/r/politics discusses Gaymergate

11  2017-08-17 by OniTan


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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So Milo got his daddy elected?

I'm sure he'd be orgasmic to hear that.

hes not black there is no way milos daddy isnt black its just perposterous

There was an indie developer by the name of Zoe Quinn who tended to make games that were ~artsy~ or had a message rather than being "fun" to play.

What /u/japanesenoodlecart fails to mention is that Depression Quest is little more than a choose your own adventure e-book.

An e-book that states that people with depression have to just nut up and start smiling more, or else they can't get the good ending. Meds are a scam invented by doctors to wring money out of the depressed.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE don't tell me to smile! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE you don't control women's faces!

I pirated gone home and I enjoyed it too

Everyone is an alt righter now. Either you swing your bike locks and march on The Mall that Trump needs to be impeached or you're a Nazi.

Who said segregating ourselves into communities where we only agree with each other 24/7 and never talk to anyone that disagrees with us was bad?


She dated this dude for about five months, and then broke up. Her ex went on to write a huge (something like 7,000 words? I think) screed about how terrible she was,

ell oh ell

I guess opening up about being emotionally abused and cheated on is worse than actually abusing and cheating on someone.

and posted it it on places like 4chan to try and get channers to harass her.

at what point did this comment become a fantasy novel?

Gay misogynists are almost worse than the straight ones, since they don't have to pretend to respect women to get laid.

fukken problematic queers

feminist fag hags can go get screwed by the cock that will take them.

I know KIA is filled with idiots but i can't even not defend them when this crap appears and ignores whole swath of the controversy because zoe quinn is a chick and it was started through some sketchy means.