileged and recently outright more "fuck both sides"...til his money started to walk away.

Basically his rode that fence like a Dick Rambone Dildo for whatever would get him traffic and cash.

why is sarkeesian mad at the article in the first place?

She believes she is "a woman who argues for the basic humanity of women in a deeply misogynistic culture" and that anyone who doesn't go to her for the """"truth"""" has "a position of power in an overwhelmingly sexist, patriarchal culture".

Because she is a scammer, she dosent really care about that feminist crap

The article said that TB receives online hate. Only Anita is allowed to receive online hate. She gets particularly annoyed when straight white males claim they receive hate online.

nazi is the new sexist

so no, it hasn't been confirmed

I'm using the "gamergate is a harassment campaign" criteria for proof.

But there's proof of that

Right, just like there's proof of what's her faces doxxing and harassment.

Ignoring the fact that there IS proof of that.

You're saying that yes, you are acting as dumb/bad as the people who consider to be incredibly dumb/bad?

So would you describe yourself as someone who is dumb and bad? Or someone who was FORCED to be dumb and bad by all these dumb and bad people?

Why are you questioning this transwoman's harassment and subsequent doxxing?


I'll put that on the list of words you don't understand.

My biased summary:

Dale, crazy leftist and serial liar, interviewed Total Biscuit (they've been friends and colleagues for years).

Total Biscuit has historically been mostly positive towards GamerGate (though he flip=flops constantly and has been pro-censorship as well).

Leftists have been calling GamerGate a hate movement to discredit it since its inception and they've also been vilifying it as a gateway movement that leads people to Nazism.

Anita Sarkeesian, a leftist con artist that makes money through being outraged about alleged misogyny/racism/other kinds of bigotry in games, called out Dale as promoting GamerGate and a bunch of others did, too.

Dale abandoned twitter after receiving a lot of negativity and is now "resting" (lol) and their friends are saying that Dale has always been anti-GamerGate in order to regain favour with the leftist hivemind..

Goddamnit, stupid children and their parents who don't monitor and limit what their children to online.

they are all pretty much indistinguishable at this point lol. i like how all anita could manage was a perfunctory tweet about how you shouldn't dox "marginalized" people

[Anti-Gamergate SJW's dox one of their own because she had Wrongthink]


Oh boy. And people used to say this comic was a strawman...

Aren't rape threats against transwomen like the least effective threats possible?

It doesn't have to make sense, there's a narrative to push.

Remember, trans women: cis feminists are subhuman hounds which are in a constant hunt for a way to attack you and ruin your lives, for in their hearts they see you as the oppressor. Destroy them where you find them before they destroy you.

So gamergate's still a thing?

I thought they all went off to MAGA or work for the Russians or whatever...

^ Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee who let the normies in here??!!

When you've made a career out of opposing it, sure, it's still a thing.

For the rest of the world, it isn't.

It is a way for Anita to keep getting money from his con

Jesus Christ. Anita and her crowd are such shameless pieces of shit.

Go to the comments on the Kotaku piece and take a look at Eric Henry for some complete retardation.

Man in a dress getting death threats, literally never expected that to happen surely there has to be some other reason.

"Matt Crocker @mfcrocker

Replying to @LaurakBuzz

I mean, perhaps don't run a barely critical piece about someone responsible for huge amounts of harassment? I'm really disappointed."

Hmm... 🤔🤔🤔 So when you make and article about this, you kinda deserve to be called those things, being doxxed, etc. Really makes me think

Victim blaming at its best.

The dyed hair is not doing their look any favors

I wonder why TB agreed to do this article?

So just to clarify, a trans woman who lied that a Microsoft employee was transphobic, reeeeeeeeed over /u/david-me favorite word, and then had a fit over the "Are traps gay" embarrassment; has a job a kotaku. What a shocker.

And really is anyone surprised that TB's side-bitch did an interview with him? I mean he is the perfect stereotype for gamers. It seemed to neglect the part where he was harrass people so badly that the reddit admins told him to stop. You have to be pretty bad to make the admins do that. Or how he screamed at his wife for voting differently than him. Or the fact that he "quits" anytime he is questioned on anything then returns days or even hours later. He is so embarrassing he has mentioned that he shows his twitter to his therapist.

You know the quality of employees in kotaku already

I would have loved to see TB as a lawyer. A witness would say something, he would rage and then cry, then quit the case and then run out of the room, and then come back into the courtroom 10 minutes later and demand that only he and the people he like be able to talk.

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but doxxing a marginalized person is never OK.

Huh. This is surprisingly fucked up, even for her.

TFW Laura Kate Dale looks exactly like you expect "she" would.

She's back on Twitter (assuming she ever left and you aren't just a lying POS)

Yeah she's back. She was off for hours though. HOURS!

rape threats

Still gay.

I'm supposed to believe that this trust fund baby who pals around with millionaires is 'marginalized'?

Twitter should ban Anita.



Why why why why why?

Because white supremacy requires constant vigilance!

Or something.

as we all know from recent events, white supremacists don't even exist

That's not true, gamergate is still around.

KiA has unanimously come down on the side of the Nazis following the events of the weekend, btw. Anti-GG's arguments that GG is just a recruitment platform to change peope into being alt right while pretending it's about video games seem to have been 100% accurate.

KiA is literally pro-nazi now.

Well I can say one thing for the Nazis of Kia, at least they're not sexual harassers in real life like their critics. I mean, you have to actually leave your house to sexually assault someone in person.