/r/drama mod enters Australian Parliament ...

12  2017-08-17 by newcomer_ts


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I like the fucking retards not realizing that it's a publicity stunt by a far-right nationalist to push a ban on burkas

Do you ever wonder who did we get to discuss this fucking piece of clothing in 21st century?

I mean, I know for sure that nobody ever asked for this to see, wear or know anything about it yet, it’s there, it is the focal point of international and local discussion.

Are you having a stroke?

It's been 10 please call the kangaroo patrol.

I like the fucking retards who could possibly care about australia in the first place.

God placed them so far away for a reason.

To protect the GBR.

For those who are not Australian, PLEASE EXPLAIN!

Pauline Hanson, mother of a nation (of crass, xenophobic bogans) trolling a parliament who are all illegally elected by a strict reading of legal definition (because they are all actually New Zealanders).

Hope that clears it up.

It was a reference to her "please explain" gaffe back in the '90s.

Don't be ridiculous, there's no women on the r/drama mod team.

Australians should wear burquas. Lots of skin cancer protection.

...and The Chaser welcome their newest member.